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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. What did they taste like and how were they cooked? Just curious.
  2. You're 100% correct Bass Man you're entitled to your opinion and if that includes criticism of someone in particular so be it.
  3. Here. Really great price but they only ship to the states. http://www.knives.net/ULUPAGE.htm You could also try try pm'ing Drifter_016 up in Yellowknife, he may be able to track one down for you.
  4. An interesting trip for sure. What species were the fish you caught in the 2nd outing?
  5. Charles walleye should be relatively easy to target. Remember it's a river. Look for any current breaks (small islands or rockpiles are obvious) and fish the slack water behind them. Troll worm harness and sufficiently heavy bottom bouncers dead slow to locate fish. Once you've found concentrations a jig and twister tipped with either half a worm or a minnow worked across the bottom will catch fish. Not sure what the reg's are for the Ottawa regarding the use of live minnows. The rest of QC they're verboten.
  6. In that limited drive range your best bet at least for trophy fish imo is Georgian Bay Fishing Camp. http://www.georgianbayfishing.com/
  7. Truly amazing, what an experience!
  8. Radiant lake is good, but much of it is very shallow and sandy. The inlet of the river can be good especially at night. Be careful eating those walleye, they're heavily contamiated with mercury. Have fun and bring lots of bug dope.
  9. Hey you should be a weatherman! "Todays forcast: sun, with a possibility of clouds. No rain on the horizon, but we might see the odd shower". Ambiguity is an essential skill.
  10. Agreed. I've always found a late spring and high water means great fishing. Assuming you find them of course. If you don't have a temperature readout on your finder buy a thermometer. Check the temps in various different spots. Even a difference of 2-3 degrees can be huge this time of year and usually that's where the fish are. Remember, think shallow and protected and look for new weedgrowth.
  11. In general Cabelas is where I buy a lot of my stuff. If you live close enough to a border you can have your stuff shipped to the closest UPS depot in the States. Or alternatively maintain a mailbox at one of those commercial outlets. It's inexpensive and a real cost saver if you order a lot of stuff online. Besides Cabelas Outlet Bait and Tackle always has some unreal prices on stuff. Very dangerous website for me. http://www.overstockbait.com/default.asp Sierra Trading Post is also good. Lots of good deals there and a great company to deal with. http://www.sierratradingpost.ca/
  12. You should be coming yourself!! You will be missed. I'll drink my first real beer since Christmas in your honour. Never had any luck at all with anything made by Storm. Maybe they deserve another look. There's not much doubt subtle baits will work well. Doug, we're going to have some fun up there buddy.
  13. Thanks for pointing that out I never would have figured it out.
  14. C'mon man my pike are waaay bigger than that! Ah to be young again. Have a great summer up there, I'm very envious.
  15. This is just a general thought not specific to the French. Late spring and high cold water generally means fish shallow. If you think you're fishing shallow enough go even shallower. Defintely less than 10', many times 3-6'... Under these identical conditions in the shield lakes I fish the best early season spots are the warmest. Shallow south facing bays protected from the main body of water are key.
  16. You don't need a lathe. Hvy grit sandpaper will take care of that quite fast. Rip a strip off and wrap it around the cork and start turning. Really, it's not a big deal.
  17. I'll bet that burned their , shoe being on the other foot for a change.
  18. I doubt Mudhole is giving you the runaround. Many times those preformed cork arbors need to be sanded to fit. 5 minutes of sanding and you'll have a perfect and proper fit.
  19. Have a great trip Connie! Hoping to see some big gators.
  20. Nothing better than a fly in with the boys, thanks for sharing!
  21. I'll agree on $2500 give or take for the package as well.
  22. They look great! I bought all my reapers and cobra head jigs at ebait.com
  23. So far I havn't caught a thing on chatter baits. They do look good though. Maybe this'll be the trip. No no, I just bought regular Silver Minnow spoons and painted them. Nothing that complicated.
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