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Everything posted by rylan
hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone had information on Silver Lake- I am not looking for any hot spots- just want to know if I should bring my fishing rod for this weekend? Anyone catch anything here and whats in the lake- any help would be appreciated thanxs
had to share this-- un-real. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8f8_1308856418
Ok, Quick, I need some help, How do I do this?
rylan replied to Big Cliff's topic in General Discussion
hey everyone,, I to just went through this, but with a girlfriend-- she suffers from depression and is taking a lot of pills to bandaid her symptoms -- she is no doubt abusing her meds.. this is after many nights of telling me "she wants to end the pain"... and recently- i found her cutting herself really badly on her legs- i had a long talk with her-- and said I wanted her to get help and I care/loved her enough to get it. Well -- she broke up with me and stop taking my calls, texts and emails.. I was very concerned as she has 3 kids in the house-- i feel so horrible -- i wish i could have helped her -- but i had no choice to call the police and Childrens aid.. I expressed my concerns with them and I hope she gets the help she needs-- i feel horrible for doing htis-- but i feel i did the right thing-- -
i worked there a long tie ago-- about 10 years ago ---- i would be careful with quality .. little kids, cheap labor-- that sort of thing
The last official act of any government is to loot the nation.
link: http://dinarvets.com/forums/index.php?/topic/52464-do-not-use-safety-deposit-boxes/#ixzz1CoqaHkAs U.S DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY HAS TOLD BANKS - IN WRITING - IT MAY INSPECT SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES WITHOUT WARRANT AND SIEZE ANY GOLD, SILVER, GUNS OR OTHER VALUABLES IT FINDS INSIDE THOSE BOXES! According to in-house memos now circulating, the DHS has issued orders to banks across America which announce to them that "under the Patriot Act" the DHS has the absolute right to seize, without any warrant whatsoever, any and all customer bank accounts, to make "periodic and unannounced" visits to any bank to open and inspect the contents of "selected safe deposit boxes." Further, the DHS "shall, at the discretion of the agent supervising the search, remove, photograph or seize as evidence" any of the following items "bar gold, gold coins, firearms of any kind unless manufactured prior to 1878, documents such as passports or foreign bank account records, pornography or any material that, in the opinion of the agent, shall be deemed of to be of a contraband nature." DHS memos also state that banks are informed that any bank employee, on any level, that releases "improper" "classified DHS Security information" to any member of the public, to include the customers whose boxes have been clandestinely opened and inspected and "any other party, to include members of the media" and further "that the posting of any such information on the internet will be grounds for the immediate termination of the said employee or employees and their prosecution under the Patriot Act." Safety deposit box holders and depositors are not given advanced notice when failed banks shut their doors. If people have their emergency money in a safe deposit box or an account in a bank that closes, they will not be allowed into the bank to get it out. They can knock on the door and beg to get in but the sheriff’s department or whoever is handling the closure will simply say “no” because they are just following orders. Deposit box and account holders are not warned of the hazards of banking when they sign up. It is not until they need to get their cash or valuables out in a hurry that they find themselves in trouble. Rules governing access to safe deposit boxes and money held in accounts are written into the charter of each bank. The charter is the statement of policy under which the bank is allowed by the government to do business. These rules are subject to change at any time by faceless bureaucrats who are answerable to no one. They can be changed without notice, without the agreement of the people, and against their will. People can complain but no one will care because this is small potatoes compared to the complaints that will be voiced when the executive order that governs national emergencies is enforced. That order allows the suspension of habeas corpus and all rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights. A look at the fine print of the contract signed when a safety deposit box is opened reveals that in essence the signer has given to the bank whatever property he has put into that deposit box. When times are good people will be allowed open access to their safe deposit box and the property that is in it. This also applies to their bank accounts. But when times get really bad, many may find that the funds they have placed on deposit and the property they thought was secured in the safe deposit box now belong to the bank, not to them. Although this was probably not explained to them when they signed their signature card, this is what they were agreeing to. During the Great Depression in the early 1930’s people thought that many banks were going to fail. They were afraid they would lose their money so they went in mass to take it out, in what is known as a run on the banks. The government closed the banks to protect them from angry depositors who wanted their money back. Throughout history, governments have acted to protect the interests of banks and the wealthy people who own them, not the interests of depositors or box holders. In a time of emergency, people will have no recourse if access to their safe deposit box and bank accounts is denied. If they are keeping money in a bank that would be needed in an emergency or in a time when credit is no longer free flowing, they may not be able to get it out of the bank. The emergency may occur at night or on a weekend or holiday when the bank is closed. The solution is to take emergency cash or valuables out of the safe deposit box or bank account and secure them somewhere else, like in a home safe. An even better idea may be to close the safe deposit box account completely, letting someone else entertain the illusion of safety. Americans have learned a few things since the Great Depression. They now have the FDIC to liquidate any failed banks. The FDIC promises to set up a series of dates and times when safe deposit box renters can access their boxes by appointment to remove their property and surrender their keys. The FDIC also promises to mail bank customers an announcement of the dates for such events and include a question and answer page that addresses safe deposit box access. The people have the FDIC to give them back the money they had on deposit that they were unable to get out of any failed bank that carries FDIC insurance. Sheila Bair, head of the FDIC, promises that depositor`s money will be available in 24 hours or less. But people should remember that the FDIC is just another bureaucracy, and it`s probably best not to rely on a bureaucracy in an emergency. THE SAME HOLDS TRUE FOR STORAGE FACILITIES DON'T PUT ANYTHING VALUABLE AND/OR NON-REPLACEABLE IN ANY BANK OR STORAGE FACILITY
thanxs Gerritt-- i will do that -- if it happens again.
sorry-- keep it un-pluged for a minute
this happened to me a few days ago-- try this: turn TV and receiver ON. now Un-PLug the receive and plug back in. This should re-boot the receiver. Worked for me.
great job-- " teach your children" loved it
For anyone that needs some support on our forum
rylan replied to splashhopper's topic in General Discussion
i wanted to thank you as well -- Many of my family and friends know that this has been the worst year in my life- I almost lost my brother to cancer- the fight is still going on- my wife had a mental breakdown that caused her to leave me and my son. Many challenges I am facing right now- I look for strength anywhere. I hope peace can come to me soon -
View Postgarry2rs, on 02 January 2011 - 04:27 AM, said: "If you tell a lie that's big enough, and you tell it often enough, people will believe you are telling the truth, even when what you are saying is total crap." [/b][/i] In fishing terms I think that's sort of like the benefits of fluorocarbon... So far you are the only person I know of who's even hinted at that. That's exactly how I feel about fluorocarbon and I've had many a heated discussion about it with friends. OH YES--- I think it is safe to say--- Same as the Global Warming Scam-- Carbon Tax---
Notice: New location, please call for appointment Pro tackle: 613-968-4111 Toll Free : 1-888-442-7456 Email: service @ protacklemuskyshop.com Pro Tackle 43 Putman Industrial Rd, Belleville, Ontario Canada
I dont have a number- but I just passed a sign that read---- 2km north of 401 on highway 37.. Pro tackle -- i think. open 7 days a week good luck and MAKE sure you post the day
tickets are not up for sale YET-- but when they do-- I will get some- and let everyone know
Finally- I know ther is a few on here that will get a bigger smile on for this news http://www.brantfordexpositor.ca/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=2879471 http://www.citytv.com/toronto/citynews/sports/article/103327--ontario-s-first-ufc-fight-april-30-in-toronto http://sports.nationalpost.com/2010/12/07/ufc-plans-to-debut-in-toronto-next-april/ WHOs COMING WITH ME!!!!!
better bookmark this before it gets deleted http://www.cancertutor.com/Cancer/Laetrile.html good luck
Just another example of: Real Canadians need to stand up and fight this corrupt government- In fact the people of ALL corrupt nations need to stand up--- As per the chips in our bodies---- YES they are thinking about that- and it is closer to reality then you think. You think that the CHIP in your credit card adds more protection -- think again. The banks can easily turn your account OFF, so if they do get chips in us - they will use the excuse that it would provide even more protection. But it will not.
great looking fish=== so Chong wheres Cheech?] what is that thing hanging off of one of those muskies?
"Fish kills" are fairly common along the Gulf Coast, reports, often caused by sudden oxygen depletion. This one, however, is different: Usually, only one species of marine life is involved. SUDDEN OXYGEN DEPLETION ======= Corexitis a product line of solvents primarily used as a dispersant for breaking up oil slicks. It is produced by Nalco Holding Company which is associated with BP and Exxon.[2] Corexit is the most-used dispersant in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, with COREXIT 9527 having been replaced by COREXIT 9500 after the former was deemed too toxic.[3] Oil that would normally rise to the surface of the water is broken up by the dispersant into small globules that can then remain suspended in the water.[4] BP had used Corexit EC9500A and Corexit EC9527A by late May, applying 800,000 US gallons (3,000,000 l) total,[12] but more accurate estimates run as high as 1,000,000 US gallons (3,800,000 l) underwater.[13] By late April 2010, Nalco, the maker of Corexit, says that it has been deploying only Corexit 9500. Reportedly Corexit may be toxic to marine life and helps keep spilled oil submerged. There is concern that the quantities used in the Gulf will create 'unprecedented underwater damage to organisms.'[26] Nalco spokesman Charlie Pajor said that oil mixed with Corexit is "more toxic to marine life, but less toxic to life along the shore and animals at the surface" because the dispersant allows the oil to stay submerged below the surface of the water.[27] Corexit 9500 causes oil to form into small droplets in the water; fish may be harmed when they eat these droplets.[4] According to its Material safety data sheet, Corexit may also bioaccumulate, remaining in the flesh and building up over time.[28] Thus predators who eat smaller fish with the toxin in their systems may end up with much higher levels in their flesh
have you been under a rock or so far north you have not heard === the largest oil spill in history just unfolded and you want to talk about propaganda... it sure may have been a natural event. But if I was a betting man.... I know where my money would be. you must either work for a gas company or BP.
no problem-- the more people spread the word the better