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Everything posted by tightline

  1. I did just buy the blanks and make the handle. Just a hobby for me, those were just my first three. The blades are all 440c, which like aplumma said great for some not for others. Like I said just something I've taken an interest in over the last few weeks.
  2. Here's 2 more I made this week. There both mini capers. One in micarta one we've taken to calling it Nemo.
  3. Thanks all for the kind words and advice. This knife has yet to be polished and completed. I just got excited with how well it turned out. A few turns on the buffer with some beeswax and this little beauty should shine!!
  4. Thanks Lew..like I said this is my very first one and I believe it turned out pretty darn good. Getting orders from my fishing buddies already!!
  5. and one more look.
  6. Sorry cant figure out how to make them small enough to post all in one.
  7. So recently I've decide to take up a new hobby being as were kinda slow in the cabinetmaking buisness right now. Thought I'd put this out there to get some feedback. I'm going to start making pinecone, micarta, and other different medium knives but this one is bamboo on a 440c 10" fillet blank. Good and bad comments welcome, trying to get a feel for what kind of market there may be for these. The blade was a sample I received to check quality, the etchings were done by the company I got the blank from I'm guessing they were using it as a sample as well.
  8. If your in Kitchener, Grand river in either direction!!
  9. Hey all looking for a little help my buddy was robbed lastnight of his gear. All I know at the moment is that its 1 electric canon downrigger 1 manual and 4 rods and reels. I will update this when I hear back from him specifics but if anybody in southern ontario hears of any "bargains" please notify me. Thanks All
  10. how do I find out my team? Been searching I can't find it?
  11. I want in...take a pic submit it with the OFC team name right?
  12. We just got one 45$ bucks...because my 7 month pregnant girlfriend was having severe pain and I couldn't get her off the back steps. They responded 15 mins later...I live in a town of 2000 people...sat at the end of the driveway after loading her up for 10 mins...the hospital is literally a 1 min drive from my house...I beat them there.
  13. Am I wrong in thinking that Neil was rescued from the shoreline? I recall reading a story about a firefighter rescuing a dog off a cliff and in turn having to call to be rescued? http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/man-and-dog-rescued-from-cliff-at-scarborough-bluffs-1.908991 I wonder what his bill was...Seems outrageous to me! I'd gladly throw 5 in the hat if anyone was taking up donations for this poor guy. Sounds like he devoted allot of his life molding young lives, and I'm sure makes more reasonable choices then most do.
  14. So 3 times in 2 days I've seen a stunning snowy owl on my way to and from work. Yesterday on the drive home from point clark I catch just a glimpse of what I thought was just possibly my first snowy owl. I was stoked to say the least. This morning I was like a kid at christmas, alert and explorative as we came up to the area I spotted it earlier. BAMMMM there it was sitting right a top a hydro pole right where we caught the glimps earlier...Beautiful majestic creature about 22 inches high with I would guess to be an about 30 wing span. On the way home-camera phone ready...unbelievable...same spot. We managed 2 pics, will hopefully get them from my co-worker and post. Anybody in the Amberlee area, head towards Lucknow just outside of town keep an eye out!!
  15. Mine too all composite..the steel toe and shank freeze up in the winter
  16. I work outdoors all winter and wouldn't be caught dead without them! There going to be great out on the ice..
  17. 2 summers ago my Sheppard had her main pad on her front foot cut almost in half by a broken beer bottle some idiot smashed on the river bank!!! Some peoples children I tell ya, no respect!!! Hope your hound recovers in time to get out for the end of the season, shes probably as heartbroken about it as you are!
  18. So I'm working demolishing a house, and in the rafters of the basement I find an aluminum tube. Right away I'm thinking please be bamboo please be bamboo {not sure how but I knew it was a rod} but nope not bamboo..It's a Mitchell 5080 rod I'm guessing fly or float because of where the seat is on the handle. I've been searching the web to find it but can find no information on it..anybody know anything about it did I find an old gem or just another rod?
  19. Hey Dara just thought I'd drop you a line and shoot you my phone number..519 807 0187..I'm in the soo now until wednesday were thinking give me a call if you get some time..thanks again for the help

  20. Touch down the SOO...after a very early start this morning and a heck of a drive we've made it! Just came from downtown on the boardwalk, some live bands a little ice cream and I'm spent. Tonight the fireworks are going off on the water front, and were going to check it out. Got a chance to see the rapids and was at the deltas boardwalk, both look great. Gonna be a big day tomorrow!!!
  21. Well I'm off in the a.m. North bound and down!!! Thanks for the tips and the vid links. And because of this site I may get a rendezvous in the boat with Dara!! I love this place..Best site on the Web!!!!
  22. Quit Busting the guys gear Bladeburner...I see you have all of 45 posts on here. Not a great way to make friends in a great community...As the old saying goes "if you don't have anything nice to say...Shut the hell up!!!" Sweet fish Nancur, Congrats on your new PB!! Don't let this guy make you feel bad about your catch, fish released unharmed, check! Say no more
  23. I'm there from Sunday through Thursday or Friday...thanks allot that is great of you

  24. I'm there from Sunday through to thurs or friday...thanks allot thats awesome of you

  25. Hey T, Tightline here. I'm heading to the Soo next week and the boys on the site say your the man to talk too. If theres any chance I can pick your brain a bit before I leave please message me. I have never been before and was hoping for a little friendly advice..no hot spots just the right direction. Thanks

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