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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. That creek is an absolute gem!! Thanks for sharing. cheers HD
  2. Gladiator?? I was thinking more along the lines of Game of Thrones.. But then... It'd be something like.. Truly, the Gods are cruel! and... Gods be good!!
  3. yyyyyuuucchhh.
  4. The gods can be cruel Brian.. but they can also be merciful. Glad to know you're ok.
  5. That's some sweet bassin brahj. Didn't know the pond was so productive!!
  6. THAT took a lot of guts. I can only imagine what kind of event you experienced.. Regardless.. Indica, sativa... the chronic.. I'm a recreational user (only while I'm fishing nowadays) and I can tell you that there's a time and a place for everything. Unfortunately, I've learned that the hard way while I was growing up.. I've never been in an accident, never hurt anyone and I've never been in trouble with the law. But I can tell you that my path to a rewarding career was severely affected. I coasted through college, couldn't hold a job.. couldn't hold a gf.. Why? Because I couldn't function like a regular person. Now that I'm older and I have a wife and son, I've had to change my habits. That meant no weed on weekdays. My current role dictates that I have to be sharp.. ie. think clearly, process thoughts quicker, keep my emotions in check.. etc. I just wouldn't be able to do this if I smoked weed every day. The weed we get nowadays is so potent and the effects don't go away within a day or two. They always linger. Your sleep, your diet, your mood is affected! You're just not functionning at your full potential. Mind you, that's just another side of things.. If I knew then what I know now.. I would have passed up that spliff years back.
  7. Oh you meant a gram of cannabis. My bad.
  8. No that's the dosage for the active ingredient in the Nabilone pill. I've checked into it and it's normaly one or two mgs and it's not actually cannabis, it's a synthetic cannabinoid and it's super consentrated. So in effect, it's synthesized cannabis and it takes very little to produce the desired effect.
  9. HAHAH!! So true.. Nice fishin mane!
  10. Yep. I've seen this plant along all our tribs.. My guess is the ministry will only control the plant in public areas.. From what I've learned, the plant has to be damaged to secrete the sap, but that's just hearsay.. I'd stay clear of it regardless. TRCA has to wear protective clothing and safety goggles when they deal with this stuff..
  11. Had a run with this plant a few years ago. I have a permanent scar on my right arm as a reminder.. The sap actually liquifies skin and tissue. Had to get treated at the hospital twice and a the wound wept so bad I had I replace my gauze daily for 2 weeks straight!! This is no joke people!! Get stuff in your eyes and you're in for a world of hurt..
  12. So the cup is now an American affair... That's pretty sad considering the Stanley Cup is originally from CANADA. That's all I'm going to say about that...
  13. Nice eelpouts mane!! Must be a trip fishing from a boat in pitch darkness like that. Hoping to do that up in Temiskaming this weekend.. Got a spot that produces bigguns when the spring is late and the pickerals aren't on the feed yet..
  14. Whoah hope nobody got hurt... I'd hate to be the one standing on that bank when she decided to go... Be interesting to see what she looks like in a coupla years!
  15. Awesome. Big ups to both you guys!!
  16. I'd say get yourself a good seine. If you plan on using lots of minnows it would be a wise investment.. There's lots of creeks that may look fishy but in actuality, they could be void of cyprinids.. X2 on what Gallie mentioned. Your best bet is to find a shallow bay with some weed growth (the temperature may suit minnows better at this time of year), locate the bait and set up there. Good luck on the French!
  17. Wicked! Love me some of that action right about meow..
  18. Yep. After that session... It's pretty safe to say that I'm hooked!!
  19. Atta girl. Welcome to your new home. Once you're in though.. there ain't no going back mwahahah!
  20. Thanks budday! Don't you be getting any ideas now.. LOL
  21. Nope! and tipped with a minnow or a worm.. they're like white truffles to trout..
  22. Thanks Chris! The boys got one out of the Jon boat.. as we were leaving from a little shore session..
  23. Thanks babe. Miss ya!
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