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Everything posted by ckrb2007

  1. I had an Eastman Ice-cube about 5yrs ago...used it for 2yrs without any problems. Great little pop-up.......but, my buddy has an Eskimo pop-up and it is thicker, block the light more, and keeps the heat in much better.
  2. I was at the CTC in the south end of Barrie a few days ago and they said they wouldn't have any until the new year....but I heard through the grapevine that Robinson's Hardware in the northeast side of Barrie has them. The only reason I got mine at LeBarons is because I work close by. Colin
  3. I just picked mine up today at LeBarons in Markham. Cheers, Colin
  4. My buddy owns Jack Lake trailer park and I was talking to him a week or so ago and he said there were guys walking across it so I'm going to say that it is safe for walking. As for crappies......I know in the summer we fish for them fairly close to the trailer park. If you're facing the park from the ice you'll see a small canal about 100m or so to your left (left of the only cottage there).....head down the canal maybe 50m or so and try a pink micro tube......that's what we use in the summer. hope this helps. Colin
  5. If you're just ice fishing a few times a year there's no need to buy an expensive flasher/fish finder. I used a Cuda 168 black and white for years on Simcoe. The main thing is that you're able to see your lure when you jig. The old Cuda 168 did just that in 100FOW.....mind you it wasn't real time......there is a time delay on the cheaper finders. I now run with the x67c ice machine and it does make a world of difference. But, I am on the ice 4-5 times a week as I live in Barrie. Pick up a cheap finder from the buy and sell or look for deals at the tackle stores. Then, when you start going ice fishing more, you can pick up a more expensive model.
  6. I agree with Roy.....back in the day the Toronto Sportsman show was great! I remembered getting excited about heading down to it with dad to grab deals. I remember the 2 floors of different vendors and sittin' in the beer section with the old man!! lol Wish it was the same as before so my kids could get excited about heading down it. As Roy said, there's too much non-related junk there now.
  7. My dog's a saint other then eating a pound of butter with the tinfoil still on (more then once) and knocking over our "green bin" and feasting on whatever rotting gruel was inside. My grammas dog on the other hand. Try pulling panty-hose out if it's butt!!! LOL
  8. Bass Pro usually has a bin full of them up near the check-outs.
  9. Thanks for the heads up...I'll look into it!
  10. Well, after a lenghty search I finally found a used ATV in my price range and in mint condtion. Do any of you know of any spots to ride around the Barrie area? Yes, I'll be using the ATV mainly for icefishing, but I'd like to just get out and ride once in a while on a trail. Feel free to PM if you don't want to post here. Cheers, Colin [email protected]
  11. Definately hardwater season!!
  12. As some of the other members have mentioned, it's all about have often you ice fish and how many holes you plan on drilling. I have a manual one for early ice and a gas auger for anything after. Living in Barrie I ice fish as much a possible (3-4 times per week) and I like to move around a lot so for me, a gas auger is a must, especially late in the season when the ice is 30"++. Keep your eye open for deals. I picked up an 8" Jiffy a few years back at Walmart in the clearance section for $175.00. If there was more there, I would've bought 'em all!!! LOL Good luck!
  13. Have any pics you can email me? If you do, send 'em to.....

    [email protected]



  14. So......what is an acceptable about of km's on a used ATV? Obviously the lower the better. I'm looking at a few ATV's...say btwn 2006-2009?
  15. Great idea to get the old hens off our backs!!! hahaha..just kidding. My wife isn't a big fishergirl by any means but she does like getting out in the canoe or on the ice with me. She finds it very peaceful.
  16. I was wondering the same thing........those look a heck of a lot bigger then 3-4lbs.
  17. Awesome looking footballs guys. I love living in Barrie as well.....especially during the hardwater season. My wife calls herself the "ice fishing widow" btwn Jan 1st and March 15th.
  18. My dad has a '96 Kodiak 400, my buddys have 660 Griz, 400 Kodiak, and 450's...........all great bikes and all going strong. I was just keeping my options open!
  19. You're tellin' me!!!! LOL
  20. That's what I'm leaned towards....a yamaha. But then there's Honda and now from some reviews Kawasaki is something to consider. Decisions, decisions.
  21. hmmm...narrowing my search down to a few makes!! LOL
  22. Rob....no, I'm getting rid of my sled (in the classified section ). No room for both so I figured an ATV would be the better choice for me as I do a fair amount of back lake fishing/camping during the spring/summer. Colin
  23. I've only had a few uni to uni knots fail.......not enough to really worry about though. On a side note, I love that Gorilla Glue for other applications!!
  24. PM returned.
  25. I love the winter whitey feasts we have. I usually bring a few home and have a nice feed with the neighbours....although, I usually get the shaft. The fish is usually gone by the time I finish fryin' them up! LOL Oh yeah....nothing beats a meal of early ice perch.
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