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Everything posted by bassassin

  1. i dont know if you kept that first laker, but if you let it go it would not have survived, its gill is coming out of its gill plate, its a goner for sure, he may have survived a couple of hours in the water but not much more than that! nice shooting any ways,,,,
  2. stick with the v6 3.3 xterra xe hes right i havent heard too many positive things about the supercharged model...
  3. I have an 02 xterra best vehicle i ever owned, rock solid! Pulls an 06 fisher total weight 2800lbs like nothing, have had it out in the middle of simcoe in February without issue. i mistreat it but she still always brings me home! 191k and still runs like she has 60k like when i got her in 05'. Take the X!!!
  4. First Bin laden now the Asian Carp!!! http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/81472019/ LOOKS LIKE FUN!!!
  5. if you like chasing silvers its a great session and its free, what more do you want?
  6. He talks to everyone like they should be wearing a helmet and a harness!
  7. If you know you can physically take him then he probably knows it too! Thus dont even go there because itll be bad news for everyone involved, before the altercation and being pulled over there was no major issue and im sure after a couple of weeks of not fanning the flames this will all subside... just my 2 cents, that or just knock him out cold with a sucker punch when hes off duty and take compromising pics of him while hes out with his pants off while in the company of another man, then just hold the pics over his head for the rest of your lives.... either or!
  8. FISH ON!! from the mid to late 1980's Canadian made baby! on a serious note in -fisherman before the lidners left, and by far for not only the species fished but the info provided FISHFUL THINKING!!
  9. Interesting site nothing lakefront, but it gives me another area to search!
  10. Thanks for the tip! i know different municipalities are becoming more and more of a pain in regards to developing lakefront! im not looking in the kawarthas ive relegated myself to accepting the fact that anything within 2 hours of my house is out of my price range! thanks for all the helpful advice so far!
  11. Thanks, this ones been on the market for a while, its definitly nice the lake is a touch small but sure is pretty! i googled the directions and it comes in at over 4.5 hours from mississauga with a 18month old i dread that kind of drive! 3.5 hours would be bad enough. I want this to happen sooner rather than later i want my baby and future baby/babies to enjoy spending time there with their old man, before you know it they'll be teenagers and they wont dig hanging out with their dad anymore
  12. as long as the body of water isnt too small other than that im not too picky also im looking everywhere from parry sound north to sundridge/southriver to frontenac so im keeping my options as open as possible. i have a 17' Mckee Craft im bringing back from the dead with a 115 evinrude on the back that i want to use on the lake so i guess the lake cant be too small!!! Thanks,
  13. There's properties out there in my 3.5 hour distance in that range believe it or not! pessimism isnt gonna get me a property any sooner LOL
  14. Oh yeah, forgot to mention looking for road access only, thanks for the info Bernie, mls is pretty good just have not found anything yet!
  15. Checked out noto.net there is some descent stuff but mostly lodges, im just looking for the lot! I have been checking kijiji and mls and there is stuff out there just not what im looking for! But i know my budget is fair up to 115k if i have too thats plenty of scratch for a chunk of land with nothing on it.. any help is greatly appreciated. Till then i'll just keep my eyes peeled and keep looking!!
  16. I figure I would throw this out there and see what happens..... Anyone on this fine board have or know someone who has a lake front lot that they would like to sell? Here's what I'm looking for: Within 3.5 hours of Mississauga at least 100' of water frontage nothing less than 3/4 of an acre a descent size lake where my 17' mckee craft wouldn't be overkill for good fishing since that's what its all about! Oh yeah my budget is roughly 100K + - C'mon help a brother out!! Thanks for reading
  17. Sometimes you get a lemon!!! I have a 06 Fisher same boat as a tracker friggin bullitt proof! 17.5' x 8'2" wide beam from handles shallow water to rigging for the mighty king in high seas! all aluminum transom and no wood to be found in the transom or stringers! and the 90hp opti has been buillitt proof too! i guess i'm one of the lucky ones...
  18. http://www.creditvalleyca.ca/recandleisure/kenwhillans.htm
  19. ive caught largies on top water pop r's and lost a big pike 8-10lbs when it bit through my line with a pop r! the strike scared the crap out of me since i didnt know their was any esox lucius in that lake! its a very small lake with an island... i would also look at ken Whillan's lots of pike and bass there is a 20ft hole in the relatively shallow lake that hold the majority of the fish in winter. the hole is in the southern basin pretty much on center!
  20. I think you are going to need an inline filter between the tank and the heater. I may be wrong but you may want to check that out,you can probably get it from princess auto.
  21. i sold a early 70's crestliner with a home made trailer and a 72 johnson for $1200 last march. You will be surprised how spring gives people rose-coloured glasses when it comes to buying a boat.
  22. 1200-1500 but take 1k if its offered!
  23. too bad the shark didn"t at least take a finger light action gear plus a long fight equals dead trapon, they knew about the hammers cruising the bay they knew what the outcome would be!!! DOUCHES!!!
  24. HERE HERE, They need our support! we take away from the fishery so its time for us to pay it forward and give back to the fishery!!!
  25. Thought you might get a kick out of this video! a testament to thinking out of the box!! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=464_1267491476 Jason
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