all pics and vid are on my fb page,best i can do...i have a few pics on my phone....
but they wont upload to this site.....says the file is too big,its always done that though....
second annual trout trip was epic in many ways!its truly a trophy fishery,you just got to be there when they are on the feed..
we caught hundreds of trout,a 24.5,23,18,13,13,10,and tons of smaller trout....ate fish with every meal,and hardly any bugs!
big fish were caught in deeper water coming up to 15-25 feet,overcast with a bit of a chop
pics down the page
i dont think its cabelas,doesnt st croix have lifetime warranties on their rods?
i bought an eyecon from bp a few years ago,the tip broke and it was replaced no questions asked
im going on a fly in late may and there are burbot in the lake,also whitefish,cisco and lakers....
i caught lots of trout last year with burbot in their live bait(or dead bait)allowed on lake
does anyone know lures that resemble dogfish?id like to get a few...also something that resembles a whitefish or cisco?