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About Twocoda

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    Saugeen Shores

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All Knowing Angler

All Knowing Angler (8/10)



  1. Sorry to hear of the disregard for the Ganny...I have said it before and I'll say it again...if the water is less than two or three feet deep....declare it a sanctuary...that will largely eliminate the rippers and I'm sure it will reduce the garbage left on the banks....heavy fines if caught ...Introducing a municipal license will do nothing but generate a few dollars for the town....it won't solve the issues at all...the chinnys are comming in to spawn and die now...when they die of natural causes after the spawn...where do you think they end up? Yep....on the banks...but they continue to serve a purpose of feeding the wildlife along the banks and fertilize the vegetation...the circle of life ....get the weekend warriors and bo Bo's under control and enjoy the Chinooks for what they are ...a put and take industry generating money for those fortunate enough to have a stream or River readily available....my 02
  2. The one to the left is a New Zealand Red Deer...the one on the right is a Canadian Wapiti...aka ELK
  3. Incredible!!! She is cutting the path for those to follow...
  4. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=76530 great warranty ...Ravens newest edition
  5. buy a lotto ticket before that sucker rusts Congrats
  6. fireworks are always fun...nice shots
  7. crisp ...im going to guess this is with your new lens? im not a moon watcher either but it sure is cool to get different perceptions of it ...especially in High Definition ..beauty shot Bill
  8. Twocoda

    I see you.

    Great Blue Heron your right ...not bad at all. ....here is one i shot yesterday
  9. The alternatives aren't too favourable so try to make the best of it ..
  10. All 4 eggs hatched last Wednesday between 1-4pm . All the chicks are doing well, running around the beach and eating on their own,,,they have proven to be a challenge to capture good clean images for variable reasons but these are the best i have managed so far....
  11. How to tell the difference between RCMP and OPP The RCMP seem to think it illegal to leave your vehicle windows down..... so you get a ticket of 180.00 The OPP seem to think you dont have to take the keys out of boats paid for by the taxpayers...insurance shouldnt cover this Should the RCMPs write the OPP a ticket? or should the tax payers pay for another boat ...keep in mind this boat was a replacement boat from the incident a few years ago
  12. I was thinking provocateurs to get a new toy
  13. blondes for the center of the boat and brunettes around the gunnel walls...
  14. Sweet bokeh ..(pun intended)...delicious composition !
  15. Cool experience to be that close to an owlette ...those turkey vulchures may be ugly but they sure are graceful in flight ....
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