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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. Dan I'm very sorry to hear of your loss if you need anything don't hesitate to call me any time! My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
  2. Thanks for posting Dan hopefully next time it won't just be a really cold boat ride and we will actually catch fish.
  3. It was free but I wouldn't call holding a tape labour LOL cool shots of the kids buddy your not the only one's that got skunked
  4. Nice job. I would be really carefull first time pulling it might change the way it pulls or turns just thinkin out loud would hate to see ya ding the boat or tow vehicle .
  5. Nice can't go wrong with a jeep
  6. Nice here's the one I made Kaleb for his first B-day .
  7. Here's some new toy's I picked up really nice rods IMO if anyone would like to check these out feel free to PM me.
  8. LOL do I need to check the rating on my boat I'm not a little guy either certainly we can't weigh more than 6 people
  9. The 2011 I stood in at the show was on the exact same trailer as my 1825 rebel I think you will be fine but def check what the dry weight of the boat is and make sure the trailer is rated for that and the weight of motors and gas + for gear
  10. Vince I was at the Timmies parked in a feild beside it at the corner of #3 and the road that goes down to the river I wasn't fishing just driving home with the new boat. Thanks for all the comments guys and Banger thats a sweet ride
  11. Yes it's a 2 stroke .I went with the 2 because it was a lot less $$$ than a 4stk and a lot lighter .I have been in a few boats with 4s on them and they seem pretty sluggish to me this thing is real snappy just hit the throttle and your up on plane and gone its like a 5-6 second holeshot and your doing 30-35 mph in no time I am really happy with the preformance so far and I am still being easy on it to break it in.
  12. 39.9 mph in a good chop better than I thought it would do
  13. here's a quick vid of the boat action my bro's a horrible camera man LOL
  14. it's a 80lb terrova and from the sounds of the replies I think the mechanic at the marina was full of it I will do some reading and figure it out should have done that in the first place LOL
  15. it's for the ducer and syncing to the HDS unit there's features in both that will make it easier to use the I-pilot (like making a way point and it will take you there) that I don't know will work without connecting the 2 I have 2 novels worth of manuals to read so I will figure it out eventually just hoping to find a easy answer LOL
  16. I hope this is the case then I made the right choice I was also thinking a 150hp e-tec would be a great motor on this thing but that would over power it a bit .I have no plans of upgrading any time soon anyways I just need to get out fishing .
  17. OK so I got the new boat and got a nice suprise. I thought I was just getting a 80lb terrova with universal sonar but they put the one with I-pilot on it so I have this amazing trolling motor but I don't have a fishfinder/GPS for the bow so I'm wondering if anyone has used the features of the Ipilot and should I try to find a extention to hook it up to my HDS 7 at the helm .I'm taking my little bro out fishing next weekend I cant wait to play with all this technology gonna take awhile to figure things out .I haven't even looked for a extention for the I-pilot cable so I don't even know if it availible.
  18. LOL I know it will take a long time but a goal is a goal it will motivate me. It's a 1825 rebel xl sport .
  19. Yeah it's rated for 125hp but I took it with the 90 so I didn't have to wait for the 125 , 90 was in stock and now I have something to look forward to in 5-6 years plan is to win enough in tourneys to pay for the upgrade
  20. I always thought it was bad luck to name a smaller vessel But I am going to have my SRT8 avatar made into a vinyl sticker for it
  21. Nice shots
  22. Well that duck lure is just awesome hope to see more reports from ya Salty
  23. You could have left that second line out.I really wish I could un-read that But thanks LOL
  24. I prefer Topless
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