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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. My friend I don't remember any conversation with you. Honestly I answer inquiries from people on a daily basis, sometimes VERY lengthy. Most times with a thank you for my time, many, many times without. Either way I'm fine with it. I have a full time job, 2 young kids, pretty busy lifestyle but I do try my best. I seriously don't have a clue what you're referring to and I mean that. First you say I don't help Americans, now you're calling me a liar? I have nothing to hide 'cause I know I've done nothing wrong. If you have something to say then by all means don't beat around the bash, SAY IT. Feel free to pm me if you'd care to discuss your issue. If you want to continue this publicly I'm okay with that too.
  2. I don't have a clue what you're implying and if I did I wouldn't hesitate to elaborate believe me. I get countless inquiries from people on both sides of the border about Eddie's camp and otherwise. I always try and help everyone. Did you ask for help and I didn't come through? If so it was an oversight and I'm sorry.
  3. I've spent more than one Canada day long weekend camping at the Bad river delta downstream from where you're going. Never in my life have I seen mosquitos that bad. Not a nightfall thing either, they'd start early evening and swarm like you wouldn't believe. A small compact screen tent from Canadian Tire might not be a bad idea. The Ox bay area in general has good fishing. Being in a canoe you may be hamstrung somewhat though. On the way down the Pickeral check your map and look for small lakes/back bays that feed into the river on your left side. If memory serves from the train bridge down to Ox bay. One in particular you had to pull over a beaver dam to get in...pretty good fishing. In that area we'd always head up the main channel of the French to the train bridge then Flat Rapids just beyond for walleye. Not sure if that's out of reach for you. In general if you want bigger walleye on that system troll the shorelines at night with floating Rapalas or something similar.
  4. Yeah yeah I know. Light spectrums, scientific tests, articles... Unless you're actually a fish who knows what they see. It's all just speculation.
  5. Just out of curiosity, how do you guys know for an absolute fact that red can't be seen in deep water? When that claim is made are you talking about the human eye or from a fishes perspective? How does anyone really know what a fish sees? I've always found those types of statements funny.
  6. I despise urban racoons. I had a bunch of them under my deck as well when I lived in Dundas. They made a mess and crapped everywhere. I attacked them a few times with my hard rake and got a couple of vicious shots in. They left and never came back. My dad had a problem as well and resorted to trapping them. He would actually spray their butts with orange spray paint so he'd know if the same ones made their way back to his property. One day he trapped a big old gnarly one and put it in the back of his truck meaning to release it enroute to work. 'Course he forgot about it and it just so happened he was working in downtown Toronto that day. Upon arriving he let the beast go in a parking lot behind a high end mens wear store then went inside the back entrance. About 5 minutes later there was a huge commotion out front. Apparantly the coon (painted butt and all) was running up and down the sidewalk terrorizing the local yuppies. My dad loves telling that story.
  7. I'm more than happy to help anyone who's headed up there. PM me with any questions you might have.
  8. My uncle fished Shining Tree a lot in the late 50's. Having little money he built his own boat out of plywood, strapped it to the roof of his VW Beetle and made the long trek up there from Toronto. Back then even main highways were an adventure. He stopped going there in the early 70's 'cause as he said, "it's all fished out now". The more things change the more they stay the same, everything is relative.
  9. Okay, you must have lost a bet that's my guess. Nice bunch of fish though!
  10. You might want to consider a cradle. Rolls up and stows neatly out of the way and is fantastic for handling fish, especially larger ones.
  11. Chris, specifically talking lower end portable units I've never had good luck with Humminbird. I've owned 2 over the years, both have given me grief. Eagle has far and away been the best brand in my experience. I currently have an Eagle Cuda 300 portable unit and it's been flawless. Nothing fancy, but for my uses it's perfect.
  12. I can only imagine. My dogs brain melts when she sees a squirrel in the backyard.
  13. Yes! Sorry but your interpretation is wrong. I can have a limit of walleye from both ON and QC in my freezer. If I for whatever reason got questioned by a CO the onus is on me to prove where the walleye came from which I surely would. There would be no charges laid and if there were they wouldn't get very far with them. If you have no proof of what you're saying then yeah you're screwed.
  14. Not surprisingly you're not getting it. Who's talking about boundary waters? The majority of the people who chimed in, myself included, aren't talking about boundary waters. The point in question is keeping multiple limits from different provinces or states assuming you're carrying current licenses for each specific area. And in turn potentially having your possesion limit from each area in your freezer at home.
  15. I'm not saying that's what I actually practice on a regular basis. I'm merely pointing out the legalities. If however I do want to keep a limit of walleye from both ON and QC I would and wouldn't lose any sleep over it. There seems to be a newer generation of anglers, weened on merits of catch and release that's shoved down our throats on practically every single fishing show and magazine article. It's definitely not a bad thing..but when someone is following all the laws and wants to keep his limit or limits then so be it. Nothing wrong with that at all. At lot of the holier than thou sentiments from people jumping up on their soapbox smacks of tree hugging, eco-touring, card carrying members of P eta. But that's just me.
  16. Oh really? The dark side? I would sincerely love to know what you're thinking because what you're intimating doesn't reflect very well on you.
  17. Interesting thread, I've learned a couple things. No one's exempt from stupid behaviour on the water including the OPP. And it seems that some tournament anglers believe their rights on the water are more important than everyone elses. Why am I not surprised.
  18. Great stuff bud! Y'know I grew up fishing Gull lake for bass, my uncle had a cottage there for years. I used to do pretty well, lots of big bass. Nice to see there's still a few left.
  19. Apparantly I'm flying into Richter lake.
  20. Great stuff Jay, nice to see a report from you! As far as the fawns not having scent, my 71/2 month old German Shorthair sniffed one out of a dense thicket last week and caught it. Had it pinned on the ground with her paws and had her mouth around the deers nose by the time I caught up. No harm to the fawn at all amazingly. She didn't bite down at all and when I knelt down beside her she let go. My 4 year old got to pet the baby deer for a minute or two then we backed off and the fawn took off like a scalded cat. Pretty cool.
  21. Right on Dan, sounds like a blast.
  22. Not sure how much logging activity there is, but good luck on your trip! And please post a couple of pic's on your return.
  23. And so it begins. The annual bonanza of bass from 24/7! Keep 'em coming dude!
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