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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. Yea I remember clearly as I was standing on top of a truck camming it up when one of the guys announced it. It was only the next day when it became clear to what happened when the Commanding Officer announced on Role call to 500 plus troops what had happened. Even that early he announced that one of our closest allies and friends had been attacked and we would be fighting a war and an Enemy that would be Brutal and unconventional. It wasn't long afterwards that General Hilliar revamped the forces to fight the way we fight now as a total force concept. So far hes done a great job that should make everybody proud. We have such a small force but do so much that we have always been the envy of all our allies. I know first hand with my experience in Iraq/Kuwait, Croatia, Bosnia, and Macedonia and our cross training with the Americans and Brits. Buy them a coffee and support them Thanks
  2. Thanks guys, one question though. Fog the engine? is that necessary and what is involved for winterizing and dewinterizing
  3. Lots of work here and they're crying for machinists. Local paper here had a letter from a reader with a good Idea. The government train and (move grant) people out of work in the East that want to work. Makes more sense to me than going outside the country. Anyhow good luck and with your trade you'll do well soon enough. Happy fishing
  4. These guys arent as stupid as they try to make themselves out. THEY know theyre breaking the law and obviuosly they dont care, and use any excuse they can like no speakin English. Just another reason why law enforcement should come down hard on them and the rest of us should report a poacher or violater, ESPECIALLY if you warned them. I cant stand or Buy I speak no English. Send them back where they came from. I guess they dont understand all rules then including rules of the road. No matter, ZERO tolerance for all offenders, no matter what the excuse. Report a Poacher
  5. I have an older Honda 15 four stroke and it runs and starts excellent. I ve used it two years and only changed the engine oil and gear oil. Maybe a spark plug. Should I, or do I have a mechanic tune it for next summer or wait till there are problems. Or do I just keep doing what I'm doing and maybe change the fuel filter if anything. Also for question two, I'm storing the engine indoors for winter. In the past all I did was drain the gas from the carb after running dry and changed the oils then stored it in my basement. Is that good enough as I plan on keeping this motor for the long term. Thanks
  6. Ah, you just found probably the most fun when fishing and thats top water. My favorite is a calm quiet night. The best lure for nite has been a popper. The secret is to cast and pause. Pot the lure and pause. 99 percent of the time the fish will take it on the pause. You have to strike the fish by sound. Most of my fish have been smallmoth and rockbass. A jitterbug is really good too. Black id good as well as a frog color, however its the noise and action thats most important
  7. They should be arrested for being STUPID. Really, Isn't there a law for crossing private property. IE Rappelling up a ship. What would I be charged with if I dangled off the side of the CN Tower. First of all they would put me away to get my head examined, what about those Idiots that chain themselves endangering themselves or the cost of removing them. I say Jail them. Get their heads examined, and sue them for every penny that is wasted on their shenanigans. If not cut them off social assistance
  8. Went up this morning from 1.09 to 112. I was shocked as I heard nothing at all about it. Obviously because of the long weeknd. What bugs me is how we are programed to expect it and take it. These hikes had no warning or no excuse for the reason, Fantastic marketing.
  9. Then maybe its time that we had a non fishing discussion section for us fisherman that like to talk about other things than what we or you caught today. Roy what are you trying to do. Win an award for cutting the most threads.
  10. You would think that owning land with oil underneath would make you a millionaire out here in Sask and Alberta. Wrong, government owns a certain depth. Oil companys pay the farmer a small bit of change to dig a road(lease) on his land and put up an ugly tank or two with a well head. The farmer may get a thousand a month depending how long it produces. As far as the Queen, she is just a figure head in Canada and we are paying taxes to pay for a Governor General. Even less in Quebec which I agree. We are no more, just mere colonialists. We won our independance by sacrafice for the Brits with our blood in South Africa, Vimy, Dieppe, and the Scheldt Estuary. If you dont believe me Google Canadian Independance. As far as the announcer is concerned. He is wrong. Today soldiers are fighting under a Canadian flag for a NATO Commander. NOT BRITISH. Thank-you very much.
  11. Maybe its me, but every time Ive come in contact with a CO they have a poor way of communicating to the public. On back to back weekends in Alberta on 2 different lakes I came across 2 different COs. Never seen one before for at least 15 years. The last time was when I was in BC and got the third degree while fishing for salmon from this well known hard ass CO with a cowboy hat bigger than him. No word of a lie he was about 4 feet but walked around like he was 8 feet. Anyways in Alberta I got a ticket 150 dollars for having filleted a walleye in the boat. I was going to have a shore lunch but rain brought me back to the boat launch where Mr Happy was waiting. No excuses he took my lunch and fined me. Even my military ID didnt give me a break. Then I got a warning ticket for fishing with barbed lures the following week. I got snagged the first month of the first season of the rule change. He was fair I thought (now I always read up to date regulations). So here I am on the way to the Toronto Airport and I stop at Tim Hortins outside of Vaughn on the 400 and I'm reading a map at my car and this CO starts questioning me if I was hunting. Lets see, Tim Hortins parking lot, 4oo highway, Vaughn a city, why pick on me. I'm driving a Sentra. Oh it must of been my sweater with pictures of deer that singled me out. I think that most COs can use some public relation training and not assume everyone purposely breaks the law. Geez show some fairness. So what if your off by an inch. Its not like keeping 3 dozen sport fish. We think that up here, they should get a grip of the freeloaders that are allowed to net. Many of us believe that the government has no Idea on how many so called legal netters are out here. Oh Yea. There is a difference between the fishing in the lakes that are netted and not. I understand where your coming from TG/Connie. Glad they're doing their job, but give some benefit of the doubt
  12. Thanks very much Gerrit, my friend Goin to get a battery before Walmarts closes
  13. Noticed that the battery light would just flicker when accelerating. Sure enough the battery indicator goes down. I but a multimeter on the battery when stopped and it reads 12 and a bit. While engine is going it reads over 14. Yes I cleaned the terminals. Is it the battery or alternator or something else. If its the battery too easy, but my gut says alternator. Replies guys Thanks
  14. First of all, I would of done the same thing. If you don't get satisfaction go up to the next chain of command. Good thing they don't think the same. As far as your boss is concerned he certainly needs to hone up on his man-management skills. I bet you now he may realize how stupid you made him look for making a bad decision. Health and safety should always be a priority. Yup a bad decision. Now for some facts, unfortunately Too many people take advantage of I'm sick or I have a family emergency. A smart manager will know who is a malingerer and a waste of rations. But unfortunately it has hurt persons that will only take time off when they are in dire straits. Next time get a doctors poop to cover your hillbilly A$@#%##$
  15. Wow great answers guys. I'm leaning on the Denon Reciever to upgrade my 5 yr old techniques. At least I think it will be easier to set up to my Plasma and satellite receiver. The point about the DVD is what salesman 2 told me. He stated that there is a picture difference between today's DVDs and my 3 or 4 yr old DVD. I guess the new ones have 1050 or whatever better resolution. But I will still take and listen to other Opinions. Again I'm trying to do the best improvement for 500 or 600 dollars. Oh yea, the dealer also displayed on the Denon a 5.1 stereo. Would that be better sounding than what I used to have which was stereo with A and B tower speakers with the B's in the Rear.
  16. As I stated before, since I lost my speakers to salvage, either I use the 500 dollars or it goes back to our friendly neihbor hood insurance. Its to replace the ruined speakers however it can be used for other components for the stereo depending on the salesman/or I decide to to an exchange after the adjuster gets his sales slip. For stuntman, the reason I like this forum is its not only about fishing all the time. It can be informative for other things to us fisherman. Geez
  17. Well due to an insurance claim I get to spend $500 because of damaged speakers. So here is my set up now. Techniques 5.1,,,100watts per channel Paradigm Sub I think 250 watts Cerwin Vega Towers Dalquist surround and a pair of 400dollar Sound Stage Towers still in the Box I enjoy surround as well as stereo as I HAD used my damaged towers as back or speaker Bull in Stereo. I went to one store and and I was convinced that for my money is buy a 7.1 Denon Amp and use your speakers that you have. Another store told me that 7.1 wont give you any better sound so stick with what you got and Y cable a second sub woofer. This is the same guy that was telling me that a 35 watt Harmon Karmon is better than a 100 watt panasonic. I always thought Panasonic was tops in consumer reports. So heres my questions. 1. What would you do with the $500. Remember its not Toronto here. Just a Walmart and 2 Stereo shops. 2. Is he right about the amps or is Panasonic just as good. 3. And those of you with a consumers report was the best Rated amp for the money Thanks for your input
  18. Now come on now. You have never left a rod unattended????When bait fishing I always bring in my line when I go WE WE. Yea sure ???
  19. Yup you're right. My first job here and a civilian since 25 yrs was working the fields driving a pressure truck. I learned to Hate it. I would start at 7 in the morning and I would be an hour from the shop which was another 40 minutes from home and the dispatcher would send me back on another task at 10 at night. 10 Days on for days off. I would average 135 hours. Money was awsome, but I was miserable. So I quit my 1st job in 25 yrs and now I work driving a roll off for half the salary but I travel up to 4 hours from home. Its all country. Flat surface, traffic thats not insane, and great scenery. Were 1 hour south of the Boreal. But heres the good. Wife makes the same wage and benifits as a government employee in in Finance at Maple leaf. She was Part time cashier IGA in Wasaga. My daughter Works at Walmart and may promote to a supervisor. That was while she is finishing High School. What Im saying is that Employers will give you the Experience. You dont need to be Bilingual or loaded with experience. Maybe it might be worth working in the Fort for all its living expenses just to get the experience and chance. But youre right its a young hard working mans world here out west. The Land of the Coveralls
  20. Guess what. The secret has gotten out about Saskatchewan. Forget about PA, Regina and Saskatoon. I bought my house last August for 104,000. Now I can auction over 200,000. I hate it. Now Albertans are buying everything and driving prices up. Its Crazy. The only good thing about it is if you sell, you might get ahead in the small towns. I bought a double Mobile 2.5 hours from here in Big River for 9,000. Its not a cabin in the woods, but its my Retreat central to fantastic fishing. My point I guess is that you have to be lucky to work where you live and see an end to your bills, or do like a lot of guys do here. Buy cheap, cheap, and work camp for 12 days straight and 12 days off and travel a day to get home. I heard there are even Ontarians that fly home on their off shifts in Fort Mac. Its all about the money.
  21. Petawawa, Beach there is an excellent free boat launch right at the mouth of thr Petawawa and Ottawa Rivers. Bass everywhere, walleye, just ask the locals where. B&D Bicycle (Petawawa Blvd) will give advice as well as supply the Bait. There is also an excellent Boat Launch at the Marina on Base. A nice lounge over looking the water also there. You can visit the musuem for some thing different. Also dont be shy as there is an open gate policy allowing public access. Algonquin Park East gate is 15 minutes from there. PM me and I can tell you an excellent Musky hole. Only canoe or Row boat only on that Lake I believe. There are campsites on Base, however I always found my own on, or, along any logging road with a trail. There used to be a fishing map naming the lakes with types of fish. Kind of a county rd type Map. Check with B&D or Canadian Tire in Pembroke. Then theres Corry Lake in Chalk River and the Dam in Rolpton that you can catch nice Pickeral fishing from shore. I even car camped there. And its all less than 2 hours. Ive caught a 29 lb Musky in the Park, and a 22 lb Northern in Chalk Bay. A gar pike in the Mouth of the Petawawa., also a 12 lb Kitty Cat. Many 4lb plus smallmouth. And brookies 15 minutes into the park.
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