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Posts posted by Freshtrax

  1. Some people love snubbers I hate them....unless it becomes a "thing " where it's happens often I wouldn't worry. I'd guess your drag was a little to aggressive . I loose a flasher a year I'd say usually on the first hit when my drags are too tight. I had a first a few weeks back...fish pulled the spit ring attaching the treble on a mag spoon.....????

  2. crossed the skyway bridge this morning in Hamilton...no boats out and at least four foot waves from the East.

    I was out today's from Hamilton , there were about 50 boats off Bronte, no way those were 4 ft. 2.5 maybe . Nice day to be out but the water was bathtub warm even a 100 ft down in 225 fow. Fishing sucked. Nice day for a boatride though.

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