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Everything posted by rylan

  1. i have been going to this site for years-- now -- its full of losers.. not you Misfish.. i really enjoyed your posts-

  2. rylan

    Ebay --

    Never shop eBay after a night of drinking. You end up with all sorts of crap, trust me. Lol!! LOL..LOL... right-- i know exactly what you mean now-- we will see if this turns out-- I am pretty sure they will be junk but hey- for the price-- my son will love them.
  3. I was wondering if anyone here has ever bought cheap lures off of Ebay-- I am unsure if the recent purchases I made.. I got 14 lures for $2.05 ....??? the shipping came to $12.00 /// so what do you guys/gals think? good deal or no?
  4. if all else fails-- try these guys-- http://www.prepaidlegal.com/
  5. i think its not about how much a barrel is-- but more of how much the USA dollar is crapping. If the federal reserve keeps printing money out of thin air-- we will be spending 1000$$ for a small coffee at Timmies--
  6. after you fill up the car-- just hug the pumps.... i know you all like to cuddle after you get screwed-----lol....
  7. icedude -- i think you missed my point... THERE ARE NO TERRORISTS. enough said. unless you can prove me wrong-- i doubt it though.
  8. mean while-- with all this wasted time with what seems a good person 3 terrorists slip past... great system. Do they even find the wrong types of people or are they only there to harass, and make things bad for good people.
  9. You guys rock--- i will pass on this and go to CT, and get something I can maybe look after. THANK YOU
  10. thanxs so much for the input thus far... i know that this rod and reel is junk-- but -- this would just be a rod I can screw around with and not really care if it breaks...lol.... but would like to see if there are more of you... who can help-- so please keep it coming. I will make final choice by the end of today-- thanxs again.
  11. lol... i guess you need to see ad... lol http://belleville.kijiji.ca/c-buy-and-sell-sporting-goods-exercise-Matzuo-American-Fishing-Rod-W0QQAdIdZ305992522
  12. Good evening Everyone, I wanted to ask for a little help-- i am in need of a rod/reel. I found this ad on Kijiji and was wondering if you would buy this.. and how much would you pay? I would be buying this for trolling at night.. and you all got me excited from the thread-- Night Time walleye hunters-- please let me know- I will be heading out Friday for a nice last fish.. thank you
  13. http://theintelhub.com/2011/08/23/two-nuclear-reactors-taken-off-line-after-earthquake-in-virgina/
  14. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/quakes_all.php http://dom.com/about/stations/nuclear/north-anna/index.jsp
  15. details here: http://www.iris.edu/dms/seismon.htm http://www.iris.edu/seismon/zoom/events/?lon=-77.9689&lat=37.9746
  16. or Rob-- are these so called trouble makers really agent provocateurs. To gain more and more control over the population?-- more cameras more freedom to be taken?...
  17. and thats why they are riots ALL over the world right now. Back to my first point-- protesters in EVERY country needs to focus on the root cause, because everyone thats not in the CLUB will get robbed http://i.imgur.com/SOVSk.jpg
  18. one word--- USURY.. it is a crime and the government is not acting upon those bankers who are taking advantage you your money- One question to you Lunker... Do you really think your money is protected? another one-- Do you think its actually in the bank.. or could it be tied into the market?... so if the markets crash again-- which looks like it will... will your money still be yours? oh and yes the governments of the is the root cause of this mess-- just look at all counties that has laws in place to protect the people from USURY-- Usury -- is the practice of charging excessive, unreasonably high, and often illegal interest rates on loans.
  19. well-- for those you think the riots started because of the shooting of a protester-- needs to stop listening to CNN CBC, or any other newspaper-- this is about the stealing of money that good people worked for all there life- its coming to USA very soon, many many people already know that their pensions are gone-- it could very much happen here in canada as well- so the question to all of you-- what are you going to do, when you find out your government as robbed you of your money? Sorry-- retirement doesnt sound fun- when you have to live off of your kids...
  20. the shame of the whole thing is-- the protesters, rioters are focused on the same people that is getting hurt from this mess-- they ( protesters, rioters) should be focusing on the bankers and the government.
  21. woodenboater --- the lake during the day was some what busy with the odd water skier -- the odd knee boarder. I would say the most boast on the water at one time was 10. I did not see one boat fishing at night- no trolling?????? the park itself was quiet- I had a water front site by the highway- even at night the traffic of big trucks wasnt that bad. I would go back for sure but again I wish I had a better boat or a few more days to fish- Pinerider-- thank you very much for the offer-- maybe if I go back I can ask for your help again-
  22. thanxs a lot for all the help guys.. just got back-- what a nice little park- I rented a canoe from the park- not bad price for the day. I think I did very well on the lake -- i got 13 pike, and 8 bass-- I also got a nice pike-- I would say around 5 lbs-- right by the one big island. I would go back for sure, and wished i had 1-2 more days to fish the lake better- All fish were caught on #3 and #5 Blue Fox spinners- The #3 was pink, and was what got me the larger pike. I am sorry for not taking any pictures as I forgot the camera at the site. I was fishing only on the Highway side of lake, weather was overcast- Thank you again for the info fellas- VERY GOOD time.....
  23. bump
  24. does anyone know where I could rent a boat as well-- nothing fancy-- just a 9.9-- 14 ft thingy... thanxs
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