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Everything posted by GreenCanada

  1. What a catch! And what an even better release!! May it live to fight another day.
  2. *Walks out the door* I'm going fishing... See you guys later
  3. A couple more, but scenery this time! http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/560/img0678q.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/217/img0596cy.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/830/dsc0207dh.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/51/img0561ju.jpg/
  4. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/690/img0464ee.jpg http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/36/dsc0199kg.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/684/img0622an.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/856/img0643zq.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/707/img0654o.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/818/img2011081800029.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/849/img0685h.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/855/img0694xj.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/84/bowriverbrowntrout.jpg/ If anyone can give me advice for attaching photos using imageshack so they appear in my post and not just the links I would appreciate it!
  5. Greetings! So I have returned from visiting my brother and his girlfriend who live in Calgary. For the week and a half I was out West we travelled most of the time through logging roads in the Okanagan Valley, while also hitting up some out of the way lakes and river locations. Not to mention landing some hammer trouts in the Bow River. Some of the water we fished (not a complete list) : Mabel Lake Garnett Lake Upper Kananaskis lake Lower Kananaskis lake East Kootenay River Thompson River Columbia River South Thompson River Anyways, it was amazing getting back to my home province (BC) and being able to spend some quality time with the people I care about. Hopefully you enjoy the pictures. I landed 5 new (to me) species of fish. Westslope Cutthroat Trout, Bull Trout, Northern Pike Minnow (Northern Pike Minnow) aka Squaw Fish, Rocky Mountain Whitefish, and possibly a Dolly Varden. In addition, I caught my personal best Brown Trout the first day, and then crushed that personal best with a beautiful 23" brown my last day. Pictures to come...
  6. I'll remove your birds nest for a reasonable price.
  7. Beautiful specimen! Hopefully they released that monster to allow it to get even larger!
  8. I could care less what Wal-Mart does. I typically don't shop there as I prefer to support small business owners, especially for fishing gear. Though after reading this article I wouldn't be deterred from buying merchandise from Wal-Mart as I support conservation initiatives and the protection of our environment. I chuckled when reading the article because it was pretty anti-anti-fishing... I'll form my own opinions.
  9. If I'm not mistaken, you can purchase a nautical map from the gatehouse, though I would call ahead to be sure. Also, I've had luck in the southern end of the lake (shallow bay) casting to shore (for bass) or along the eastern weed-beds (for pike). I haven't been out on the water there for a couple years, so I really don't know how high or low the reservoir is. I hammered some decent pike 30"+ in the eastern weed beds, near an older boat launch/picnic area. Just remember, warmer water means a higher probability of worms or parasites! So my suggestion is for live release, but either way happy fishing. Tight lines!
  10. Wow! Thanks for the responses. I definitely believe it is a yellow flame zinnia, though, SmokestackLightnin had a good suggestion. The only real big difference was the number and style of petals. Thanks again, that helped a lot!
  11. Haha, good call! I'm in the process of getting the photo up, I thought I could using my blackberry but turns out I can't! lol
  12. Hey guys and gals, So I have been having some issues identifying this flower and was hoping for some help. Most of us fishermen enjoy the outdoors and therefore some gardening. Any experts or amatuers who can lend a hand or make some guesses?
  13. I played a variety of sports growing up, with most of them being Rep level while a couple were just house league. I learned how to function effectively as a member of a team, I learned how to communicate better, but the one thing I didn't learn from sports was ethics. I learned what is right and wrong from my parents. I often learned ways to "get around the rules" from my coaches and the ridiculous parents (not all) that sometimes were "overzealous" in their screaming and support of their child. Oh, and I noticed that you said a sport you were ok with... What if your child had preferred another sport that you didn't enjoy? Would you force your child to go into that sport? My last comment is this. If I have a couple extra bucks I'll give it to someone who I feel is deserving. Oh, and I would have definitely said something to the parents sitting idly while their children panhandled in front of a store.
  14. Great photos and I like the report as well. The picture of the people in red, is it just me or is that pike FAAAAAAAT. Beautiful specimens, thanks for sharing.
  15. Sweet video, thanks for sharing!
  16. Congrats on the bounty! Garlic is one of my favourite ingredients, it goes on everything. Funny thing is my hands never smell after crushing it, nor my breath smell after eating it. I guess I'm a lucky one!!
  17. I have found the activity in Guelph has really slowed down with the extremely hot days the past two weeks. That being said, you might be able to slam some bass or pike in the Speed Saturday evening just before the "rain" rolls in, if it actually does. My suggestion for lure selection would be a kitchen sink, as they might very well hit everything, including the above mentioned sink.
  18. Nice compilation, thanks for sharing!
  19. I know a guy who grew up / guides in Hornepayne and have been fortunate enough to see some great shots. These definitely compare nicely! Great job, thanks for sharing.
  20. From what I read the fish that could be measured five of the six were in the restricted size class. So not only did they take more fish than legally allowed, over 80% of the ones that could be measured were an illegal size. Is Dan a jerk? Maybe, maybe not. But he was a jerk for taking more than allowed and keeping ones of an illegal size.
  21. The best spot in Caledon to fish is . Whoops, I forgot to add the location, silly me. It must be the rich folk comment that rubbed me the wrong way. Well I will give you a hint, there is a creek that flows under Kennedy Rd just north of Mayfield Rd. I have heard stories of nice specs in there, right around where it crosses under Kennedy. I haven't been there in awhile so I'm not sure how it looks now. You should check it out and report back. I completely agree, the best way to figure out the Credit is on foot. I did just that last weekend for 6 hours on Saturday and caught a couple nice rainbows. Keywords there are "if the residents see". If you want to be stealthy wear earth tones and don't leave garbage behind!
  22. what a pig! Nice catch!!
  23. If you want a toy, get an iPhone. If you want a way to do everything and not get sucked into using it as a toy, then stay with a BB. Different phones for different uses. I have lots of Apple products but keep a BB.
  24. A few years ago I found it easier catching pike in the Credit, then trout. The last couple of years pike have been few and far between in Caledon. Granted, I don't fish it as often as Guelph. The pike in the picture is from the Speed.
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