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Everything posted by alphaalpha

  1. Amazing! thanks for sharing. I am really hoping to get something similar for the GOSD -AA
  2. Thanks guys, should be getting out on thursday. If we had that big one on saturday instead of friday we'd be on the board right now I don't expect those low weights to last though. I can't wait to get out again and hopefully get a Tyee! cheers, -AA.
  3. Got out on the big water on friday morning. Took a while to get into some fish as worked around 100-150fow for a while with only one shaker to show for it before making the move out deep. My first time in the "blue zone" paid off as we went 7/8 including a 19lb and 26.5lb'er pulled out of 325fow. Was a beauty day and hopefully we can get a few more like it before the end of the summer and maybe even an entry for the derby Here I am with the 19. As you can see my attention is focused elsewhere as the wire dipsy combo is peeling drag as we snap this quick pic. My buddy with the 26.5lb'er. Biggest fish so far in the new boat. sorry team 9 he pulled it in so I can't enter it as an upgrade (was 39" without a tail pinch) hopefully it will happen to be my turn next time a big one hits Was great to get my buddy into some big fish after hearing so many reports of slow fishing on other boards. Can't wait to get out again! cheers, -AA.
  4. Thanks all! I launch out of Pickering and the knees were knocking pretty good but had a good 15minutes of fighting to settle them down and get everything in the boat ready to land him Did a fair amount of bass fishing last year, I think the little green fish will get a bit of a break from me this summer -AA.
  5. beauty fish! you guys dont have tickets for the GOSD? might've been in the money... -AA
  6. Well after doing tons of research and practicing (washing lures) this spring I finally hooked into my first king! Being day one of the GOSD there were a ton of boats out there first thing in the morning. I am not one to enjoy being surrounded by others so my father-inlaw and I went out to the fringe of the pack and started trolling away from them. Within 45minutes of trolling the dipsy rod fired and began to peel out drag. It took about 400feet of line before stopping. I was able to gain about 50feet of line back before it came off. Upon reeling in the line I found this An exciting start to say the least and figure that it would have been quite the large fish to straighten out the hook. I cut the weak barb off and sent the rig back out. Continuing on we had two more hits on my stepfathers old rod which snapped the line both times. I thought he ran 20lb test on it but I may have been mistaken so I put that rod away for the day. About an hour after starting one of the riggers fires and line starts peeling. He took 300' of line before I was able to turn him. 15min and a pair of burning arms later we get him in the boat and weigh him at an even 20lbs. My first king and biggest fish to date! The day wouldn't end there. we kept on our original depth of 165' of water and landed a couple more; a ten a 5 and a couple decent 'bows. At one point my father-in-law was up when the rigger fired and he actually had two rainbow on! One on the main and one on the slider, both of which looked about 4-5lbs. He had them both about 50' back from the boat when one came off but we managed to get in the other. They must've hit at pretty much the exact same time, quite a cool experience. After that things died down and we didn't get a sniff for about 2hrs. We then trolled out deeper and started hitting fish in 190-200fow. Immediately after dropping one line back down after a knock off the dipsy goes off and starts peeling line. It was my father-in-laws turn but he said he wanted me to take it so he could watch me land a big one. After a brief argument I start to work the fish. not 10secondds later the rigger on the other side fires and starts peeling as well. DOUBLE HEADER! Unfortunately he didn't get to watch me battle the fish like he wanted as he had to pull in an 18lb'er of his own while mine was a measely 16 both fish were landed and the high fives commenced. All in all it was an amazing day out there with a very nice first. for those that are interested riggers were set 35 and 45 feet down and dipsy was set 150' back on #2 setting with a green flasher and fly that took 3 fish. We ended up 9/14 (including the lost one that was on the two on one ) hot lure was the watermelon NK mag which took 4. Trolling speed on GPS was always around 3mph and surface temps were 65F. Cheers, -AA.
  7. nice work! I am going to head out this morning to try for my first ever, I'll be happy with one half that size -AA
  8. congrats on some PB's! -AA
  9. My father-in-law and I have been out on my new boat a few times this year trolling for salmon out of Pickering with nothing to show for it so far. It has mostly been cold and ugly weather so today was going to be a nice treat. I had leave from work for this weekend so we got out bright and early this morning. We were set up and fishing by 6am. From previous reports on spoonpullers.com I heard some kings were being landed from 90-140fow. We started trolling at 120 then out to 145 then all the way in to 65'. We didn't mark much of anything until we saw some bait balls around 75'. Seeing this we kept from 70-90 fow for the rest of the morning. At 8:10am the slider on the rigger down 30' over 85' went off on a black and orange spoon. My father-in-law doesn't have a lot of experience handling these fish and almost got whacked in the face upon landing this 6.5lb 'bow. it put up a great fight for him, displaying some very nice acrobatics. I think I may have been more excited to get him onto the fish than he was but he definately appreciated it. My turn was up next and about half an hour later the dipsy goes off. Large dipsy on setting 2 out 80' using a watermelon spoon. Slightly smaller than his but still put up a great fight! We ended up going 3/4 on the day with a small coho rounding out the group. It did get a little choppy out there by the time we left (off the water at noon) but was a great day to be out. Still no kings but I can't wait to get out again and land my first and get him into some bigger fish as well. Happy Father's day to all the dads out there and good fishing! -AA.
  10. sorry to hear about all your troubles but glad to hear you got her all fixed up! nice work on the 'bow and a nice jumping one at that! -AA
  11. Great report. Not tons of fish but some great pics and looks like a great time out on the water, thanks for sharing! I am going to be taking my father-in-law out tomorrow out of pickering, hopefully I can get him a fish. Haven't had any luck out this way yet but they should be moving in anytime! -AA
  12. Great report thanks for sharing! -AA
  13. scary stuff, glad it turned out ok for you. No matter how much you know a lake or even the size of it, if you are out when a storm comes in it can be very dangerous. I have seen many fronts and storms sweep through at 40knots depending on the jetstream...not many boats will be able to outrun that, especially in choppy water. I always use the environment canada website. on the left menu go to the radar and satellite tab and go to the radar sub tab. you can zoom in on the radar and then hit the play button on the top. It moves in 10min increments on a one hour loop so you can really get a good idea of when the weather will hit. I usually have it preloaded on my iphone as well so i can quickly refresh it when i am on the water to get updates. here is the link: www.weatheroffice.gc.ca -AA.
  14. welcome aboard! -AA.
  15. looks like an awesome day out despite the setbacks and congrats on your PB!! -AA
  16. nice! I would have loved to come but had plans long ago for this weekend. Great to see some fish being pulled in on the east side for a change. On other websites it's still mostly a west-end/south shore bite due to the long cold crappy spring we've had. Can't wait for some kings to start coming around to play! Thanks for the report, -AA.
  17. I am not really into photography but it's very cool of you taking the time to post this. I always love seeing cool lightning shots and that one is great! Thanks for sharing, -AA.
  18. awesome video, thanks for posting! -AA
  19. Great report and some amazing pictures, thanks for sharing! -AA
  20. beautiful! Thanks so much for taking the time to let us share in your adventure, was a fantastic report! -AA
  21. Awesome work, thanks for the report! I was hoping to get out tonight but it didn't materialize. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon if the weather cooperates... -AA
  22. I picked up a 19xcaliber this year and I like it (upgraded the motor to a 115hp, max rated for 150). A couple minor issues that I had to get fixed after as the early spring water was too high for them to put it in to water test it when I picked it up. When I first ordered the boat I asked what the total weight of it + trailer and motor would be as I needed to buy a new vehicle to tow. If I remember right the total empty weight of the package was ~2300lbs. Put in a full tank of gas and all your gear (especially if going on a long camping trip or something) and that number goes up fast. When looking I limited my search to SUV's that could tow at least 5000lbs so I wouldn't have a problem. I picked up a 2005 nissan pathfinder and it is rated for 6000, is rear wheel drive with 4x4 also. It has a 4.0L v6 and gets about 14.5L/100km. I have no problems pulling it but you do notice that it is there especially going up large hills. On a hot day going up a big hill on the hwy I wouldn't want to be pulling it with something that is at max towing capacity. As far as breaking goes I don't have too much trouble but I make sure I leave lots of space. I have had to break fairly hard a couple times though and haven't had a problem but it still makes me nervous and I do my best to avoid it. -AA
  23. Awesome work!
  24. Holy emoticons batman! j/k great report and good on ya for being able to get out so much and with good company. Thanks for sharing! -AA
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