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Everything posted by rock34

  1. You'll be fine man. I suggest sticking as high up the river as you can if rain is coming. It should fish well tomorrow morning for sure.
  2. Yeah Ill often run 8 rods with 4 guys and in order to do that at least 2 guys need to be very experienced. Its always fun you get more hits then guys....
  3. Nicely done boys. I wish I would have been out there to join you guys. Im stuck in my opener tradition so the boat stayed docked this weekend in Port D while I was on the river. The size of fish out there is unreal right now though....wow
  4. Honestly, best opener I have ever had numbers wise. SHOCKING to me but a lot of fun, I expected it to be slow but tradition is tradition so I had to go with the normal opener crew. I went 28/31 on steelhead and between the 3 of us fishing together we landed over 85 steelhead with 2 bonus 20"+ resident Browns in the mix. The day included 20+ double headers and 5 triples. It was truly unreal. I got out again yesterday morning for a few hours with my brother and we landed another 16 fish and it seemed much more like a typical opener day. I hope everyone was safe and had a great time!
  5. Head towards grimsby, fish anywhere between 30-70fow. I would start trolling right out of Hamilton, there are fish being caught on the north shore as we speak, people just aren't talking about it yet. King of the Lake tournament is this week so there should be lots of boats to fishing that you can follow. Its has been mostly a spoon bite lately. I recommend running real long leads off one rigger (like 100ft back) and a real short lead on the other (5ft-15ft). Once fish start hitting one then adjust your entire spread. I have been on the water the last three weeks and the long lead has been the ticket. Last week the ticket was 45fow down 35-42ft with long leads and bright spoons (Mixed vegetable, etc.). Things change day to day though. Fish are there, have fun and mix it up. If you have any questions just fire me a PM. Cheers! Oh ya, Scottys are awesome.
  6. STS is a good one. Ive only been once but we landed a lot of fish including at 9ft, 480lber......talk about a sore arm! Good luck man. They are a crazy dinosaur!
  7. Where do you launch out of Greg? Im putting in at Port Dalhousie this year for the first time. Im looking forward to it.
  8. Thanks man. Im hoping some sections are open,otherwise like has been suggest I will hit the river mouths. Thanks for all the help guys. If anyone ones to point me in a direction feel free to PM me for sure. Otherwise Im just going to be following a map and asking some locals!
  9. Thanks Man. I called them. They have no guides but are more than willing to point me to a few rivers which is really all that I need. Long story short, that was helpful. Thanks!
  10. Hey all, I'm heading out to Tbay for a few days of work. On April 10th I have the full day off and would like to go fishing. Anyone know of someone who guides up there? Is April 10th too early? Any help would be appreciated. Cheers.
  11. Good job man! Say goodbye to disposable income for life now...lol
  12. Nice man. Beauty fish! Im going to try and find some good water this weekend myself. This is inspirational! lol
  13. Beauty Bill. Ill take that brownie anyday! If and when your ready to fish my home river, just let me know!
  14. Wow. Some great posts right now....unreal. This may be th ebest of the best. Wow, I have not been fishing enough.
  15. Unreal report! One heck of a trip
  16. Thanks dave! Great advice. I will certainly be taking advantage of. Im looking more and more forward to this trip!
  17. Thanks again!
  18. Interesting. This would be awesome. My wife and I both fly fish....so does one of my brothers. hmmmmmm now you have me thinking for sure.
  19. Hello all, This year on the July long weekend I am planning a trip to Mont Tremblant Quebec. Now, this isn’t a fishing trip but I certainly hope to get some fishing in. My wife and I have planned this trip with our combined 5 brothers and sisters as a "sibling trip". As life happens to all of us we are starting to see less of each other and before its too late we want to take a trip where all 7 of us can make it. All that said, my brothers and wife are some of my best fishing partners luckily and we would like to do some fishing while were there. About 15 years ago I went on a charter there on the main lake and managed about a 14lb Musky in 8 hours on the water. Not a banner day but a beautiful day! Anyway, you all get my drift (Sorry steelheaders, I didn’t mean to mention "drift"). Can anyone share any thoughts or experiences from fishing that area? Any advice is much appreciated. Cheers!
  20. Damn you Mike!! I would LOVE to join you....Im in Vancouver for my annual conference. Have a good time....and give me warning when you post the report. I will need lots of booze on hand to drink away my sorrows. haha. Dont get chances like this very often to those that can, take advantage!!
  21. Wow man....unreal. Thanks for sharing.
  22. Beauty fish man.
  23. Sounds like a familiar story! Same happened to me.....caught some fish today but had a terrible percentage hooked to landed. Win some and lost some. Thanks for the report.
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