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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. So very sorry to hear this news. Condolences to the entire family.
  2. Nice job gent's! Amazing to me how just a little further north the ice conditions are perfect.
  3. Truly amazing Steve, well done!
  4. Jimmy??? That would be crazy if your name was drawn. I guess you're eligible.
  5. You must have misunderstood bud, we don't have any copies of the magazine. We did print off a handful just so we'd have something for sales and to show people but don't have any for the general public. All we have right now is a digital version of the premier issue which you can get here: http://www.canadafishingguide.net/magazine/ I'm pretty sure we'll be printing the mag this year and we're all excited about that!
  6. Only if you get on my nerves. Then I'll tie you to the flagpole in front of the lodge and beat you with a trout. I'll bet you'd like it too.
  7. Thanks for the vote of confidence LOL! Personally I can't picture Brock guiding anyone unless it's to the beer store so I guess we're even.
  8. Pretty sure I'll have a booth at the Hamilton show.
  9. Excellent, thanks! I'm a bit biased but I agree it's a great opportunity. This is probably worth mentioning. Corey Myers is the head guide at Frontier and will be the person guiding both myself and whoever wins. Typically I hate being guided myself, but this time it's cool. I've gotten to know Corey quite well over the last few months and can honestly say he is a genuinely nice young man and incredibly enthusiastic! He also knows the lake inside out. There is zero doubt on my part that spending a week with him will be a huge plus and a lot of fun!
  10. Maybe so, you could be right about that. On a contest related note I received word from both Eppinger Lures this morning as well as St. Croix Rods. Eppinger will be providing a substantial prize package of lures including a suitable array of Husky Devle and Husky Junior spoons for the contest winner. They are a staple for big lake trout in the far north. St. Croix will be donating a suitable St. Croix Premier casting rod, most likely a light musky stick as it would suit the fishing that will be encountered best. Almost certainly it will be the 8' M/H stick, model PM80MHF.
  11. Fantastic! Most people never have the stones to follow their dream, good luck with the move and a big thumbs up!
  12. Sure as long as you agree to be the Cabin Boy. We need someone to cater to our every whim.
  13. For what it's worth I pushed hard to make this a straight draw and totally free. The Facebook aspect was a direct request from Frontier Lodge - they wanted to boost their presence on Facebook and I thought it was a reasonable request. Some people have complained to me privately about the Facebook thing. All I can say is I'm trying my best guys. I do try to please everyone, but it's not always possible.
  14. Why? Are you in prison? That's not allowed unfortunately.
  15. I'll be your friend LOL! Radical atheist's get one extra entry! But only after sending in 100 box tops from Ezekiel Golden Flax. It's actually pretty easy to do. Or at least inactivate it. It's all there in settings. That's the spirit Cliff!
  16. Yes you are eligible, it's a straight draw and it's being handled by an unbiased third party. I suspect there would be internet outrage if you did win, but I'm willing to live with that.
  17. All info is in the contest rules. Draw will occur on June 15. Whoever wins may be scrambling a little bit as the trip is August 6.
  18. Steve, yes it's worth it! I faith in you, you can figure it out.
  19. Thanks guys! Best part is no cost to enter. (I had to pull rank with the other people involved to make that happen. )
  20. Hey everyone if you've ever dreamed of fishing Great Slave Lake here's your chance! In a nutshell one very lucky angler will join me at Frontier Fishing Lodge August 6-13, 2016 for the fishing adventure of a lifetime. http://www.frontierfishinglodge.com/ The trip is inclusive from Yellowknife, N.W.T. and includes return float plane from Yellowknife to the lodge, all meals and fully guided. Hotel in town the night before the trip is also part of the package. Additional prizes provided by Eppinger Lures and St. Croix Rods. Enjoy world class trophy fishing for lake trout, northern pike and arctic grayling all set against a jaw dropping wilderness background. There is no cost to enter! Simply fill out the entry form located on the Canada Fishing Guide website. Please make sure to "like" both Frontier's and Canada Fishing Guide's Facebook pages! You will need to have a Facebook account and be logged in when you click on the entry form. If you don't have a Facebook account, well then create one. It's a very simple and easy process! Good luck to everyone involved. I hope to see lots of OFC members enter! http://www.canadafishingguide.net/win-a-dream-trip-contest/
  21. Would have been cool to join you guys. Looks like fun, and yeah, Julian is a good man.
  22. Great report, looks like a lot of fun!
  23. That's horrible, tragic and baffling. I can't imagine how one let alone two kayakers could die in the Credit River. Regardless of time of year.
  24. That is clearly a matter of personal opinion.
  25. No I haven't fished it, but I have talked to Hearst at length about the lake and have heard great things. I can't believe you wouldn't love it. In fact I'm sure you would. Two summer's ago I fished Sunshine Lake which is by far their smallest and least popular camp. Sunshine was for years George Veilleux's personal camp and was built for family trips. Then at some point they opened it to the public. I believe Sunshine is probably their worst lake and it's still fantastic. Martison is considerably larger. Booking that camp would be a very low risk. The ONLY thing about Hearst is all of their outposts are very basic. They're perfectly clean and comfortable, but have coleman lanterns for light, no furniture to speak of, no running water, etc..They're like all outpost camps used to be 25 years ago. I like them myself. My report on Sunshine: http://www.canadafishingguide.net/walleyes-gone-wild-a-father-and-son-fly-in-trip-with-hearst-air/
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