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Everything posted by holdfast

  1. I hear you well. But unfortunately, it takes a few bad apples to make us all pay for their mistakes. I know, I also have to pay for an Operaters Licence. Now, theres a Cash Grab. Whos Idea was that, and of course I dont see how thats made our lives on the water any Safer. Like the Gun Laws
  2. Because I'm a man and I like to express my opinion to the Oppressed. Seriously though I'm sorry if I offended you. But non Pork eating Human Beings do it for religious or nutrition reasons. Not me. Oh and I forgot health reasons due to SWINE FLU. PM me and Ill give you a Holdy personal Apology just for you Jeddy. I will also Edit out because you made a public complaint Thanks for taking note as There are 10 mods waiting to nuke me.
  3. Ok I will double door it as pointed out because of opening space. I guess I will frame it including down the centre. What are stiles. Drawers are only going to hold cutlery I guess. Not sure but its not holding any Ha Ha Ha. Silverware. The Cabinent was measure to allow a half to one inch for allowance. The height is almost dead on even with the wheels.
  4. Aile, do I frame around the drawers, side es and bottom? Do I put a cente piece between the centre of the drawers to the bottom if Im double dooring? Im really not sure.
  5. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/090502/national/flu_cda The latest garbage that everyone will see when they open up their computer on Yahoo Canada. Lets now kill the Alberta economy eh Ottawa. By the way, I'M munching on a Big fat piece of Alberta Bacon now. Non take note
  6. Picture 1 is cabinent without top Picture 2 is cabinent with top The purpose of this cabinent is to put it where the stove would go between the wall and Counter top. Im just putting a 2 burner stove on the counter top. Question is, I want to make it simple. @ Drawers that will be boxed in. No hinges. Now should I frame around the cabinent or just put a hinged door as is. Or double door it Frame it? Single door underneath the drawers or double doors? Im at this point and the easier the better, however this will be in my Trailer Kitchen when complete.
  7. Point well taken Thank you for your wise observation Lets have a beer together, Bro AND SHOOT GOPHERS I know it was published 2003 when I finally was able to dig this piece of Tidbit up amongst all the garbage that been hyped up putting fuel on a fire that all dooms day citizens and media are feeding us.. Hopefully my stocks go up now. LOL
  8. Wow , I re Re3ad my Topic and its Drunk talk
  9. Its a Damn good thing that us guys in the West don't Panic. Hell, who's going to help the East Oops , the Edit, Edit, Edit
  10. WOW, our Conservative Boys are actually doing some thing. Too Bad the weak and IDLE are always crying. Im Glad that I figure im with the stronger Group, not the Weak
  11. http://usgovinfo.about.com/library/weekly/aa011303a.htm Just thought Id put things into perspective. They say 4,ooo is the Average in Canada.
  12. This is our New and improved Liberal, take no Responsibility, society we live in now. Reminds me of this case when the Law breaker gets rewarded or the victim is left to pay. Consider the bizarre case of Linda Hunt of Wasaga Beach, Ont. Hunt got drunk at her office Christmas party in 1994. Although Hunt’s boss offered her a cab ride or accommodation at a nearby hotel if she’d surrender her car keys, Hunt refused, got in her car, and promptly slammed into a truck. Here’s the kicker: Hunt decided to sue her former employer based on the fact her boss should’ve restrained her from driving. And the Ontario Superior Court agreed. The court ruled Hunt’s employer was 25% responsible for the accident and awarded Hunt $302,000. (The Ontario Court of Appeal later overturned the verdict and ordered a new trial, after which the parties reached a settlement.) Can you imagine if the Supervisor physically pulled the keys away to stop her from driving?
  13. I hope I'm allowed to defend myself here. Capt Bruce ( So your a Captain eh) I think you have a reading problem.. Never did say that I touched the production of Purified water in the town. Did say that Ive helped the Utilities guy with the valves at the pump house. Read my Lips, PUMPHOUSE. Never said anything about learn as I go. I did say that it would be easy for me to learn on course to get a civie ticket. And just because you have a ticket don't mean squat because you got to start from the Bottom and work op. For your info, while still in the Military and I was feeling it out for a job. I turned down an offer to be a maintenance man for the village of Vilna Alberta which the job description also included looking after the water plant. They were willing to send me to school; for it. As far as Walkerton is concerned, I believe the problem developed because those that were responsible were complacent and incompetant. Trust me It would not happen on my watch. Now Capt Bruce, seems to me you may have a jealous streak, Maybe you hate the fact I did well in my Trade in the Army. You don't become a Warrant Officer responsible for 40 men, including 4 Sgt four Senior MCpls and a Mentor to my Officer who is probably a real Captain that has a lot less TI and Experience as his Warrant Officer. Now re read my Posts and see if there is anything in my post that has anything to do with Walkerton and the rest of the Garbage that you insinuated while you were Hallucinating. I'm finished with you, so Pm me because obviously you've Hijacked this thread
  14. Cool, Your garbage man picks up your Recyclables. I'm in the wrong province because we have to breakdown the Boxes ourselves and then go down to the Transfer site and the put the flattened Boxes in the Bin. But only if there is room because someone decided to use up all the room in the Bin because they were too lazy or Idle, to break up their boxes as directed on the huge sign as you enter the site. We are paying taxes so others can benefit. The question is, if there are going to be monies for this Licence, WHERE DOES IT GO before everyone here gets too awrnry. What you stated is not that smart.
  15. Oh I forgot Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit- Great piece of kit that our Canadian Company Zenon Produced. My Guys have put demos on using it to an Omanian and Saudi Generals and Diplomats as well as other countries that were interested in the Unit that Zenon was trying to sell. Here's a secret It'll Purify Water in a Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Warfare Environment.
  16. No Operators Licence. That is why I don't touch the Chemicals. However since its a small town and the Water Shed Operator is alone I may have to open and close Valves at the Pump House Station while he is at the Plant. Unfortunately I must of visited the Human Resource officer for the City of North Battle ford on a weekly Basis with an updated Resume for about three month straight trying to land a job as an Operator for the water Plant. But ALAS, They chose someone in the Union before an outsider even though they had absolutely no Experience. What I had going for me was that for Two years I was a Water Supply Supervisor in 1 CER who was responsible for a Brigades worth of Soldiers. We are talking 5,000 plus Soldiers. I also sent ROWPU units with Operators to Turkey, Honduras with the task of Producing drinking water for Refugees and Earthquake Victims with the DART. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/sys...round/rowpu.htm I don't have a civie Ticket, but hell it would be easy for me to learn on course, as I have a good Knowledge of Purification. That was also a Combat Engineers Job. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Military_Engineers But thanks for asking. To me its basically the same system but on a larger Scale
  17. Didnt I tell ya Habs suck and are Wimps. But KnoWWWWWWWWW, you had to Hurt the Holdfasts feelings. Maybe off the Subject a bit. But when I was in Bahrain, there was this Filipino Kid that sounded exactly like Elvis. Problem was, Myself and my Troopy Buddies could help not Laugh at the poor Boy. It kind of Gets to me to this Day, I have Nightmares about it.
  18. Ill be rooting for Vancouver and Boston.
  19. This one is up there. Caught on Eskimo Lake 20 Kms south of Tuktoyaktuk on a jig and hand line during our Advanced Winterwarfare course. With me is what we call a Canadian Ranger. An Inuit that is given a Gun, some Military indoc, and how to spy for us Canadians up North. Also our Guides, eyes and ears, Patrolling our Northern Frontier.
  20. Just a quick story on the Compass aspect. I always go out in the Bush with a Compass. Me and My Brother In Law who was also my boss, a Sgt, went out to look for a back lake. Yup and he is very competant with a GPS. Anyways after bombing in the woods for about four hours we found the lake. But we had an hour maybe of Daylight. We were thick in the bushes and he tryed to get a reading. After a few trys he said lets go this way. I had a feeling it was wrong. We both agreed we had to go South East. Out came my compass and sure enough he was wrong. Also, Batteries died when we were up North. Out came the Compass again. In the Arctic you will Die if you are lost.
  21. Yup I had a torn Meniscus (sp) cartilage that was operated on in 2004, from what I remembered I crouched out of the hospital the same day. Walked without crutches within a couple of days. Running in a couple of weeks. To this day however there are times when the knee still hurts. But that may be due to a sore Hip. As a matter of fact the whole Leg including the Ankle that I busted and had it set with screws. However I still run and don't use pain killers. Of note though, for the last couple of months it hasn't been bad as I guess weight loss also helped. As a Side note. As far as the Knee was concerned, I just happened to notice it was sore when I was exercising on my own. Limped it for a year then reported it to the military Doctor. I tried to get Veterans comp for it, but was turned down because I was told I didnt suffer Trauma. Meaning I guess jumped in a ditch with my Rucksack on and then noticed it. I should of lied. Any Brain Dead Idiot would know it was due to Military duty as WEAR and TEAR. Just curious on how your Wife ripped it.
  22. Kind of looked like this But Sang Like that
  23. I guess the Cheap shot is the Quote, IF THE UAW WOULD ALLOW IT. Meaning if the could have a plant using the same system in the USA. Of course the UAW wont allow it. Its mostly Robotic, who are they going to have to fill their pockets? with Union Dues.
  24. Lets Hook up. You Know where I work now. Or just PM me.
  25. Well there is an on going one way discussion that Im Losing. She would Prefer that we stay in North Battleford. Me, I want to Retire in Big River, however Im Game to move to Meota which she is against. I hate the City.
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