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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. https://newmainenews.com/2017/12/31/wardens-warn-frigid-temps-could-lead-to-burst-beers-for-ice-fishermen/?fbclid=IwAR0oEC7_qS6aoVYjBAmya6ZLUz5sRMjBgM76XY7k8YbN691f0-JF7h7i92M Wardens Warn Frigid Temps Could Lead to Burst Beers for Ice Fishermen Statewide — While lakes and ponds across the state are seeing an uptick in activity, wardens want fisherman to be aware of the dangers posed by exposure to freezing temperatures when it comes to beer. “No one loves anything more than a frosty cold one when ice fishing,” Warden Travis Smith said. “However, people need to be aware, when the temperatures are this cold, beer can freeze up on you and burst quicker than you might think.” That could mean an entire day is ruined. “You bring a 30 rack to the ice and before you know it, you’ve lost 15, 16 beers, and you’ve still got a whole day of fishing ahead of you,” Smith said. “I’ve seen it happen too often,” he said, visibly upset. “No one wants to run out of beer before noon.” Care should be taken to protect beer from the freezing temperatures, especially early on. “An ounce of prevention equals 12 ounces of refreshment,” Smith said. One method many fisherman employ is to drink their beers fast enough they don’t freeze. But Smith said this method requires an extra step of preparation. “If you’re going to blast a case between you and your buds on the ice, you absolutely must have a bottle of Fireball on hand for the late afternoon,” he said. Smith said burst glass bottles are especially tragic. “You may be tempted to just eat the beer slush, but you will cut up your gums and lips on broken glass something fierce.”
  2. Here's one I learned from my buddy that now lives in Roatan Honduras. Keep some Benadryl around it really helps if your dog gets stung or bitten and has a reaction to it. My buddy has used it a couple of times when his pups have be stung by scorpions. Takes the swelling and pain away in short order.
  3. My local Merc dealer told me the same so I run 10W30 Mobil 1 in my motor.
  4. First and last mothers trip!!! They bring bad juju!!!! ??
  5. 25W40 is what Mercury calls for their 4 stokes.
  6. Yep, pretty much the only reason the Bolts won. Well that and the extra fat goal posts behind him. ?
  7. Quebecers hate the rest of Canada. Probably would have been let off with a warning if you had a Quebec license plate and spoke French. ?
  8. Those are also the ones I see walk into traffic when they should be watching where they are going and paying attention to silly things like traffic lights instead of staring down at their phone while crossing the road.
  9. I'd pay to watch this!! https://www.bardown.com/gary-roberts-jokes-about-making-nhl-return-just-to-face-marchand-for-a-couple-shifts-1.1224640?fbclid=IwAR3V_z6_B4iAMt9gNUW1U2kY1ZH63ySwpapXg3Fpvy-ZsSmwaewKBOMOsQ4
  10. I see nothing wrong with this at all. I'm tired of people on their phones putting myself and others at risk for their selfishness. I've had a phone since the early days as I was in the business and always pulled over to use it. My boss didn't until he drove into the back of someone at a stoplight because he was distracted.
  11. There were yellow vest protests across Canada today but I bet you won't much if anything about them. They were protesting the UN Migration Compact as well as carbon taxes. There were protests in Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa as well as all through the West. Westerners are starting to get pretty miffed with the current federal govt.
  12. OI, it's not a problem. There are 10's of thousands living like this since they opened the border and allowed untold numbers of migrants into the country. Have a look at some of these pics. It's insane!!!! https://www.google.ca/search?q=paris+migrant+camp+images&rlz=1C1CHZL_enCA691CA691&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjxj6an-JHfAhUKiFQKHX9aA5UQsAR6BAgAEAE&biw=1280&bih=606#imgrc=_
  13. Fuel is already 2 1/2 times the price of ours here in Canada and they were going to enact another hike in January and then another in 2020. Our govt. is trying to go the same way. Macron also reduced the taxes the rich have to pay and passed them onto the working class. Wages are low, there is lots of unemployment and there are migrant shanty towns in Paris that make it look like Mumbai. Regular citizens have had enough. When good regular people are pushed too far, this is what happens.
  14. Now that's the way it's done!!!! They don't mess around in Alaska. https://www.ktuu.com/content/news/Alaska-man-sentenced-to-fine-jail-time-for-poaching-wasting-three-bull-moose-502204901.html?fbclid=IwAR3_tMG0qVR_Y6dul374VIEfE6UJkPTbc2LGFNd7qRyWbvbf7sVzwyNSqmE
  15. ? https://www.bardown.com/matthews-and-andersen-made-two-brothers-christmas-in-this-heartwarming-commercial-1.1222607?fbclid=IwAR3-DjtJlZzb1clpoNhp58vZFN57Kc9odTu8Pb9wjax8onzPIMjOHJnfmuc
  16. Already been done and proven. Saw a video of it being done to a Jeep Cherokee. They were able to hack in remotely and change things like Heat/AC, radio etc. They were even able to shut the vehicle off while it was being driven down the road. Found the video.
  17. Possibly, especially if it's an alarm/starter combo.
  18. Who knows!!! The expansion Draft is in 2021. We'll have to see who we have on our roster when the time comes.
  19. OH, we're fine. Just don't want to harm our babies by driving them with cold fluids. ?
  20. You can get aftermarket ones that you can start from anywhere on the planet. Even some OEM units can do this like the Ford Pass ones. Just open an app on your phone and click on the start button.
  21. Can't be stealin' with a remote starter. As soon as you hit the brake it turns off. Now the ones getting stolen are the ones without a remote starter. Where you go out to your car and start it with the key and go back in to finish your coffee.
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