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Everything posted by 123chadder

  1. consider this the new and improved version
  2. its a thought,i know it would work for perch. im going to rig something up
  3. not the same,i could fish an umbrella rig while i have the bag down too!
  4. have you ever seen a ball of smelt or herring go through your hole and a trout wizzing through stunning and eating baitfish?its quite the site... i chum when i fish and it simply works...what if you were to take clear fine mesh,something easily plyable, filled it with minnows and sent it down a hole a couple feet from the hole you are fishing in,i think it would work very well in attracting fish! maybe even put one small hole in the mesh,so one minnow could escape at a time,the mesh bag would take quite a while to lose all the minnows....sort of like a slow release chumming system
  5. what about this combo? http://www.wholesalesports.com/storefront/view-cart.ep another $50-$60 in line and leaders and i think its a good combo for just about $220
  6. http://www.wholesalesports.com/storefront/home/fishing/fly-fishing/c0-c20-c202-p1.html for around $200,what rod and reel would you choose? there is this too...http://www.wholesalesports.com/storefront/product-view.ep?pID=294592&update=viewCart&cartItemId=1961636 has great reviews
  7. http://www.wholesalesports.com/storefront/home/fishing/fly-fishing/rod-reel-combos/c0-c20-c202-c20202-p1.html some good combos
  8. id also like to find rod and reel with good warranties so ill have the outfit for years...
  9. i had no idea there were so many types of fly gear..... the whole reason i wanted the fly rod and reel is cause i want to rip streamers... My fav for dragging the depths was a 280 or 300 grain 30 foot shooting head on a 8/9 wt rod, used a 100 feet 20# or so Maxima Mono for shooting line on top of the backing. that just sounds perfect for the type of fishing ill be doing
  10. im going to get an extra spool for any reel i get so ill rig one sinking and one floating... for $230 i can get this combo....http://www.redsflyfishing.com/Echo-Solo-Fly-Rod-and-Reel-Outfit-p/echo-solo-outfit.htm(not from that site) sinking line(reel comes with floating line)spare spool plus combo,but it will have to be 8 weight it also comes with a nice case.... this is where i would purchase from...http://www.flymart.ca/ctl_ec_product/355/2063/echo-solo-outfit/ the only problem i have is that i kind of want an 8 weight reel on a 6 weight rod
  11. i think i understand....so really only need 30 feet of fly line?
  12. yes i agree waiting would be the best bet... so a 6 weight rod and an 8 weight reel?that makes sense.... are the akuma slv reels good?
  13. If you're a casual fly angler and want to switch lines, I'd go with that first costco combo and buy a sinking line for one of the cassettes...it will do everything you want it to i feel the same way,ill only be using it a few times a year....im still debating whether i should get a 6 or 8 weight,6 is more versatile,but i dont want to tangle with a trophy trout on a 6 weight rod,especially a smaller 6 weight reel
  14. its ice out,so fish will be shallower,from surface to about 25 fow....we target deeper water,40-70 feet,and look for structure at about 15-25 feet called a food shelf,lead core does great job,and fairly accurate... but last year i saw trout feeding on the surface numerous times and i think a fly set up would be a blast!especially ripping streamers with sinking line
  15. most trout are between 3-5 lbs,but there are monsters in the lake!30+ pounders i have a leadcore set up. seriously thinking of this... http://www.costco.ca/Amundson-Top-Expedition-Fly-fishing-Outfit.product.100129783.html there is also this: http://www.costco.ca/Amundson-Mirage-Fly-fishing-Outfit.product.100119890.html
  16. didnt think of that...lol
  17. well thanx for bursting my bubble
  18. thanx for the info, after about 4 hours on google i found this to be the best value http://www.orvis.com/p/encounter-8-weight-9-fly-rod-outfit/8p45 its in my price range and its very highly reviewed.
  19. dolly vardon,peacock bass,bone fish,tarpon
  20. go to kijiji get a used pop up for much cheaper,there are lots to choose from.i had a 4 man eskimo and it was 7x7 on the inside....but setting up alone in the wind can be a whine!
  21. isnt this an issue of preservation of natural resources and wildlife?one animal is more important than the other? if people are going to make an issue of this,then i confidently assume more serious matters would create even more public outrage,,,no? i think the biggest issue in this situation is the mans attitude and poor moral compass....that pisses people off
  22. i like the 36",i like to be able to put my whole rod down the hole,just in case line gets caught on the bottom of the hole,lost too many fish with shorter rods
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