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Posts posted by Freshtrax

  1. Tough fishing Sunday we trolled for hours without moving a rod. Ended up with this guy my dads first brown he was pretty pumped. Not huge but a nice mean looking fish. Best part was Getting out with dad as we only fish together a few times a year.



  2. Where are all the HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of Cougars that have been spotted over the years ????


    Pics ???.....Tracks ???..... Dead corpses ?????




    If know of someone who has one burried in the back yard. MNR knows it's there too.
  3. Thanks for taking the time. If I have 240 in garage, and after chatting with you guys and reinspecting my main panel and reading the breakers lol I do. I'm confident in wiring the receptical in garage. Will contact ESA Tomorow to arrange permit/ inspection. Will they have an issue with old screw in fuse panel in garage? And like I said earlier what main fuse should've I have in there considering the wire feeding it?

  4. So is that 10-4 wire ok with 2 30 amp breakers clipped together in the middle Or does that make 60 amps? Also what should the main fuse be in the garage with this wire?


    I have no intentions about messing with this on my own just trying to learn.


    After further reading the double pole 30 is only 30 , and the correct breaker for the wire.


    It's an old fuse panel garage with screw in fuses. Since the wire is only rated to 30 feeding this panel should it be a 30 amp fuse ?

  5. This is why I need an electrician :). Assumed when reading on how to do this the other buss was the other side of panel , thanks Wayne looks like I have what I need. To be honest I haven't put a voltmeter on out in the garage yet. Guess I should have started there.

  6. I've been waiting for it to go on sale as I need a replacement for my old cannox 110v. Lincoln 180 220v. With regulator included 20% off at ctc. 636 plus hst.



    Went to go wire an outlet in garage and assumed I had 220 in the panel in garage . Assumed wrong I have 2 hot wires running from same side of main panel on 2 30 amp breakers.. Have 10-4 cable running to garage about 50 ft run but not enough slack in wire to get to other side of panel to move the second hot. Any licenced electricians on the board in the kw area to help me sort this out.


    Going to make an extension cord to run from dryer and out the window for now. Wife not impressed :)

  7. There are no campgrounds on the river or the lake that I know of. There are a few places to pitch a tent along the way but it's crown land. There are ramps in between all the dams, I focused on Jessie lake portion of the river and did ok for the few days I was there.

  8. Drives me nuts I have my dog on a leash at all times because he is a jerk to other male dogs, but I can't take him hiking anywhere because other dog owners have their dogs off leash . There always like "don't worry he is friendly". And I'm like. " mines not he will eat yours".

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