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Posts posted by Freshtrax

  1. Thanks.,....Someone made a thread about Sturgeon being frozen and I asked how to tell if its safe and that turned into me dying, lol only on OFC. Why not post ice safety tips instead.




    I did, No ice is safe ice. Hopefully you understand that.


    You think anyone who has gone through meant to do it?


    I never said you were dying, I said I had a family member die on the lake your talking about going on 2 days after it froze. He went through when most of the lake had 10 inches of ice.


    You think he knowingly went out on a snowmobile thinking it was not safe? Stuff happens man and you need to be ready for it.


    Always be prepared to go through. I always when traveling on ice have picks on me and wear my floater . Early in the season you must spud your way out. And don't go solo.

  2. So what are you guys saying? You're all over the map.


    A CnR guy is a tree hugging twink? but you guys CnR when nobodies looking?


    I replied to this thread because a guy was getting castrated for mentioning CnR.


    to help those in shock, f u


    oh yeah, those pike in 17, they're here to stay, may as well embrace them



    im just sticking up for a fellow fisherman keeping his legal limit of a delicious fish. no hard feelings i hope Chris.

  3. I'm a have to put up some more reports with dead fish in them to help those in shock with keeping fish. I'm all for conservation and sometimes that means shutting down a fishery , sometimes that means killing some pike in the Kawarthas so the other fish have a chance.....and sometimes that means keeping a limit of rainbows cuz there so freakin tasty :)059.jpg



    Like I said before nice going, and don't be ashamed.

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