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Everything posted by rylan

  1. gbfisher --- do you work for BP? here is something for you to chew on: http://poorrichards-blog.blogspot.com/2010/09/yesterday-near-bay-chaland-louisiana.html but if I was a betting man I would place money on the toxic dispersants AKA Corexit http://theintelhub.com/2010/09/14/evidence-mounts-of-bp-spraying-toxic-dispersants/
  2. this is scary-- I hope there is an end soon....
  3. that would make for a very fast hunt---
  4. Can we vote on the best songs that are included in this thread- once a list is ready can we make a OFC Classic Rock Album that could, be played while we fish or just hanging out with friends?????? OFC Classic Rock the greatest hits Has anyone thought on this before?
  5. I would be honored to have any of you in my boat to share great music and company- thanxs leechman for the past thread-- thanxs everyone for the great memories- Now lets go fishing
  6. One of the best songs ever-- This is one of my fav's Whats yours?
  7. Could you use it Ice fishing? Like a 4 way hook? but in this case 2.
  8. think about this for a second--- \\\ GM gets a bailout making a large stake holder in the company --- Gm ( government motors) was the number one company. Makes you think that GM or the government is making it hard on toyota to keep that spot. Seems fishy to me....\\\\\\ SRT -- you work at Toyota? if so can you PM me... I will be doing lots of business with you soon.
  9. there was a post on here a While back about Mazinawa Lake or Bon Echo park. I have been fishing Upper Mazinawa for about 30 years. I would think that this lake could hold a 9 lb bass. The lake is one of the deepest in Ontario. I remember a few years ago using frogs, and fishing in 25-30fow around some of the islands near Campbells Bay, and catching some monsters out of there. Never really took pictures nor did I have a scale- but I did catch one that was over 7 lbs easily --
  10. if you can travel east to the trent river. the bottom of the locks are always good. Some are very deep and fast moving water-- but there is some cats there. I know. good luck... here is a tip: on your way to the river- if you see road kill -- pick it up and place in a burlap bag, add some rocks and throw it in the water you want to fish-- if you can wait a day or two-- works best.
  11. Billy Bob You need to watch out-- your president is after your retirement now-- check this out: http://www.eutimes.net/2010/08/us-said-preparing-new-laws-to-seize-americans-retirement-accounts/
  12. I do believe the person that bought the 407 is George Soros -- he is the same gentlment that is trying to build the NAFTA super highway from Mexico into Canada. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Soros I read somewhere that he plans on building the laresg sea port in mexico and will take away business in every western port The highway will stretch from the border ( texas/mexico ) and travel north. This will highway will also house gas lines, power lines and rail. YES it will be a TOLL road. Not sure if this is true -- but someone told me one time that OUR Provincial Parks are used as collateral from the debt we the people in cure -- I know this happens in the USA. But un-sure of Canada -- we have to watch out for that.
  13. I have said it many times on this site--- why wont you listen They will keep doing this until we STAND up and fight. When is ENOUGH- enough. And if we dont stop them now --- just think what could be next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont want to find out and I am DONE sitting here here and listening to you all witch about this kind of crap -- but thats all you do- LETS GO people-- we need to stand up NOW before its to late.
  14. I have been going to Mazinawa for about 15-20 years. The fishing is good but you have to go under the bridge at Brown's Tent and trailer park -- then go up the river. I will always get a nice big bass on top water. The walleye fishing again was real good about 5 years ago- I used to troll and did well. The best place I can suggest is Campbell`s Bay- Thats the inlet right across from the marina ( i forget the name of it) But its right there after the BIG hill. You know the one - that makes you think, if you have no brakes your swimming. Use the fish finder and find the drop off -it goes from 35- down to 113 FOW. If you find this your laughing- jig there or troll over that one spot- Or I also for fun would go to the island to the left of Campbells Bay and use frogs and drop them in 20 fow for BIG bass.
  15. What I love to use is a Lazer point pen....that gets those cats a moving!!!!!
  16. http://www.batconservation.org/content/Batproblems.html http://www.howtogetridofbat.com/ http://www.batcontrolspecialists.com/articles.htm This is the company I used ( the last link- bat control )
  17. thanxs for the imput=== I normally troll at night-but, would may want to try casting- and i love using top water
  18. i just bought a house in Aug- 09. The owners never disclosed that there were BATS in the attic- Long story short - I hired a Bat specialist to come and Bat proof the house. This was done by caulk and new flashings( is that how you spell it). It did cost alot of money but I watched the crew do there job. They did not leave any space at all around the WHOLE house. I would say they used about 150 tubes of caulk and about 10 lbs of new flashing. I would strongly suggest that anyone has had or has bats flying in the house to PM me and I will go over what this very pricey procedure. I think I could save alot of time and money getting them out safety ( meaning the bats safety)I mean - you dont want to kill them in the house or trap them in. Two reasons, 1. they will find another way out- they will travel all over behind the walls and causing more damage. 2. They will die in the walls creating a NASTY smell. Trust me- I am now finding dead bats in the attic and outside where they were getting in. So - after a long battle in court I did get money out of the sellers as they were clearly in the wrong- I would be more then happy to talk with anyone going through this mess- It is very clear in my mind as I just got money this week.
  19. I wanted to ask if anyone ever catches Walleye at night on top water. if so, what do you use?
  20. Wanted to comment-- If there is anyone in the Quinte area that is looking for a Pig Roast/ catered or a party that you want great BBQ food--- I would highly recommend calling PIGOUT www.pigout.ca/quinte ---- 613- 885-7181 The gentleman name is John and he is really really good. This last friday night John made my group of people ( 70 in total ) prime rib -- with all the fixings- it was very well priced and John was a great company. John can also cook turkey, and whole PIGS. all done by Rotisserie--- very yummy -- Give John a call and he will make your next outing a Blast
  21. bump
  22. Make sure you keep killing those things
  23. WOW-- all I can say: I love this site-- great people and excellent help- Thanxs a bunch everyone- this does help out ALOT I guess the only thing left is to get up there and start fishing-- Trust me there is going to be lots of beer.
  24. I know you all like music-- this is a fun video enjoy
  25. Thanxs a lot guys- this does help-- spiel-- yes I got a nice kit..ty flex rod-- cool we have a limit of 100lbs, the cabin has a 3 ring burner, and a BBQ- thats it. Oh and a full size fridge. I want to bring lobster and steak- BUT the guys want to bring hamburgers and hot dogs--BOO BOO
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