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Great Lake Steel

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Everything posted by Great Lake Steel

  1. From everything I've seen, if you're looking for open water you're going to be in the lake. Creeks are still iced up good.
  2. Nice report, that's my home lake but I've yet to try hardwater fishing. Do you mind sharing what you caught them on, and any pictures of the Ling? I too would be interested in his pricing for a day (as I don't have a shelter). Found his packages on the website for anyone else that's interested: http://www.grahamguiding.com/news.html
  3. Mine's not really modded, not yet anyways it's still under warranty. What are you driving?
  4. Yes, we're out there and have our own club. And sinker, I think I stole the first redneck in a scooby title. The guys that fish eastern tribs have likely seen me around. Usually, you only get waves from modified scoobys to other modified scoobys, there's just too many 'normal' ones around. If you think you love it when you first get it... wait until the winter! check out the toronto subaru club (really all of ontario) for some meets, parts hookups etc.
  5. I'm surprised as well that after almost a year on these boards that's the first time I've seen someone point that out. As surprised as I am by people who pay $500+ for a real and dunk it in the water.
  6. I see plenty of references to hook size for roe etc. But despite all the discussion, what hook size do you gents use when fishing artificial worms and minnows, obviously that depends on which size of bait. But please feel free to mention each size you use (bait/hook). Cheers, from someone that was skunked on opener.
  7. I had a pair of custom polarized clip ons made and couldn't be happier. I can still use them if I change my prescription they work great and hug the frames so I have the same fov as i'm used to!
  8. Do you know what make the bulbs are?
  9. I'm getting that second hand from my folks who were up there recently. They were saying in front of the place the water is down significantly. So much so that the high water before has stranded their dock in the middle of a muddy beach. Usual spring levels it might be, but wasn't it much higher to begin with? Either way, Dad was saying the ice by shore is heaved and broken so much he didn't want to take a sled down onto it... but that comment is from a couple of weeks ago. You fish Mountain? I heard tell that someone pulled a ling through the ice on it. Did you hear this?
  10. No I don't expect them to have enough for everyone, but if the few 'deals' that are advertised to bring everyone in have such limited stock... then there's really no point in me either a) going for those deals or picking up any of the other merchandise that I'd prefer to get from a 'local' or family run tackle shop. I travel all over southern ontario for work, and make a point of checking out the tackle shops that are in the area I am. I haven't found all that many 'deals' at BPS in the half dozen or so times I've been there. Plastics and Rapalas are cheaper, but the Rapala price is due in a large part to what I consider unethical business practices; striking a deal with Rapala so they can bring their merchandise in from the states while everyone else is forced to deal with normark canada. I've also been ticked off to the point ogenerously proportionedrustration with the staff or lack there of, every time I've gone I've got to hunt someone down and then am made to feel like they're doing me a favour. Likely not the staffs fault that they don't have enough people on the floor and I'm sure after 8 hours of customer service I might be a bit crusty too... but I'll vote with my hard earned money and spend it elsewhere. There IS a lot of variety, and if I want to try out different rods, reels etc I'll combine it with the wifes shopping trip and kill a few hours wandering around. Maybe I just prefer to cheer for the little guys vs the large American corporations.
  11. I know where you can buy them new (with the store standing behind it) for 200.
  12. 3hours waiting plus an hour each way? 5 hours of my time is worth more than the two reels, plus I'd have to pay for them.. no thanks. Makes me turn off BPS even more. I'm going to stick to my new favorite local (not) tackle shop I found in Guelph. THAT is worth driving for.
  13. Waters down about 4' on mountain... I heard they were trying to draw it off the system to protect against flooding.
  14. about 80-100km's Thanks for posting I was under the misconception that if I showed up in the afternoon they'd still have some left. You just saved me a drive of equal length.
  15. I was next door in Nov at the Melia Cayo Guillermo. I took a walk through the Daiquiri... I wasn't as impressed with their grounds... the melia had lots of open shaded areas with hammocks etc. That being said the pier at the Melia might be fixed by now... it's stretches fairly far out and some guys have caught decent baracuda off there. (musky tackle) the pier was damaged in the hurricanes though and it's taking ages to fix. If you're going to do an excursion I'd recommend against the jeep tour. It's a tourist trap and you'd have just as much fun driving yourself around in a rental.
  16. I was down at another creek for 1.5 hours leading up to sunset and didn't get so much as a hit. So well done indeed. I haven't caught anything in my two outings this year (today and all day yesterday).
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