Late report from last weekend (Sept 29th) got up to Kenlea Kamp for a weekend of fishing and fun with my bro-in-law, dad-in-law, and buddy John. Lots of fun, the camp was full there was a derby set up and a horse shoe tourney on Sat after-noon and a pot luck/fish fry sat evening. The camp was awesome for fisher people, the cabins are right on the water and well kept. I like the way they kind of surround a nice open area. The owners Mike and Margaret were great hosts, made us feel like family. I found the scenery of the area to be spectacular. The water temps were still warm and the walleye were not back in from the bay, had a hard time finding them, lots of bass around. John and I opted out of the horse shoes and fished instead, John ended up tying for the largest fish (by weight) with a nice juicy 8lb pike, the other was an 8lb musky (both released). Some bass pike and walleye were kept for the fry and it was great, Mike (the owner) brought out the "lodge pan" and Margeret made up the batter, mmmmmm good.
the winning pike...
the release
one of the many bass that we caught
a nice bass my bro-in-law caught
the cleaning hut the night before the fry
the fry....
some scenery....
I hope to get up there again this fall, if it ever cools down.... he is a link to their web sight...
p.s. I think my dad-in-law was happy to get away up north with me......too happy (WARNING GRAPHIC PICTURE).....