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Everything posted by Whitespinnerbait

  1. Yep,Last creation for sure ,,Because starting this weekend it will be Ice Fishing reports from now on
  2. Nice Dude.... Neat pic of the wild turkeys,, there is more and more of them around here also Keep those Nature Walk reports coming
  3. Well with the hardwater season still a week or two away, I decided to take a nature walk up to one of Lake xxx's As I headed out the back door I looked over at the Picnic table and was shocked at what I seen,Maybe snowhoes would come in handy A short walk over to one of the '' Bird Feeders '' = BlueJay And off I go , After crossing several mountains I meet up with a Beaver A couple of deer showed up to play Finally I reach the trail to Paradise......... When I get to the lake I see a RedTail hawk watching over it At the lake it was snowing pretty good , But all was well and almost ready The End........
  4. No RJ is not a bad Dude ,,The guy knows his stuff no question there,, He does put on some impressive reports every now and then I think maybe belonging to a ( Boring private site ) might cause him to lurk OFC once in awhile
  5. It was 69.7 cents a liter in Ottawa last night
  6. The plan is to sleep in tomorrow and Sunday ,, then sneak out to McBay for and ice Inspection Ice Ice Baby
  7. Mine is still hooked up,, Might have to rinse off the boat from a late season Muskie report
  8. Yep , That falls into the '' Serious Beast catergory ''
  9. The deer must have a square head ,cause the SPOT is awfully square looking to be a RUB
  10. It won't be long now Jacques ............ McLaurin Bay will have a good safe 3'' layer soon
  11. Well we could always give it one more try this weekend Jacques ,,
  12. Can you imagine what the inside looks like Oh well I guess the Mentally Insane have the right to decorate the outside of their houses too.
  13. Kemper ,,your Dads not alone ,my brother drives and 07 caddy the reardiff was overhauled the ,the engine had to overhauled ,its had several re-call issues( AND IT ONLY HAS 9000KMS on it)
  14. Congrats Dude........ Thats a fine looking Buck
  15. Well said Beans............ The way I look at it is,, they gowged us for years .... now its their turn to suffer
  16. So went over to Leechman's crib one day last winter , for some wobbly pops after several hours of Jacque drinking three pops to my one ,He passed out . I then took the opportunity to sneak in his baesment and locate one of his tip-up templates ............heres what I came up with
  17. I just wonder how expensive they are
  18. I have the same model ,must have punched over a thousand plus holes with it last winter , light weight and absolutely astonishing how little gas it uses
  19. Jacques......... Practise makes perfect ,, well done my friend . I guess the gun style ones you made were as a back up ,, if you miss a fish you can always shoot it.
  20. Let me know how you make out with the tank repair ,, if you get it the first time good for you but after three or four times might get the blood pressure a little higher than normal
  21. That there is a Monster WaterWolf............Biggest I've seen in a long time
  22. OK listen up here ,,, That is one serious Beast , Congrats to all parties involved.
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