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Everything posted by T-Bone

  1. Sorry to hear it's such a challenge up there. In Ohio yesterday, they had open vaccinations (no appointment necessary) at a drive-up site and were calling for people on the news to "come down to get your shot right now...no waiting...no appointment necessary." Hopefully we'll have over-supply soon (if we don't already) and those doses can be sent north ASAP.
  2. Good news Lew. Not sure why they're pressing "within four weeks" down here. Just so it's effective...that's all that matters. Here's to good health...congrats!!!
  3. Finished my two doses Thursday of last week; as advertised, the 2nd shot did come with a bit of a 'hangover' that lasted about 48-hours. Fever, achy, headache, severe fatigue...but in the end all worth it. I got the Pfizer brand and here it's 'required' to get both does within a 4-week time span. The March > July split of the two doses seems contrary to everything I've heard about providing effective coverage/immunity. Is that what the brand that's being administered up there calls for? Either way....at least we're all moving forward to ducking this thing...
  4. That’s great... but why wouldn’t they have been doing that since like 2010? It’s free. Businesses that weather adversity thrive...the others...well... Like all business...gotta be smart and ready for almost anything...even this crappy hand we’ve been dealt. The good ones will make it...the others weren’t meant to... It’s been put to song many times because it’s so true...only the strong survive.
  5. You want a very specific brand of a very specific bait, in a very specific color, only from a CA distributor, and are complaining about an email not being responded to? Sounds like you're setting yourself up for a frustrating PIA from the beginning. Yes, buying local is always preferred, but for products marketed worldwide and sold via hundreds (or thousands) of reseller channels...it really doesn't matter where you get it from. The paper-thin profit from 10 packs or even 100 packs of those worms is not moving the revenue needle for whomever you buy it from.
  6. Can't fix stupid. It's my assessment after a year of this thing that you have to almost go out of your way to get the virus. Social distancing, masking-up, and staying away from people that are doing neither seems to be effective. Lots of ventilation also for enclosed areas, as stated. Most people I know that have had it were cavalier about their activities or simply weren't afraid to get it...almost inviting it... Ohio opened vaccine availability to those 16 and older yesterday...soon available vaccine will outnumber those wanting to get it; hopefully this gets more flowing into Canada ASAP and we can collectively put this thing behind us. I heard this morning you can now get an at-home COVID test kit delivered by DoorDash within a couple hours of request...not sure why there would be a 7-day waiting period...other than to wait and see if it is 'growing'. Good luck HH with the kids...
  7. Pine Vista Resort...Stoney Lake. https://www.pinevista.com/
  8. 8,800 new cases in Ohio alone today. Blowing- up like wildfires out west in a July drought.... I remember when 1,000 new cases a day caused me to pause in fear. Seems like yesterday. Oh...it practically was... 🤬
  9. https://georank.org/covid/canada/united-states
  10. That's recovery from the initial symptoms. Of the people I know that have had it (all healthy, relatively young people prior), all speak of a very long-haul to getting back to feeling 'normal', some things change forever (lung capacity), and another guy I know that had it in March just died a fatal heart attack...out of nowhere...dropped on the spot. There is growing evidence the virus has after-effects on the brain, heart, lungs, liver...etc. I'll get the vaccine. As stated, better to risk that than getting the virus...or living with the after-effects. Also...more evidence showing antibodies only last about 6-months in those that get it...so if you've had the virus it certainly doesn't mean you can't get it again.
  11. Always liked this tune... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ-TVcoFbRU
  12. I think it's still only a 9.4% chance of one of them dying. Either way...not a stat you want to be included within....
  13. Hundreds of guests on The Maid of the Mist? Not likely...maybe a hundred...likely less than than that. Typical media sensationalism. In all of this I'm still amazed at how the media just continues to twist and blow on the fire to get people jumping...and they still jump. This picture may have been taken when the Hornblower was coming out of dock. Or even last year. It's impossible anymore to read the media and believe it's even close to being true...let alone a source that admittedly credits social media for their content. I know one thing that can be certain...IF that picture is true I'd bet the CDN businesses in Niagara Falls that are missing out on the US tourism dollars are hurting badly. I'm aware of outfitters in Canada that are at 10% of 2019 revenue....some less than 10%. How long do you think their business will survive on that? Maybe not even through this year. You may not have the virus, but eventually some won't have anything else either. And what value does this media story provide anyway? Only a stroking of Canadians that "we are right, and they are wrong". That serves no one, and solves nothing. I love Canada and it's people, but the American bashing as "dirty" and "dumb" about this virus in the CDN media is getting old. And using broad strokes to paint a micro-section of a population is just careless...and even dumber.
  14. Where did you read this?
  15. Supposed to be on my way to trip #1 of this year north of the border up in the Temiscaming / Temagami area. Clearly...that's not happening. I see it's warm(er) up there lately...have the skeeters and black flies come out yet? I know what I'm missing in the fishing...but not what I'm thankful I'm missing with the bugs. Thanks for the update.
  16. What happened to Mike Borger and his son?
  17. You Trump bashers make me laugh...and believe me, I'm not a fan of Trump, but HE is hardly to blame in any of this. Since when does a world problem that originated from who know's where - - China will never tell, become his fault? As a neighbor of the US, it sounds like you are blaming the US that Canada has the C19 virus within it's borders. Just like anyone...when you can't accept any of the blame yourself, you just point at someone else. But I get...some people like to bash others just to make themselves feel better...it's part of human nature.
  18. Blame game...never a good look... I certainly don't have the answers, and the news outlets are certainly no place to look for them. But I know this...I'm smart enough to walk away from a debate filled with opinions and inane stances against a government or people.
  19. Seems pretty clear you're blaming the US for all the issues surrounding this pandemic. And clearly again, your superior intelligence is on display.
  20. Well, if 11% of the US knows more about the world outside than every Canadian we'd have more people that know more. What is this, a "we're smarter than you" playground spat? None of it really matters as I don't care where you come from or how educated or uneducated you are, it's not my role in this life to put people in boxes and judge them....or disparage them as a group. I'd say it's more important to just try and be a good person in today's challenging world than to know who the Chancellor of Germany is today...
  21. You have to remember that here in the states we're about 2-3 weeks ahead of Canada on the curve; this is clearly evident in my business of medical equipment and the push of demand now coming hard from up north...fully back to business as usual in the US. And I believe your assessment is not an apples to apples comparison as 'getting back to normal' is now on the radar here...where as 2-3 weeks ago it was fully 'hunker down and stay in place'. I find it curious also the amount of attention Canadians spend "watching" what the US is doing politically and be able to compare and debate it with accuracy (most of the time)...now in the context of COVID-19. Ask Americans what's going on in Canada and 99% would have absolutely no idea...fewer would be even able to tell you who the PM is... That's neither right or wrong...just a fact.
  22. Without a doubt, that is the strangest 'old saying' you will ever hear claimed in your life.
  23. Just now announcing Ohio going on 'lockdown' at 1PM tomorrow...details still coming out. And yes Misfish...being diligent is all you can do to protect yourself.
  24. I hope so too. And by all reports...this is going to get a LOT worse before it gets any better. Unless I have to go to the grocery, I'm not going out in public besides walking the dog. I see news reports of people still going shopping at stores (Target, others) that remain open. Other than food...why would you go shopping and risk the exposure?
  25. If everyone is sick and you can't run the TP factory...then no TP. And that's not good.
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