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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. Isn't it amazing how weather magically stops at the border? I'm at the weather station right now. Snow is still light, but the winds just picked up. I've currently got N/E winds at 25 knots gusting to 36. Reduced vis in blowing snow.. Going outside for a smoke break is an ordeal. In all probability I'll be here for a while. Supposed to get off at 6am tomorrow morning, but I can't leave 'till my relief shows up and he drives a '92 Caravan with pieces of baloney instead of actual tires. I'm guessing it might be 20 hours on the job before I get to go home.
  2. I wish they'd just sell the stuff in non leaking containers. I transfer all my Gulp to a suitable sized rubbermaid container with a screw on lid. They come in all sizes and they're cheap.
  3. Depends on where you live. In this area you take your life in your hands when you get behind the wheel after a major dump of snow. You're at the mercy of every reckless idiot who doesn't know how to drive. We had a minor dump recently, nothing major, but the roads were snow covered. It was 7am and I think to myself, perfect time to head over to Home Depot and brouse around, there won't be a soul on the road. I put the truck in 4 wheel, sip my coffee, and leisurely drive over to the store. Totally enjoying the snow covered roads and blowing snow. I get to the main road where the entrance to HD is. There's one vehicle in front of me also turning left to go in. I'm keeping my distance leaving about 2 car lengths between us. Just as both of us are about to start turning left on an advanced green I see a red Honda approaching rapidly in the right lane, doing at least 80km. I figured he was going to blast right through the intersection but when he came abreast of me he put his left indicator on, swung wide, and tried to squeeze in front of me right in the middle of the intersection. I laid on the horn and was afraid to brake and start sliding all over the place. I would've absolutely hit him if he had pulled off his stupid manouver. He swings even wider, his back end fishtailing all over the place and pulls in behind me. It was like a scene out of Dukes Of Hazzard I'm trying to stay calm but it's hard since he's flashing his lights at me non stop and blaring his horn inches from my rear bumper. My blood pressure rose even higher when he followed me into the empty Home Depot parking lot, pulled in right behind me and jumped out of his car. He looked to be 19 or 20 to me, driving one of those uber gay souped up Honda Civics. There's more to the story but I'll end it here. I HATE driving here when there's snow on the roads.
  4. I never thought I'd say this, but if I eat one more steak or shrimp I'm gonna barf. Works though. 12lb's melted away since Jan 5th.
  5. You guys can come over anytime. I'm in a cranky mood though. I'm in withdrawl from carbohydrates and sugar (stupid diet ) Plus no alcohol of any kind It's going to be a fantastic week.
  6. Of all the weeks for this.. My wife is enjoying her Christmas present from me in the Dominican this week. The kids and the puppie are running amok and now this. God help me.
  7. We're taking mine in September.
  8. Really? Because your response would suggest otherwise. The Ontario government issued land use permits to the outfitters for their fly in outpost camps. (I say "issued" because they're rarely granting any new ones, they havn't for years) Obviously if a lake is too small they're not going to issue multiple permits to several different outfitters. Some larger lakes do operate with several different outfitters on them. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing stopping anyone with a plane including other outfitters from flying into a lake with another outfitters camp on it. Outfitters will never do this though. There's an unspoken agreement that they won't infringe on their competitors lakes. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing stopping me or you from paddling and portaging via legal means into a lake with an outpost camp on it, I've done it many times. So when Air Ivanhoe says they've had the choice locations since 1954 that means they've held the land use permit for that particular lake since 1954. It DOES NOT mean they own exclusive rights to that body of water.
  9. With BPS or Cabelas there are never any surprise charges when the item is delivered. The entire cost is calculated when you place your order. Go through the order process online and get a total amount. If it's too much then don't place the order.
  10. For those that are missing the point specific access roads to lakes with (usually) fly in outfitters operating on them are being restricted. This is done to protect the interests of the outfitter. This is also nothing new, it's been done for decades. Nobody is stopping anyone from accessing a body of water via OTHER means. Either paddle or portage in without using the restricted road or find another lake. I'll wager there's few who've fished as many backs lakes as I have over the years. I've never had any issues either finding a suitable lake or catching fish. I've also seen first hand fisheries literally decimated by new roads opening up otherwise untouched bodies of water.
  11. Great day on the ice, but wow scary stuff! That could've been a lot worse.
  12. Looks a beautiful day on the ice Dan.
  13. Buddy you need to calm down. It never ceases to amaze me how some people react on the winternet. If you thought my previous statement was inflammatory in any way then I'm sorry. Regarding the meat of your response it's patently untrue. I'd suggest that before you engage in discussion on an open forum you learn the facts.
  14. Camp Localsh is great, Wabatong is a big beautiful lake, but it's not inexpensive. Even taking the train in it's pretty much on par with the cost of a fly in. The other camps on the lake aren't overly cheap either. Horwood is good. My very inexperienced sister in law and brother in law went last June and had a great time. In the Chapleau area I'd check out Happy Day Lodge on Windermere Lake. It may be difficult to find an opening though as they're always booked: http://www.happydaylodge.com/ In the Bisco area check out Ray's camp on Ramsey lake. Getting there entails a boat ride down Biscotasing lake, then overland via tractor and cart to the lodge. Great walleye fishing there. http://www.rayscamps.com/ As an alternative if you want to pm me I can give you 3 great options for outpost camps on excellent walleye lakes that are accessed by water, atv, or a combination of both (in all cases the outfitter gets you and yours in and out of the camp).
  15. Give me one single example in Ontario, I dare you. Certain roads have and will be restricted but no outfitter has exclusive rights to a lake. This is not Quebec where many outfitters have exclusive rights or Labrador where a non resident is required to use an outfitter or a guide.
  16. I'm well aware of the fact it's fly in lakes with outfitters on them. You're making a pretty large assumption there. Of course I "get" it. If I want to I can still paddle and portage my way in. Or even better fly in with an outfitter. You guys are trying to say that ATV accessable lakes are not as fished out as ones aren't accessable by ATV? There's plenty of lakes that DON'T have outfitters on them. Find one and go wild.
  17. That lake can be tough. In the immediate area Camp Anjigami is good: http://www.campanjigami.com/ A little further down 101 towards Chapleau, Happy Day Lodge on Windermere Lake is great: http://www.happydaylodge.com/
  18. Don't thank me, I did nothing! Albert did everything, he's a good man and deserves a big thanks for sure. He dropped the motor off at my place last night, and buddy you got a GREAT deal. This thing looks like it was never used, absolutely MINT!
  19. I'd see the inherent good in preserving fish stocks.
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