I was out fishing walleye this weekend and did extremely well with this rig.
I was using a single hook, 6 lbs flurocarbon leader, swivel, bead, sinker, then 10 lbs braided. As shown below:
But I had a small issue with the sinker. Once we would drift out of the deep water and into the shallows, the bass would start hitting. When they would put up their typical fight, I would lose the sinker.
This is the sinker I was using, and due to its key ring hole, I noticed it wasnt hard to remove it using a circular motion (like the fighting bass). After losing approx 5-6 sinkers, I switch over to the egg sinker. So my questionis... Is this supposed to happen, or is this a design flaw?
I also managed to hook onto this personal smallest pike. It bite a crankbait twice its size.