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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. The way he acted in front of your son was uncalled for, as for what he was doing, why not just send the pics you took, along with the story of what happened, and let them decide? Maureen
  2. I had a new wood stove and chimney installed almost two year ago now, and if I remember correctly it's not insulated, but is double walled. maureen
  3. Great report Glenn, well worth the wait Maureen
  4. Hey Scootch thanks for the replies about your wife, by the way, I like her name . I am 41 and have a fairly strong prescription, but can read without my glasses if need be....so far. I do drive professionaly and long distances so the halo's are an issue for me, but as I mentioned I do get them now. The surgery will not be life changing for me, but would make some things easier...for one, less fish will be wearing my glasses . It would be nice to be able to wear sun glasses again as for some reason my contacts have really bothered me for the last year or more so I stopped wearing them. When the day comes that I need reading glasses, that won't be an issue, if I decide to have the surgery that is. I will likely make an appt. for one day in the next week or two and at least see if I'm a good candidate for the surgery, and if so I will go from there. Maureen
  5. Sorry that the weather wasn't better, but at least you managed to get out on the water for a bit. Maureen
  6. No matter what I do I only see a clockwise direction...guess I'm too narrow minded for this Maureen
  7. Ok, it's 6:14pm...what happened??? did ya's get out on the water, catch anything...c'mon man we're waiting Maureen
  8. Thanks everyone for all of your replies, they are really appreciated. Terry, thank you for your reply, it's good to know both sides. I have heard of some having problems with night vision after the surgery, and as I do drive for a living that is something I have to seriously consider. I currently get halo's and a suffer from the glare of on coming headlights at night, I don't need it to get worse. I have been leaning towards The Lasik centre in Toronto, partly because of price, but also because they have been around for a very long time. My health plan does not cover the surgery at all, so it's good to know it's deductible on my tax return . Again, thanks for all of your replies, I will let you know what I decide. Maureen
  9. ok Dawg, you've had long enough....where's the real deal ??? Glad y'all had a great time Maureen
  10. Wow, that's a heck of a month!!! Glad your son is ok, and that you got the van back... I hope your luck turns for the better and you guys have a GREAT time!!! I'll be looking forward to your report Thanks again for your support and I hope you all settle into the new home soon so you can get out on the water and relax a bit before it freezes over Maureen
  11. Hey all, I hope you're having a good weekend. I am considering looking into the possibility of having laser eye surgery in the hopes of losing my glasses, at least full time I have looked at three companies and really don't know the big difference between them. I was hoping someone here has had experience with at least one of them. I have looked up Bochner, Herzig and Lasik, also there's a new one in Barrie. They all differ greatly in price, but I know that paying the most doesn't always mean it's the best. Can anyone here shed some light on any company for me? Thanks Maureen
  12. Morning folks, well it looks like fall has arrived after all...I don't know about where you are, but it's chilly up here... Have a great weekend and stay warm Maureen
  13. And the OFC family grwos again Congrats Maureen
  14. Thanks folks, he's a good kid and I couldn't be happier for him. He sure has improved since the last time I saw him Maureen
  15. Hey all, some of you asked me to let you know when my nephew Dan will be on TV again. It's tonight on ER Here's the e-mail I recieved from my sister. "Hi everyone ~ Don't forget to watch ER this Thursday! Daniel plays the role of Finn Andrews, a 16 year old champion wrestler that comes into the ER for what is thought to be a stomach virus....it isn't!" Hope you can watch!! Heck, I hope I can watch it Thursday Oct 11 on NBC at 10:00 pm. Maureen
  16. Good luck with the training Clive, what are you up to these days? I would think Fish Head Ric might have an idea or two he might share with you, isn't that the general area he's in now??? Maureen
  17. Have a safe Drive Garry, look forward to your warm weather reports. Maureen
  18. Great stuff! Those were some nice looking fish, bet they tasted good Maureen
  19. Thanks for the teaser Glen, looking forward to your report Maureen
  20. Ain't that the truth Welcome to the zoo Scootch and Mau, this is a great place to be and learn. There are plenty of places in the Toronto Area to go fishing, and it seems to me you've already figured out a few things on your own. From earlier posts I've read here the Islands is the place to go. Maureen
  21. Not bad at all I'd say Maureen
  22. Thanks a bunch everyone, all of your input has helped. I had thought of the "mailing to herslef" idea, but wanted to confirm it before I told her. A bit of backround on her... She is a young lady, who is blind and in a motorized wheel chair, so I can promise you anything she designs will be used...she's designed most of it for use herself. Her finances are limited as she is on a disability pension. She is currently attending the Toronto School of Business taking a class on operating your own business. My concern for her came when she told me she sent a design to a manufacturing company to get a quote on cost of mold and production and never heard from them again. One quote she recieved was 20,000 for the mold, which wouldn't surprise me, but no quote on manufacturing. I did suggest she try to find investors, never thought of the MS society, not sure why, and don't know where to suggest she look for investors...seems to me most want a product that's not limited to a "niche" market. Good idea to suggest she approach a currnet manufacturer or company in the business already. Wayne, PM me the information of where she can send her design...I had thought of you but wanted to check before I told her Thanks again all Maureen
  23. Hey all, I'll make this short and sweet...or I'll try I have a customer, who has started her own web store selling products for the physically challenged to help them in their day to day lives. To get an idea her website is Here Her big goal is to get products of her own design into her store. The challenge comes in finding companies that can give her quotes on molds and production costs. She managed to get one quote from a company, and two others didn't respond. She does not have patents on her designs which makes me nervous for her, but she is unable to come up with the required monies for the patents. I'm sure I saw somewhere, years ago, a way that she could protect her designs until she is able to get a patent for them. One of her many challeneges is that she tires easily and therefore isn't alway able to spend the time searching the internet for this info, and I haven't been able to find anything myself..lack of time or what I'm looking for isn't out there? I would also appreciate any thoughts on expanding her market...right now she's focusing on those using wheel chairs, I've suggested seniors and advertising in publications geered to them, any other ideas? Inexpensive advertising? All your thoughts and help is much appreciated.
  24. Sounds like a great way to spend a birthday...and gentlemen I'm impressed you're still able to use the computer after a night on the town happy Bday Patrick, glad it was a good day Maureen
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