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Everything posted by Whitespinnerbait

  1. I brought my '' Wife '' fishing once ...barefoot and 9 months pregnant sitting at the back of the boat .. It was all fun and games till the treble hooks on the Red Devil landed in the top of her left foot = Hospital emergency room...........
  2. Its a Man Made / Home Made Launch at Lake X.......No one around for Miles..No cell phone service..
  3. The only dry place left in the car was maybe the sunvisors....
  4. Saturday afternoon Leechman and I were Bassin for a couple of hours .It was a Beautiful day out enjoying Nature.. Three of the 7 loons that were schooled up together A Juvenile Green Heron was also out fishing for Perch... Success.. All good things come to an end , at 6:30pm we call it a day ....Thats when all hell brakes loose.. Jacques offered to back the car and trailer in the water while I took the boat for a quick spin...How far do I back it in he asks... I reply .. When the tires are just below the surface....as i'm pulling away from the shore i look back...He thought I was refering to the tires on the car.... Whoaaaaaaa.... He panics we he realizes the water is coming in by the rear doors and puts the car in forward and drives over a large boulder ...Six feet in diameter 18 inches high... The car is now hung by the frame with both Passenger side tires out of the water... Back seat... While coming up to a stop sign one of running shoes floated up between my feet.. We had walked two kilometers to the nearest farmhouse for help , when we got there a sign on the door read '' Gone Moose Hunting ''........... Back to the Sunfire we go and ended up jacking the car on large planks from and old dock nearby , then prying the car off the Boulder ...and away we went ..2and a half hours later...
  5. Number one peice of advice right there...
  6. 5lbs 7 ozs...... I've been working that Beaver Lodge for the last couple of days , seems to be a real Bass Magnet....
  7. Thanks All..... Dan .. You should see the pics of the green heron i saw fishing at McBay lastnight .....and the size of the perch he caught
  8. If its the comment i made about the Sunfire having a lack of power ...I also drive a Sunfire...
  9. BTW... A Sunfire never had any '' Power '' to begin with...
  10. Open hood look down at exhaust manifold ....staring right at you will be the o2 sensor..you will need the proper socket to remove it ..not a pair of Vise Grips...
  11. If so much ice is melting ...why hasn't the water level risen in the oceans....
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