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Great Lake Steel

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Everything posted by Great Lake Steel

  1. Looks like we're prime for a thread with guys complaining about how their wives outfish them.... oh wait.
  2. Work kept me from getting out much this week, but that's one pool I'll avoid then. I'd rather walk 10km's and catch one fish without the crowds than stand in a pool like that and catch 25. Thanks for the info, and please pass my compliments along to you and your friends. It was nice of you to help teach the kids beside you too.
  3. I hear you, you guys were definately outnumbered. Was she as crowded on Monday as Sunday? I live up the river and just happened to walk down that far. It was the only fishable pool (holding fish) I saw all day.
  4. From the pictures I realize that I ran into your group Sunday evening. What did you think about that gong show? Kudos to your friend with the fur lined hat, he's some fisherman. Leading the fish he was fighting downriver to clear the pool was classy, grabbing that kids fish and reviving it for him even classier. I didn't even want to get involved in that mess and just watched for a while.
  5. When I'm fishing it's nature/nature or nature. I bothers me to no end when some bigmouth sidles up beside me at the creek and attempt to talk the fish to committing suicide by jumping onto the shore. But if I'm creek fishing on my own, and somewhere remote it's radiohead there and back. Or some tool for the long drives and radiohead before I get there.
  6. Does anyone make a pair of clear polarized lenses? The times I find I need them most is when there's a lot of glare off the surface from low sun angles (sunrise/sunset) if the glare was eliminated I could see fine, but my sunglasses cut the little bit of light in the water that need to see (gray).
  7. Mike you've got a rebuttle from the author... Should be interesting.
  8. John, Thanks to you guys for raising the fingerlings. I live within 100m of one of the creeks where you're setting up pen's. It's nice to know that there are things underway to ensure my kids have the same if not better fishing that I enjoy today.
  9. Hello, my name is 'mike' and I too am a steelheading bad luck charm. I've likely got as much time creekside, actually likely a lot more as I started into it while I was off work. Now for the sake of full disclosure this is my third year chasing these fish. I've had some success landing resident brown trout and catfish, had a couple(2) of steelhead on and lost them to newby mistakes and missed another bunch of hits. But to date I've yet to actually land one. In fact I'm positive for me it's a matter of right spot wrong time. In all my time fishing I've likely only seen another dozen, maybe less fish landed. So I'm cheering you on, since I feel your pain. I'm definately going to be overjoyed when I land my first one, but I won't take a picture because in my mind that fish is going to grow and become even more epic over time. I'll likely then head home and open a bottle of scotch I've been saving for such a day. Good luck (and I mean it).
  10. Reading between the lines, here's my 2 cent interpretation of their motivation. As mentioned in a few articles, the lodges belonging to the three members in question are not winterized "nor do we want them to be". So they can't take advantage of the winter ice fishing bookings. That combined with the lower limits might mean that fishing tourist business on Rice will be more spread out over the year. Which if you average it out might mean less business during their traditional peak period. For obvious reasons, winterized lodges/resorts have a big advantage, not just in the winter business but also through that exposure the 'return' business the following summer. I think this has zilch to do with concern for the environment and more to do with greed. The rules are better for their competition than for them.... there you have it.
  11. Can someone post up here if they're done. I was planning on leaving work early on Friday to help out, but when I talked with them at the show they said to phone to make sure. I don't want to be phoning every day, but if they finish early I can plan on working the afternoon. Thanks!
  12. Has anyone been catching Pike in Pigeon? I'll be out perching in a week or two and I'm curious.
  13. I understand that they're considered invasive species, and the intent is to eliminate or minimize their infiltration to FZ17... but as a catch and release angler (unless I'm fishing with my father in law who does a wicked beer battered fish fry) I'd be leaning toward releasing them... which I believe it contradictory to the intent of the MNR. I hear pikes good eating but I rarely if ever cook fish myself. Doesn't really answer your question, just my opinion, feedback is welcome.
  14. We have good reason to be, there are many 'nomad' steelhead fisherman that drive ridiculous distances at the hint that people are landing fish. One thing recognizable on the net will bring the nuts in like blood to sharks. I've been watching the board and noticed that the day after there was an 'ice out' post on here there were three times the guys on the local trib. I can't help you out with locations, but I agree with troutologist, nothing as rewarding as finding your own spot after a bit of research.
  15. No worries, congrats on the upcoming new fishing buddy! If it's her first baby it could take a while, plenty of time for you to sneak down to the show for an hour or two... lol. I think wrestling a grizzly would be safer.
  16. Torco, Are you planning on attending the Sportsmans show next week? If so, hold off on your purchase and talk to the owner at his booth. I did at the boat show and he gave me some great advice and picked out a custom selection for me at a decent price. His kits are general as they have to appeal to everyone, but he talks to folks from all over (and fly fishs himself) and knows whats catching fish and can hook you up accordingly. I'll likely be paying him another visit.
  17. I know there was another post, but I checked today and it's finally online: Flyer Is it just me or is it a bit of a disapointing selection this year? Nothing that really stands out for me to drive all that way.
  18. Just FYI Asp batons as you refer to them are considered a Restricted Weapon in Ontario, pretty hefty fine/charge if you get caught with it. I don't blame people for not getting involved. It is only an animal after all and as upsetting as it maybe I'd hate to see a human harmed or killed because they tried to intervene physically.
  19. Spiel, this and your fly threads have piqued my interest. What rods you tie, and what are your prices (maybe some examples?). If they're half as good as your flies they're masterpieces. I'm in 'watching the highway and calculating how much daylight is left to justify if I leave early to go fishing' mode.
  20. I think I'll take a page from our neighbours foreign policy and say that any problem can be solved with a generous application of firepower.
  21. It's something I'm planning on doing this summer. In regards to those terrific patterns you posted, are you selling any? Do have other picture of flies you've tied. I'm starting to suspect that I'm actually a fly fisherman at heart (do use them with the centerpin though).
  22. Beautiful spots all, you jerks are going to make the waiting for the thaw even harder. I need to get introduced to some of these river systems....
  23. Am I the only one that doesn't know what AP and HK means? I'm interested in peoples opinions as well. I'm trying to find a lodge to take my dad up to now that I've all growd up, to pay him pack for all the childhood trips to totem point lodge, (who's prices have also gone up considerably).
  24. Liimp wristed, poorly aimed attempts most of them. I'd expect miller to block all of my 45 shots on net.....
  25. That's why they're pre-lubricated.
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