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Everything posted by solopaddler

  1. I was kidding, it's not going to happen LOL!
  2. Haven't seen the Northland ones. A viable alternative that will be easier to find locally is the Phantom wacky wiggler nymphs sold by Redwing Tackle. They're about the same size as the Northland nymphs and come in a bunch of colours.
  3. I'll post a video on youtube Dave it'll go viral LOL! I'm a roe tying prodigy.
  4. Well duh! Of course I still tie roe! As much as I enjoy fishing artificials roe will still often times out fish anything. I take my roe tying pretty seriously actually. When done correctly they are the equivalent of a Belgium Truffle to the fish - irresistible! Yes I still use a Spawnee tyer, and I am FAST. I've won more than one bet with guys tying roe by hand head to head. Brian, the Spawnee tyer is not the orange plastic thing, those things are useless. This is a Spawnee tyer (minus the roll of mesh attached at the side, no one uses that) Too bad you didn't bring it with you to Ontario putz. You know how much I HATE tying roe for you?????
  5. Holding my wife's purse is not anything I ever do! My girl friends purse is a different story.
  6. Dude, he's still there. I got him when I crossed a couple weeks ago!
  7. Kind of off topic but sort of related and funny. Years back I guided a group of three from the Oshawa area for a week at Kesagami Lodge. The leader of the trio, Adam, was a guy who owned a hydroponics growing store in Oshawa. The other guy looked exactly like Hyde from That 70's Show and the third was a pretty hot looking hooker they dragged along with them. Their tackle boxes were filled with a wide array of highly illegal substances, there were very few lures. First 10 minutes on the water they made me stop the boat in the middle of some pretty rough seas. I had no clue what was going on. Adam says "Duuuude our guide last year on Great Bear was killer! We taught him how to roll us the best dubes in some really gnarly water. Now it's your turn!!!" So while the other two looked on and snickered they gave me a crash course in dube rolling and everyone was happy for the rest of the week. I have a LOT more stories about these guys, but let's just say it was an interesting week.
  8. You would have liked this for sure!
  9. Thanks guys! For me (and Dave as well) this was more about just getting out, the fish are just a bonus. I've been so busy all fall I've barely fished steelhead at all and it's been killing me! Being by ourselves was the best part! Yes on both counts! That river is really something special. Here's hoping there's still a chance to hook up. NEVER!!!
  10. As most of you guys know Dave is down from Yellowknife for the month of December for a visit. Long before he moved north we fished a lot of steelhead together here in the Great Lakes region so it really was nice to share a drift with him again. It's been five years since the last time which frankly blows my mind. The older you get the faster time seems to fly by... In any case being blessed with mild weather we decided to make the long run to Michigan to fish the Manistee for a couple of days. It's a compelling river, large and challenging. Every fish hooked is hard earned and memorable, it really is steelhead fishing at its finest at least imo. While we didn't set the world on fire we caught fish consistently and guess what? Dave and I were the ONLY two anglers fishing a long stretch of prime river! It doesn't get any better than that!! Here's a handful of shots including a couple of Dave hard at work in his office. There will be more updates throughout December, this was just a start.
  11. Sorry to hear TJ, that sucks.
  12. I realize I may lose some potential readers but I'm okay with that. How-to style articles will never have a place in the magazine for better or for worse. It will be devoted solely to highlighting interesting angling destinations from coast to coast. Not just 5 star destinations although they will have a place, because frankly people like to dream. But pretty much any fishery that's interesting or unique. There will also be a healthy dose of more narrative style pieces, stories more than anything else. Also there'll be some interesting bio's on anglers - people who've spent a lifetime exploring the wilder areas of Canada. There's a whole lot of guys out there with a lot of interesting stories to tell! This is the exact stuff I like to read which is why I'm doing this. My hope is there's enough other people out there who agree! I do know this is a concept that has never been explored before in a fishing magazine so I think it sets it apart. The other factor is this format is sommething that can be marketed quite successfully in the States as there's a WHOLE lot of U.S. anglers who enjoy coming to Canada to fish! How-to type formats are a dime a dozen and would be a much harder sell Stateside.
  13. HAHAHA! Awesome!
  14. No worries. My digital platform Magzter is the largest of its kind in the world with over 27 million subscribers. They are more secure than Fort Knox.
  15. What a bizarre thing to find on the curb! Cool
  16. I have a personal Facebook page where the magazine info has been posted, among other things. It's a good idea, appreciate the support!! In the meantime best of luck with your job search, that's gotta be tough! What help??? LOL!
  17. Thanks bud! For what it's worth the exact concept you discussed was incorporated into the magazine. It's called "Campfire Tales" and there will be a short narrative piece written by me reminiscing about a past experience in every issue. I thought the one in my premier issue turned out pretty good. Things admitedly have started out slow and I've been a bit bummed out, but I'm in this for the long haul. The team I have behind me is unreal in every way and they're giving me a lot of hope.
  18. I would LOVE to hear this LOL!
  19. Support for my magazine. Very few people are buying it.
  20. Thanks Joey! That's no coincidence Rick. That's God's way of saying "Buy 10,000 copies of Mike's magazine and you will catch more fish!"
  21. Thanks, and DEFINITELY drop me a line!! Thanks Billy.
  22. Thanks! Fact is as a writer there is zero money to be made. It's a huge investment in time for what amounts to pocket change. Frankly I don't expect to make a ton of money with this project, more than anything I'm just following my dream and doing what I love. Thanks Rick, it's nice to hear feedback from someone who's actually seen and read the premier issue. I will still continue to post online, but based on the feedback I've received I'll be waiting until the associated magazine feature is published. I've been averaging 80 hour weeks for a long time now and that won't be changing anytime soon.
  23. I'd have to change the name and the entire concept of the mag. I have nothing against hunting, but I have a clear vision on what I'd like a fishing magazine to be. This is it.
  24. Thanks Rick! I'm 90% sure that's exactly how I'm going to handle things. On a side note have you booked Whiteclay or Whitewater yet?
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