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Everything posted by motv8tr

  1. Hey Wayne, I'm always looking for a new job Maureen
  2. Fire is across from Random Ranch I think and still going at this time, they have it on City TV Breakfast Television....even Honeymoon Suit and Rick Emmet had to be evacuated last night from their concert....no injuries reported yet, but will be devastating to Barrie I think. Fire is still going at least one building completely gone, started at around 12:30, fire crews came in from other townships to help out, they are now getting water from Lake Simcoe as the water pressure in Barrie is too low. Yup, the Wellington Hotel is gone, it was built in 1880 I think, sad day for sure in Barrie Maureen
  3. Huh, I was there Tuesday and they told me they hadn't come in yet....go figure I'll try to check out the one near my work this week. Maureen
  4. Yup, just as good 2nd time around Good stuff Dave!!! Maureen
  5. I was at CTC today and they don't have the regs yet, or next years licence Maureen
  6. If it were Roy's tree it would be made of Milwakee's Maureen
  7. Ok, I'll check the seal, it doesn't happen when I'm loading, just when I've stoked it too much and it has a good flame going...before I turn it down
  8. Ok, I have two smoke alarms, one by the front door, and the other down the hall in front of the two bedrooms and bathroom. They seem to go off sometimes when I stoke the fire a little too much and don't turn it down in time. There is no smoke but the air is warmer up near the cieling. I also get a slight odor, which I cannot identify, but again, no smoke, no fire all seems normal other than the higher level of heat near the cieleng, but it's not all that hot. Any thoughts on this? I always thought only smoke would set them off, are they affected by heat as well? One came with the house, the second I bought last year, both have new batteries. Maureen
  9. They told me the same thing Bill, I said thanks but no thanks....a few months later, surprise surprise, it became available without me needing any additional equipment, funny how that happens. I'd call again and ask for an explanation as to how they can add it one day but not the next. Maureen
  10. Might was well be....TTC Wheel Trans...
  11. Made the appt for the Michelin X ice tires to be put on Thursday after work....not cheap, but cheaper than my deductable Maureen
  12. I'm a huge Gumby fan I have two of them on display, plus a movie somewhere around here, now if only I could find the blockheads and the others...wait a minute I work for the block heads Maureen
  13. I'll be watching again for sure! It's GREAT!!!! Heck I'd watch it again even without the contest The trick will be to try to pay attention while laughing so hard Maureen
  14. Welcome to the board, sorry for the loss of your friend Maureen
  15. Hey Pete, not sure if it's going to warm up enough for you to be able to do any work in T.O. , not supposed to get warmer than -2 C, I'd stay home if I were you Nancy, I carry a set of booster cables, good first aid kit, candle, energy bar or something similar, a tin can, some hot chocolate, a blanket and a change of clothes, tow rope, shovel, basic tools, flashlight, and I'm sure a few other things as well Lew, this year will be the first time I get winter tires. I am one of those that convinced myself I didn't need them if I had good all seasons. I have never had a problem over the years, living in the city and up here, but, after talking to a couple of co-workers who also commute and changed to winter tires a year or two ago, I have decided to make the switch...and go figure, now I drive a 4 wheel drive I'm hoping to get them on this week. Maureen
  16. Lots of bad roads up this way, or so I'm told I'm so happy it's another day off for me The news does say the 400 is in bad shape, so if you venture out, be careful and remember, better late than never... Maureen
  17. They do a better job up here than in Toronto that's for sure Maureen
  18. Lew I was by your place yesterday, sure looked like it snowed everywhere but your driveway Watch your step out there, it's been snowing here all day, but I didn't go out so can't comment on the roads. As always if you have to venture out, play safe Maureen
  19. Well I sucked it up and took a run at it. Managed to start the thing this time, with the pull cord, not ready to use the electric start yet Got most of it done, than ran out of gas so the back will have to wait until tomorrow. Wasn't too bad at all really, but the wind kept changing directions on me Here are some pics of the mythical white stuff called snow, and the mythical abominable snow dog The new toy Snow drift at the back door The after shot...no before shot, didn't want to treck through the snow Sasha Austin Maureen
  20. No matter how heavy it gets, my machine will move it I don't shovel anymore, can't in fact unless I want to cripple myself, don't want that Maureen
  21. Well it's been snowing here all morning and I have I would guess close to a foot of snow in the driveway and it's not supposed to end until tomorrow morning. So, do I don my snowsuit and go out and make use of the snow blower, or do I stay inside by the fire and wait until tomorrow morning Just when I think I might go out, the wind picks up and frankly I don't like the snow blowing back in my face Nothing urgent to get to today that can't wait until tomorrow....just spending money at the stores What would you do??? Maureen
  22. Come on up here for a good close look at Mythology I was fortunate in that Steve had an unexpected day off yesterday, so over he came and when he found the doors locked, he hopped the fence, got the blower running (seems I flooded it ) and figured well, might as well use it, and cleaned out my entire driveway Maureen
  23. Now that's one heck of a day....Good to hear from you Tom....enjoy your walk this morning Maureen
  24. I feel your pain, I leave for work at around 5, looks like I might head out a bit early. The good news is that according to the weather network, rain isn't supposed to hit until late morning, 11am, so they say Weather network. All you'll have to worry about (hopefully) is the snow. Drive carefully and like Cliff said, let us know you arrived safely if you can. Me, I hope lost of customers cancel their plans, or I'm in for a looonnng day. Maureen
  25. I just got my new snow blower last week, used it the other night, went to use it tonight, couldn't get the thing to go...noticed it's leaking gas when I prime it I'll take it back Monday or I hope, and have them fix it...might have to call in sick myself if I can't get out of the driveway.... Maureen
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