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Everything posted by ctranter

  1. I guess people would rather hear cliche classic rock than cliche modern rock? Things never change
  2. This if often overlooked. I went to Vegas for the first time last August (on a super cheap deal), and spent a total on 16$ on 1$ slot machines, and only because I got loaded. There is plenty to do in Vegas aside from gamble. The Grand Canyon is only about 2-3 hours away and day trips are reasonable priced. As well, each hotel is an attraction in itself. Last year they were building the CitiCenter hotel, which was just ridiculously big (imagine any given full square block in the financial district downtown Toronto). I know the typical response is "well who wants to go on vacation to look at hotels", trust me they are stunning both inside and out. You have a plethora of world class restaurants. Every kind of live entertainment possible... reasonably priced The only negative is the superficiality and cost of the night clubs and bars. I am lucky to date a beautiful actress/model, as otherwise the Bouncers at the club will look at you and tell you to your face whether or not you are adequately attractive to enter.
  3. Great bows, great tunes...great times
  4. Well said!
  5. Wow All kinds of great advice, huge thanks. I have a 5'6 UL rod with an UL spinning reel that I will try with some 4-6 lb mono spooled and Ill grab one of those panther martins as well. Should I remove the treble's for lake specks too? Im going on an algonquin trip this weekend for fishing/camping and would love to find some lake brookies too. Also, should I focus on specific colour patterns? (blue/silver I hear is popular, or white with gold spinner). How about small rapalas? Should I downsize the trebles on all tackle? With my first active steelehead season just finished, I thought I had reached the pinnacle of challenges on the fresh water. I think I jumped the gun on that one
  6. Thus far I am 0 for 3 in brookie outtings in southern ontario, although the rush of pursuing something new is almost satisfying enough. My question for you all is: Can you find brookies in small streams in and around the burks falls/magnetawan area? I know the lakes there very well (lots of love for Ahmic), but since I am opening up the cottage in the next week I thought Id throw some shiny stuff into streams and see what happens... But is there even a point? If they are not found in the region even searching is a waste of time. I have done google searches but found no info. I'm not looking for the names of specific streams of rivers (although I certainly wont object ), rather just a "yep they're there go look for em", or a "nah don't bother they dont habit the region". I know the classic response is "never hurts to go look for yourself", and the truth is I have in the past. But I'm not even positive that I would know how to spot them, let alone a body of water that sustains them.
  7. I have never received a solicitor call from my cell, let alone answered it. I am with Bell (reluctantly)
  8. Not gonna lie, that looks like some serious fun. Nice post
  9. I don't hate the habs because I am a leaf fan. I hate the habs because they are the ONLY team in the NHL that is (and has always been) characertized by diving, faking injuries, and other soccer-like behaviour. That being said I love Montreal, and the people of Montreal, but their teams unsportsmanlike behaviour is always talked about, but quickly forgotten.
  10. I've never seen that many blackbears in one spot without being surrounded by a field of garbage. Great pics
  11. I was always extremely spoiled in that I have a cottage on a pristine bass lake. We are the only cottage on the lake, and all summer the bass are always on. I always tell me friends "you can use the wrong gear, in the wrong way, at the wrong time of day, and you will always have a good day". My favourite memory is when I was about 12 or 13. My brother and I had a small (4 ft) rowboat with a Yamaha 2 hp outboard. One day, my dad and brother had gone into town and it was just me and my Mom. Being a rather unsporty woman, I was surprised when she offered to take me trolling on the lake. Without hesitation I grabbed my rod and my favourite floating jointed Rapala perch pattern. After trolling for only about 5 minutes something hit my lure and the line started peeling off. I could tell it was a trophy. On my lake, we only have smallmouth, perch, and sunfish so when you feel a solid tug, you know its a nice bass. I will always remember my Mom's expression when we both saw the amber flash a few feet from the boat. "HOLY COW CHRIS, THAT IS A MONSTER", she uncharacteristically screamed. When we got it in the boat neither of us could believe the size, it was the biggest bass that had ever been caught on the lake (we're the only ones so we get to command the record!). 21 inches of solid smallie, still the biggest bass I've caught to date. For centuries, Fathers and Sons have been bonding over fishing, but lets not forget about Mom. Now I'm a new teacher and she is a principal. In her office she has the only origional picture of that fish. I'm gonna let her keep it
  12. bump I PM'd him but I'm not sure if he has any left. Does anyone else have any ideas?
  13. Hello everyone I've been snooping around the web lately and came across Megabass Vision 110 minnow lures. They seem to go a step beyond Rapala finish and quality, and was wondering if anyone knew if they were sold in Canada. I know of a few American websites that sell them, but the selection isn't always the best and I would like to see some in person. Does anyone know a retailer that sells Megabass tackle? (GTA preferred if given the option) http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Megabass_Ito_Vision_110/descpage-MB110.html#pImage ^ this with the GG perch pattern is my dream lure.
  14. Thanks for the advice everyone. Boss, a friend talked me into Quantum, so I ended up going with a Quantum Energy PT. I took the advice and visited my local tackle shop to feel them out for myself. Initially, I liked how the Revo XS felt in my hands, but I thought I should avoid future hassles and get a reel with an easy to use, yet highly customizable braking system. I tried the Curado, which was extremely light and small (despite large spool size), but it felt a little uncomfortable in my hands. I have pretty large hands, and I felt like I could crush it if I squeezed hard (not to say Shimano uses weak materials, I just mean it felt uncomfortably small to hold). I decided to spend the extra dollar for a Quantam, which felt the best, had a handle that felt smoothest, and had some of the strongest reviews online. The trippy metallic coating is a plus as well.
  15. That perch is bigger than most bass I catch Nice post
  16. I recently picked up a 7ft Med action Falcon BuCoo rod (thx EC1), and I'm having a hard time deciding which reel to pair it with. Taking into consideration my price range I've narrowed it down to these two: Abu Garcia REVO SX - http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Abu_Garcia_REVO_SX_Casting_Reel/descpage-AGRVSX.html + I've had really good experiences with Abu reels in the past, and I have read some pretty good reviews. Also the price is great. - no braking system - since it's my first baitcast setup, I'm more inclined to spend a bit more to reduce birdcaging and frustrations (although in some reviews I've read that its a good beginner reel despite the lack of braking system) Shimano Curado 200 E - http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Shimano_Curado_200_E_Casting_Reels/descpage-SCER.html + can't go wrong with shimano, has the variable braking system, plenty of positive reviews, - more expensive - doesn't match my new rod Despite the braking system, many technical aspects are similar between the two. It's going to boil down to: Is the variable braking system worth the extra money? Is it as necessary as some say, or will I be fine without it with the Revo? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  17. not even, all of the goal judge calls were fair and legitimate. Being from Toronto, I was super happy to see the sens fail, but I've been a penguins loyal since the early Lemieux days, so it was nice to see the young guns bring home another key series. dynasty? too early to call but it looks hopeful.
  18. Great pics Dave, breathtaking views there. Looks like you had an awsome trip.
  19. I have had the privilege of having the only cottage on a small-med lake near parry sound for my entire life. Even since slightly before being of legal drinking age, I have enjoyed various quantities of beer out on the water. Legalities are the last thing I'm thinking about while fishing and drinking, but safety is always a concern. I never drink to the point where I put myself or others at risk by driving the boat into a rock or something. The best part is, if officials ever decided to randomly search this needle in a haystack, I could be back on my dock before they parked their truck by the launch. Id love to share the location of the lake with yall, since its the best smallmouth fishing Ive ever seen, it wouldn't be in my best interest
  20. Oh I definitely called the MNR reporting hotline, only problem is I was without my camera. If they did actually come to follow up on the report he was long gone. Next time I head out I will have my camera for that exact purpose (kinda sad when the purpose isn't to photograph fish isn't it?) The depressing fact is that most illegal fishing goes completely un punished. In a country like Canada, who places such a high value on maintaining natural resources, its sad that we cant have a more effective enforcement system.
  21. Thats definitely rude. Nobody owns our natural resources. So long as you ask before doing something like crossing through a float route, its fair game. If he had a problem with it, he should have helped you find a more convenience access point. I have encountered my fair share if ignorant GTA float fishermen. Whether its "pool hoarding", or blatant casting over lines, they just dont seem to care. The other day I watched a guy leave Duffins creek with at least 8-10 large steelehead on a string. I talked to a few friends on the river and their attitude was "yeah Im upset, but MNR can't do anything so why bother" And then you get these elitist (pardon my language) jerks who act like because they spent 1000$ on their gear, they have the right to push you out of your favorite pool. The important thing is to stick to your values. It also helps to fish with a small group so you aren't alone should you need to confront a disrespectful fisherman. So long as you paid for your liscence, you are just as entitled to enjoy your fishing experience as anyone else.
  22. An impressible smallie report indeed Great job
  23. Nice fish! The lack of ettiquite from some GTA fisherman is embarassing, casting over a line like that with a fish on, I can only imagine how upset I would be. Sucks about your rod, find your receipt and you should be able to get it replaced without problems. wow a 10ft jump, did you hook onto Lebron James or a fish lol? Seriously though that must have been awsome. I'm just starting to get used to casting the centerpin and I notice a huge difference in control. How has the learning curve been for you? What is your prefered cast?
  24. What do dark front fins indicate? Im eatin' em right now and they are outstanding. Gettin ready for a potentially depressing leafs game
  25. Well folks, after several weeks of failed outtings and a few lost fish along the way, I managed to land my first steelie of the season today. Up to this morning I was starting to get really frustrated (6 consecutive skunks in a row), and everyone I was talking to was telling me that I was doing everything right, and fishing in the right places. I guess Thursdays rain was the key as I was seeing a lot more fish in the river, and I was starting to see some actual hook ups. This guy slammed a roe bag and even showed me a little aerial action as well. I was so nervous that I was going to lose it by the shore that I nearly went face first into the creek jumping down the bank. Sorry for the bad cell phone pic: 15 minutes later I landed a second, slightly bigger, with the same beautiful silver shine. Whats a better way to celebrate this huge load off my chest than my favourite brew, and some lunch! I'm officially addicted, what a rush. I can't wait to get out and do it all again
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