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Everything posted by cowanjo

  1. Thanks everyone, starting to pull together so if the boat and trailer are all US (Ranger) then in Ontario this will be NAFTA and GST only. I get the issue on the non par dollar but feel good I was going to do this more than a year ago and put the funds aside! Anyone imported a ranger to Ontario? Seems GST only
  2. Hi everyone I have found and had a boat looked at by marine mechanic and a friend of mine in the US who took it to his mechanic. Before I make the final commitment what do I need and what to I need to pay bringing it to Canada. Appreciate if someone has done this and wants to share here or in a PM Thank you John
  3. Can someone let me know for HDS 8 and 7 which chip I need appreciate the help john
  4. Catching the barra is what got me into musky - even today my favourite go to lure is a golden bomber - great fish and they fight unbelievable. The size isn't that huge it is they just don't normally get as south as the Brisbane river normal cape York area.
  5. I love pigeon in the fall pattern works every year the fish are predictable, fish rocks no, fish points no, fish humps no, fish like they are bass no, fish rocks front of big island - no fish where docks used to be no - troll deep water - no - in the end every time one of the No's turn to yes and then you look around. They pattern all the time. They will not chase spinner bait and want to chase rubber. Then if pigeons not working go to the rice beds in little bald or rocks in Big bald, its about pattern then when you get one slow down and pick apart like spots
  6. Pete I would have loved to fish with you I got all the way to end of 407 and had to turn back - my father in law is pretty sick and I appreciate everyone who understands the pressures when this happens. To Tom - not me recently but if one of my friends told you about the 50plus in north Pigeon last month that is confirmed but maybe there are more I hope! John
  7. Well done great report and any day with musky is awesome
  8. I think exploit is way to hard, I think Bing at the camp and others need support and we need tourism - the number of camps in trouble is more and more, Jim is incredible great with the musky resource and in facts works for the EPA. I think that's not fair and he is a decent ambassador and a great fisherman. I think it is a calculate spend by Ontario Tourism, I don't get any so don't shoot the messenger, but it is all about getting people to visit, like the Pure Michigan adds. Put it this way I will go back to Restoule and take Dan, Craig, Tim and others - I would never have considered this and I hope others will as well. It is awesome area and great people who really love the area
  9. Great stuff adam they are addictive and that is a great fish
  10. It has been a while since I posted - I think it because after reading Fisher Petes PB after PB musky escapades were mine really worth it. I was lucky enough to be asked to go and do another episode with Jim Saric on Restoule Lake, it took me about three hours and 20 ,minutes to get there. The Plan was straight forward we would fish Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday and get six decent fish to make a great show. Drove up on Tuesday morning as I just arrived home from Vegas Monday night (another story later) and we were staying at Martins Camp - its a good spot righton the edge of Restoule. Boat ramp is about two KLMs down the road and docking is good. I get to the lodge at 830 plan is to fish from 9am - not a boat to be seen on the lake, Jim Saric is cooking breakfast of eggs bacon and toast. coffee is on - my heads in a fog and I am nervous. Jim tells me for some reason the Chips for his Lowrance don't show this lake so we are going old school. In my opinion this is why he is the musky hunter and we are not. We chat and have breakfast and we go launch the Musky Hunters boat - again a little nervous when he dumps my in the lake and I have to drive it back- Plan is pretty simple we are going to fish to 2pm then take a break and fish to dark. Jim pulls out a map from 1986 with a few options - Steve Heiting had fished here and we had three spots from 1986 to go on, Jim asks me do I know anyone who knows this lake if I need to make some calls, answer no but could get help if required - thinking OFC! He asks how would I pick apart this new piece of water, I started talking about cut baysrocks, weed edges I think I threw in every cliché I could. Success in musky fishing is measured in many different ways. We always try to put more and bigger fish in the boat but this time it was a different challenge, I was about to learn from an expert how to find musky with no GPS, no idea of the lake and really other than a tip from Mike Parker on bait colour nothing to go on. In my home waters I throw rubber baits, Jim said that's a good plan but these fish don't see many double tens or topwater and the percentage would say that those are more likely. In other words he was being nice and telling me if he was throwing a topwater I was to crank a double ten for the next three days. What colour ??? I go for black black Handlebarz. Jim Cowgirl Gold and topraider skunk. We hit the lake at 10am Water temp 70.3, wind East 10klms we drive to the three spots the Heiting had caught fish in 1986 - we fish two hours nothing. I am thinking I am never going to make the episode if we don't catch fish. Jim looks at the old map looks around the lake and states we are going to fish cut bays with weeds. For those who follow lotw threads seems a good idea. We head over to a likely spot - cast number one cowgirl Jim gets this MAMMOTH 52 inch giant I could not believe how dark its head is or how much it looks like a crocodile. I feel pretty pumped - Jim set the hook gets to the boat I do a solid net job and she is in the bag. Now anyone who is reading this think about fishing with musky hunter, no fish then finally get a chance and it is a giant and you have to net it, I was shaking but did the job. jim tells me when its in the bag that's why he bought me and also invited Tim (Who could not make it) as we are cool under pressure and good net man. Honestly felt good than thought screw being the net man let me get one of the giants. The rest of day one went pretty much to script for Jim, not so much for me - we end the day with 5 fish three on blades and two on topwater. the score is Jim 5 John Nil. Looks like you wont be seeing my face landing a fish - I had my chance on a custom Tim "Tool" topraider colour after Jims fish all just hammer the bait away from boat I get a follow all the way to the boat into figure eight and get it to eat on the pause. Fish on fish off heartbreaking. Day two - same as day before Jim, wants water to warm some before we head out. Wake up Jims made coffee and is sharpening baits, Rick the camera guy is cooking breakfast - Jim hands me a pile of blades and tells me to get sharpening - again thinking hope I do this right as I rely on Roaring dan normally. I pull out my go to handlebarz unweighted silver sharpie black - this lure had caught thirty four musky at this point including all my large fish at LOTW. I feel confident We head out knowing that cold front and rain storm due at 4pm and we need three more fish minimum to get the show wrapped - we fish Heitings 1986 spots, we go back where we saw and lost the topwater fish and even where Jim caught all of his. We are seeing very little, finally I get a small one on a topwater then Jim does the same, I have long since put down the double ten handlebarz. We chat and think we should see if anything has come up on a rockpile out deep. Jim looks at the map and finds a likely spot. We head there Jim said this looks like a great spot for a topwater, I look down and put on trusty Handlebarz - We start fishing the shallow rock and suddenly a giant fish appears behind the blade - the water is stained - I make the first turn and Saric said "she still on it" I rip it away and hang it on the next turn she kicks and follows again I go down the straight away "she still on it" I hang it out she nips and misses I burn it away and then hang it - Saric said she "ate it" I set the hook. the footage I watched later is amazing as all of this is on film and a giant head is shaking side of boat she goes around the front and tries to go in trolling motor. I use the Dan Seavey take no prisoner approach and treat her mean and get her to the net. Saric nets it. About an hour later the rain sets in we have the fish we need for the show, do I feel happy that we don't get another day or relieved that I finally got a beast, I feel the later. We head back and I now realize nine fish in about twelve hours of fishing, on a new lake without GPS or contours really tells you why Saric is unbelievable, he didn't really know this lake but picked it apart and we got onto a pattern. What an outstanding new place to fish. I look forward to getting back there soon.
  11. Fished Restoule this week, wow that place is awesome.
  12. Anyone who fishes with me would hear Speckled reef Red Canoe Dog House GBR (Great barrier Reef) Electric Fence Martins Rock launcher Poop island Monkey Rocks Fish trap The cross (Note no cross now on it but is stuck)
  13. Nope this is like the show the replacements Mike is playing Keanu Reeves on Sunday hope he is good with the net and a Hose Bait
  14. Mike PM sent have a couple of weeks off and my normal partner got married (Normal in that we fish together) so we could line something up.
  15. Pete great things happen to people who put in the time, what a great trip LOTW is an amazing fishery - look forward to wetting a line again! Maybe LSC - now we need more giants
  16. What Fish pete :whistling:tough when your own Camera wont work. Nice fish and will get it so everyone can see later today, probably should post myself as well.
  17. That's awesome Mike, you make the best bait that's why you keep getting recognised, I am going to go and zing the bling in about three hours, water temps up hope they still don't want rubber,
  18. greg great report mate - I am still trying to forgive for no photo on Friday, Thanks again to Mike parker - we tried the blades but they wanted rubber. For those who have fished with me I am a tube guy but they didn't want this either just dawgs, if we could have hooked every hit I think the number would be in the teens. great weekend on a very weird pattern. Hope to post again this weekend cant wait. I am going back to the cottage I mean the shire. John
  19. Revo Guide Extreme amber - I know people may want to pay less - these are awesome I know its probably not fact based but I feel less fatigued and can follow my musky bait
  20. Could not wait drove to Wisconsin _ Fishing Boot lake today - good luck on the season guys. Roaring Dan leave my musky alone. Lets get some picture up to make this a fishing site again!
  21. Back Creek - South West Rocks - greatest place on earth to fish
  22. Ten baits - you wish, you never started fishing musky. My list in order 1. Golden Bomber Barramundi lure - Roaring Dan will attest 2. Handlebarz black 3. Red October Sharpie 4. Red October Black 5. Shadzilla cisco 6. H210 black 7. Handlebarz Durado 8. Believer Walleye 10 inch 9. Rubber Chicken Perch 10. Handlebarz Orange Black Finally get the best net man in the world who will just keep your head up and fishing as it can become a grind. Also fish with someone on the board, I thank Mike parker for my passion - I fished with him with brownie and I can work out that's where my obsession began John
  23. Interested in the outcome Cliff how did it all go
  24. As most know I am Australian, we had an invasion of European carp in the Murray River system(Largest river system in Australia), They have not solved the issue but have made a huge inroad in the murrumbidgee River (A trib large river) they sold the zones to fertilizer companies, they created fertilizer and have made a huge business and in lieu of Potash for instance this is a supliment, Seems like this should be explored. The final part the MNR of Australia then created hatcheries with Native bands (Aboriginals) and they now are stocking Murray Cod and other natives. Its a win win and has created great employment for the people - we should look at something similar. This would also make sure native can fish and harvest and we make it sustainable. It has worked and is expanding.
  25. Pm me I have a friend with a cottage which would work for sure I am also up there as well happy to make sure boys get a musky my boy is twelve
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