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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Had a set back in the day. Was how we Googled stuff back then.
  2. Yup, passing was brutal as well as the giveaways last night.
  3. Asians come here to fornicate under the Northern Lights. They bring their germs with them.
  4. Hopefully Muzzin flattens him at every chance.
  5. Man there are a lot of Leafs fans in Calgary.
  6. There are a couple of UFA's that will probably not be resigned so there is some $$$$ freed up. https://www.spotrac.com/nhl/free-agents/toronto-maple-leafs/
  7. I love that Kapanen kid!!! We need to lock him in long term.
  8. I was down for 3 weeks in November and the hurt my back 2 days before our 12 day long Christmas break. Then I hurt it again lifting the dog into the truck after a vet appointment and now this second bout of the sickness. Been down a total of 2 months since the beginning of November now. ?
  9. Yes it does eventually. Sometime this month it will go. The North side goes first and then the South a couple of weeks later.
  10. Been down with the sickness for the last 10 days. Finally started to feel better yesterday afternoon so this morning I went out to the cabin to work on the trail Only lasted a couple of hours before I ran out of energy. Back at er next weekend.
  11. LOL!!!! Gotta love Sean Avery. Lot's of beeping going on in this IG rant. ❤️
  12. All his fault!!! He should still be able to win games even if they trade away all your top talent!!!! What a gong show in that town. ? ? ?
  13. Loud and out of control I like. Rude and classless, not so much. When a player gives his all for 9 years and he comes back and the crowd boos, calls him an idiot and throws stuff at him is not OK. https://www.bardown.com/islanders-fans-throw-plastic-snakes-jersey-at-john-tavares-during-warm-ups-1.1265815?fbclid=IwAR2t_MeDdrH7cx0UvN1YcakhbFSTMbOdknuwW13VXXr6Co33jL7gWTeaVNY
  14. As one gets older they tend to chill behind the wheel. I was driving to work one day, South out of Grand Valley (yup I was one of those rural guys). There was 6+ inches of snow on the road and a line of about 1/2 dozen vehicles plodding along at 50 in an 80 zone. We were climbing a hill when I saw someone at the back of the line pull into the oncoming lane and giver! Well, it was a no passing zone with it being a hill and all but buddy didn't care he had places to go. He had to duck in behind the guy right behind me and was going too fast and proceeded to spin out into the ditch in an explosion of white. I guess he didn't get where he was in a hurry to get to. ??
  15. They have determined that there was nothing wrong with the hit. No interview or suspension.
  16. It was at that moment that Evander Kane realized he had made a very big mistake. ? ? ?
  17. Had a long reply that crapped out on me so here's the Cliff notes edition. Trans Canada between Winnipeg and Kenora one October. 6" of snow on the highway, 4 wheel drivers careful and slow, truck drivers not. Over 100 vehicles in ditches, 2 or 3 four wheelers and the rest all trucks. The end!!!
  18. One winter day I was driving down the 427 collectors in the middle lane. The roads were snow covered and there was a 5 ton straight truck in front of me. For some unknown reason all of a sudden it was sliding sideways down the road. ? I checked my mirror turned on my signal and pulled into the passing lane while slowing down to avoid the sideways truck. The guy on my right side in the speeding BMW panicked and spun out into the ditch. ? The truck driver managed to pull out of the skid without hitting anyone.
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