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Everything posted by rylan

  1. you mean a billboard like this : http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2010/07/13/another-anti-obama-billboard/
  2. thanxs Bill- and Bill What do you recommend for food to bring.. I was thinking a case of Mr. Noddles, and other pasta--- any tips?
  3. NO-- this outfit here: http://www.polarbearoutfitters.com/
  4. Hello everyone, Well I am finally going on my first fly-in trip, north of Cochrane. I was wondering if there is any seasoned veterans at Fly-ins, and wondering if there is a list of supplies, or gear you refer to before packing? I will be heading out the last week in Aug, and will be targeting mostly pike, but the walleye are a great catch as well. So could anyone help me with suggestions of DO's and Donts Maybe you can give examples of gear you wished you thought of bringing? Any and ALL help is appreciated thank you.
  5. That Al- Gore guy is FULL of crap- global warming my ....ass
  6. Just a heads up--- my wife is an insurance broker. I think you might want to look into how and where your boat is covered. I think you are only covered while the boat is stationed at the dock. Once you un-tie and leave the dock-- you are not covered... I could be wrong..but you might want to look into that. Or just be careful
  7. well- bottom line here is this: With a HST and the Eco tax-- doesn't anyone get the feeling that this is the CARBON tax or a hidden cap-n-trade tax? If you look at the list of things taxed-- ALL to do with Carbon. And please let me the first to REMIND everyone that --- HUMAN CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING IS A FRAUD. DIDNT WE ALREADY CATCH THEM IN THIS LIE? Ask your self - where this money is going to go - or help.
  8. one of pink floyd's best
  9. For those that doubt that there is a solution should really take a few minutes to research whats happening in Spain, Iceland, UK, Greece, Romania, Ireland, Thailand -- and soon to be USA........and with luck Canada People are sick and tired and are showing the world what we should be doing. It is coming to reality very quickly that we could be on the verge of a GLOBAL revolution.
  10. I think my point is simple--- There is a better way of life for all of us-- but we all have to be on the same page and side. Remember --- The governments of the world WORK for the people--- not the other way around. Big Cliff---- do you work for the government? because everyone that I know dose not like where our tax money goes,( like you said in the pockets of the rich ) and we are all pissed off enough to at least START something-- sure nothing may result but I for one is sick and tired of bit-ching about it.
  11. It is time for real change, not empty promises. No amount of socialism or free market ideology will save us from ourselves, there needs to be a fundamental re-write of what we think we know, to achieve a sustainable human enterprise. Our generation has stood and watched as our planet has been raped and pillaged, yet we do nothing. Our generation has stood and watched as our government bailed out the very people who created this economic crisis, yet we do nothing. Our generation has stood and watched as our rights have been stripped away from us, and yet we do nothing. Our generation has stood and watched as we have been handed the problems of the countless generations before it, and we are preparing to do the same to the next generation, and we do nothing. Let us be the first generation to hand solutions to our children and our children’s children. But we can’t do it alone. Let us break down the barriers we have created amongst ourselves. We need all of you, every last one, to say enough is enough in one voice. Not as Americans or Russians, Christians or Muslims, but as fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters. Let us destroy the lines between us and work to create a world where our children are truly safe and free. Let us create a world where we can tell our children that they can be and do whatever their heart desires, and know deep inside us we are telling them the truth. Let our generation be the one.
  12. WELL -- maybe the treehuggers and Conspiracy nuts were right all along.. they have been warning us about this for YEARS, and many other issues. NO ONE LISTENED --- same as the current financial mess we are in. Iceland, Spain, UK, Greece and soon to be USA-( dont forget Canada is USA largest trading partner)- we have some serious issues we ALL need to deal with, LIKE the NORTH AMERICAN UNION or SPP -- Is it me or are they trying to devalue our standard of living so that we are at par with USA and Mexico...so that we will be pegging for help--then BANG- Amero and NAU. So please do not fall for the most common trick- divide and conquer. Dont fall for fighting one another about these issues- . Maybe - JUST maybe this is the right time to turn this world around and get ALL of our lives back - and take the power back to the people. Or maybe we all can just go back to sleep, and pretend nothing is wrong. And I know there will be at least one TROLL on here trying to deflect the attention back on my comments. Thats the sad thing------- do your own research people... http://www.spp.gov/ http://www.spp.gov/myths_vs_facts.asp
  13. thats not a bear-- thats a seal.
  14. Hey everyone, I have a some what weird and wacky request -- I am looking for some help and hoping someone has a creative solution for me. I am looking for ways to go to the bathroom in the boat. Number one only, and was wondering if anyone can share a good idea to help. I know I can just flop it out over the side but I am getting old and would think there is an easier way for an old man. If anyone can help- please do.
  15. http://gatewaypundit.firstthings.com/2009/...-dont-need-you/ :angry: :angry: :angry:
  16. kings of leon---- they will always have a place.
  17. thats why I am asking- I am going out tomorrow-- sunday -- i am renting a hut off of dave.
  18. bump
  19. Can anyone post an update on the ice conditions near Carrying Pace ------ please post slush.........
  20. bump
  21. My Dad, who has always told me growing up said " you have to learn computers- computers are the future"... Well, this morning he sent me this eye opening and very powerful video....enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mmz5qYbKsvM thoughts?
  22. forgot to mention I would like to stay over night- and not with a guide-
  23. I am taking my brother ice fishing next week end, and I was wondering where you would go? I live in the Belleville area, and I know the BOQ is the place to be- so i am hoping for some advice on where would you rent a hut. Money is no object, and was thinking a ice bungalow, or some REAL nice service. Any help would be appreciated
  24. Great-- i know what my head will be singing today--- love that song. hippo BTW: Is that Shirley Temple?
  25. Very Very nice-- thank you very much for sharing--- I will add this to my play list for tonight.. Merry Merry Everyone-- i wish you all the best -- have a great, SAFE holiday.
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