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Everything posted by Fisherpete

  1. I went to one of the CT stores today, wondering the same thing about the sale... and saw 1/2 price floater suits, but nothing else in the ice fishing section was on sale. I went to customer service and had one of the managers look on the computer at some of the ice fishing stuff to see if they would be on sale - he could not find anything...
  2. I didn't see any herring yesterday, but the deepest I ventured was only around 52'. The few perch I caught from that depth were kept out of necessity... as you mentioned, air bladder out the mouth!
  3. I was out there on Wednesday... the bite was tough in the deeper perch areas where I have been doing well this year (35'-45')... glad to see you got into them!
  4. Oh ok... since you twisted my rubber arm... here is some of my best from 2009 and 2010. 27" Walleye 20" Smallmouth bass Nice largemouth bass caught in a storm 20.5" Smallmouth bass 42" Muskie 43" Muskie Release shot 47" Muskie (PB... caught solo so nobody to take pic ) Release shot 47" Muskie (tied PB from the 5 days before!) 40" Muskie... fatty! 27" Laker (PB) 25" Whitefish (PB) 24" Laker
  5. My brother has the 14 widebody, great boat. He has had it for 4 years, does not leak a drop. He does not fish that much though... it really is a bare-bones utility boat. If I were you, I would opt for the 14 or 16 pro sport, ready to fish from. I am seriously thinking about getting the 16 pro sport in the near future.
  6. Lol... true enough! I was happy enough to save the $20... I was going there anyway to fill my propane tank.
  7. Just a little fyi... I bought a 5' Coleman bulk propane hose from CT last week, to hook up my 10lb tank to my Mr. Heater... $44.99... (ouch). I was at Princess Auto in Whitby today and bought the same 5' hose, but Mr. Heater brand, for $24.99! Coleman one has now been returned to CT...
  8. All 5 of my local Scarborough CT stores show "in stock" for both the 5lb and 8.8lb tanks... darn, now I have to go and buy one LOL and the hose adapter too... there goes $80+!!!! I looked last year and nobody had any... Oh well, it will pay for itself in one season pretty much... those 1lb tanks are nearly $5 each these days!
  9. HOLY CRAP!!!! I just saw that I won the whitefish/laker trip in your contest! Where was I on December 18th when it was posted??!?!!?!? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! PM sent LMAO!!!!! Nice lakers by the way!
  10. I have tried many of the "ice lines", and there are mixed results: Berkley Micro Ice - very good. Fairly cheap too, and I like the blue. I use 4 lb or 6lb on several of my setups. P-Line Fluoroclear - AWESOME. Not the straight fluorocarbon version, but the fluorocarbon coated mono - it is my fave ice line, but I can't find any 2 or 4lb test this year... Only 6lb, so that is on my trout/whitey setups. If anyone knows where I can get some in 2 or 4, please let me know! Berkley Fireline Ice - You can feel everything, but MUST use in a heated hut or you are wasting your time. Expensive too. Powerpro Ice - Again, you can feel everything, but MUST use in a heated hut or you are wasting your time. Really pricey. I also have good ol' regular Trilene XT or XL on a few rods - 4lb test - works just about as well as the ice mono...
  11. No... no time yet to try any adjustments yet... this week I am off from Wednesday to Saturday, and will be hitting the ice at least twice on those days. I think I will just see how she does this week and then take it in for warranty service after that if it does not get any better. All the discussion of damaging cylinders, running it too lean, voiding warranties etc. has me worried about tinkering with it myself...
  12. Well, after walking out on Thursday and nearly keeling over from dragging the shelters and gear thru the snow drifts, my buddy Al went out and picked up a used ATV! What is required for us to be legal on the ice? I am guessing the following: Helmets Registration (where do you do this?) Plates Insurance What about for towing gear? I am guessing you need to have some sort of tow bar or something? How do you attach this to portable shelters/sleds etc? Thanks in advance for the answers!
  13. Hey guys and gals... last March I picked up a Jiffy Stealth STX 10" 3hp auger. I only used it 4 times that March, and noticed that it was very difficult to start - like 20 or 25 pulls every time. Took it out yesterday and same story. It often stalls when running too. You can cut a hole or 2, then it stalls... have to keep priming it too just to get it running. I am thinking there might be some sort of fuel delivery problem? It has fresh gas, properly mixed to 40:1. It is still under warranty, and if all else fails, I will take it in for servicing, but does anyone have any suggestions for me to try? I don't want to have any down time once Lady Simcoe is ready!
  14. Awwwwwww man.... as if I wasn't already jonesing to get out for lakers on Simcoe!!! C'MON ICE!!!!! Great video. I had a day out at BBP a few years back when there was about 6" of ice like that, and saw the whitefish coming up from way down. Soooooo cool.
  15. Lake Simcoe trout HATE them LOL
  16. They have some of the ice fishing gear at 20% off this week, some of the shelters, augers, etc... go to the website and look thru the weekly flyer. Then begin the near impossible quest for the store that has any stock! But the big sale (1/2 price on most stuff) is typically in March as the season winds down. Got my gas auger there last time the sale was on, along with a bunch of other stuff (ice cleats, sled, lures, line... I better stop before wifey sees this post!)
  17. Go to Harry's bait... he sells minnows too. (GOOD scoops) He is there really early every morning. Harry's Riverside Sports and Bait 905-476-0441
  18. Got on the ice today, out from Keswick... 6 to 7 inches of ice everywhere we went. Walked out and fished in 12 feet of water. The perch were on fire, and some decent sized ones too. Bite was non-stop almost the time (8am-1pm), caught tons, I kept around 30 or so. I only used artificial bait today. The two guys I was out with used minnows, and did even better for size. The two of them took home a great feed. Also saw somebody pull out a nice 10+ pound pike. Great to be back out on the hard water again!
  19. LeBarons had a no-tax sale, plus you could use your club card for an additional 10% off... needless to say all the gift certificates I had been stockpiling are now history!
  20. Pike & Walleye - Mepps Aglia #5 Pike, Walleye, Bass - Blue Fox #5 Muskie - Rockstar Lures (made by board member Mepps)
  21. "If I remember correctly this boat is rated for 40hp max. The base package comes with a twenty." Actually, this model is rated for up to 60hp, the base model is advertised (badly IMHO) with a 25. Yes, the 25 is to keep the price point down, etc., but if anyone bought this package with a 25 it would be VERY dissapointing unless all your fishing was done solo, and never filling the livewell. Also, it is a welded hull, which I personally like, but as mentioned in the above post, can have issues. http://www.legendboats.com/en/view/boat/2009_16_xcite
  22. Don't forget to grab a set of ice cleats, like the HT ones that strap over your boots. Some models are less than $10 and make walking out there SO much better, especially if there is smooth ice. Other than that, what the other guys said... Basics 5" or 6" hand auger A couple of ice rods and reels Wire stands for the rods are cheap and nice to set the rods in when the bite is slow Proper line - for panfish 2 or 4 lb is plenty, I would avoid braids for open air fishing Minnow pail & scoop Terminal tackle - hooks, weights Panfish sized lures/jigs & artificial bait to tip them with (ie power maggots) Pail with padded seat (like a Frabill sit & fish) Proper footwear (the one area NOT to cheap out on is your boots) Next step = more $ but more comfort and fun Portable shelter - makes things a LOT more enjoyable if the wind is howling Fishfinder or flasher Portable heater Power auger Sled/atv... Yikes... I just need the sled now lol!
  23. My friend Al bought that exact boat this spring, but only went with the 4 stroke 30... blah. It goes fine with 2 guys, but 3 or more and she plows. Fill the livewell - and she plows. If you get it, go with at least a 50. Other than being underpowered with the 30, it is an AWESOME boat to fish from.
  24. I already fish for them now - Muskie. When I get my 50", maybe I will consider another species... but probably not
  25. I just picked up a pair of Wind Rivers too, they had the -100 model on sale from $139 down to $109, and I got a coupon in my flyers for another $10 off... so $99. Not bad at all! I was going to just grab another pair of the rubber minus 40 rated Kamiks that did me really well for the past 6 years - and with that same coupon I could have got them for a measly $25!!!! But I chose to go with the better ones, since I plan on fishing the hell out of Simcoe this winter... gonna get me a 15lb laker come hell or high water!
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