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Everything posted by 123chadder

  1. no,patrick burrows is...sorry,was... rocky created fish crisp,pat and a partner bought the company they sold fish crisp a while back
  2. cabelas has canadian distribution,bps on the other hand is from us.....but i have talked to a bps rep and he said bps should have cad distribution by next summer
  3. panko is great,less greasy and nice and crunchy....even great cold
  4. my uncle used to own fish crisp....i still have lots of it!lol
  5. exactly what i do...exactly!
  6. the best lure i use is a badboy tipped with a small black and silver tube,but i try lots...lakers i killed this year....i got a 20ish the other day in 25fow......they are moving in shallow following the baitfish.......got it on a chub sucker on a flag...yes they work!lol
  7. i cant catch them in any less than 90 fow.....
  8. why do you need 2 finders in one hut?
  9. im pretty sure it was in virginia......i remember it happening
  10. id look into north carabou lodge,kasba lake lodge....
  11. nice!my girl loves fishing!
  12. i know it was called lake toronto at one time.... Was the water much dirtier before the zebra mussels came?.....no What exactly was the fish population like back in the day?......a lot better than today Was there a heavy cisco population that crashed only due to overharvest?absulutely,you will see some big trout in the next 5 years,some say oxygen,but didnt seem to hurt any other species,i truly believe they were overfished Were smallmouth much smaller before the introduction of gobies?nope,i was catching 6-7 pounders 20 years ago Were perch always this popular in the past?nope,,the opposite,they were considered nuicance fish at one time Was smelting a popular and easy thing at one point?very much so
  13. im an 8 iron from the marina......
  14. will be good going for quads
  15. im guessing huts will be out thursday off virginia
  16. its not cheap,but its a trip of a lifetime!im going in the next 8 years
  17. till you use them.... i dont find them that expensive...$5.75-$7.50
  18. thanx tomcat and mike....much needed info... what size would you recommend for dayohessarah mike?you going again this year?
  19. just wondering what your go to egb pattern and size for lake trout?
  20. hey there,im about to order some egb spoons,they come in sizes from 0-5 i believe,does anyone know the actual lengths of the sizes 0-5?
  21. id love a line counting trolling set up for lakers and/or a fly fishing rod and reel
  22. ill have to look into that,someone on another board says its illegal.
  23. well i made up a new bait and technique for perch(didnt invent bait,its been around for millions of years) last year,just on a thought,now nobody outfishes me for perch ever! it kills perch even when they are slow well if it brings herring in the trout will follow....
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