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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Because we had such a short amount of time Francois was the best option. When I get Solo up here we will head down a lot closer to the narrows and the awesome fishing there. I can't think of anything more fun than tossing big streamers on a 7wt for shallow trout. It's my favorite way to catch them. Still too early to waste time casting for them as they have not set up in their summer pattern yet and are very scattered. Wildbread is a ways for sure!! With a fuel resupply at Plummers it's about 300 KM from YK. Maybe when I put a 4 stroke on the boat I'll make the trip. I don't think I want to pull a fuel barge that far for refueling. How is Wildbread for camping spots? Bears? I'm thinking the next trip will be to the Narrow Island area, tons of fishy looking structure there and closer to boot.
  2. Not a big fan of Snot Rockets. Love Lakers though.
  3. Yep, I was running the lights. Don't forget the Live Earl Jive and Beverly Hills Friday night gig.
  4. It will be fine with one eye, now if it had been gill hooked I would have said cook 'er up!!!
  5. August gets sketchy for weather Mikey. We start getting wind come August and getting stuck for a week sucks. This trip should have produced some big fish but as the ice went out late this year (about 10 days ago) the water was still pretty cool with temps in the main bay at 39 degrees F. Late July or the first week of August might work though.
  6. We went with more than we needed. My buddies boat with a 50 hp 4 stroke used 25 gallons for the whole trip. We had another 15 gallons in reserve, could have got away with 2 less cans of gas and still had a can and a half to spare. Better safe than sorry though.
  7. Well I finally made the trip to the East Arm of Great Slave Lake in my third summer in Yellowknife. I got together with a co-worker and a couple of his friends to take a 4 day weekend to Francois Bay about 110 KM away. We got off to a bit of a late start on Friday due to some thunder storms in the area. We actually had to pull off the lake to wait one out. It took about 3 1/2 hours to get to our destination, but since it never gets dark at this time of year no problem setting up camp. We ended up fishing on Saturday and Sunday. I'll let the pictures tell the story. TJ don't be deleting my post because of the map. I don't expect to see 10,000,000 Southern Ontarians there next week. The Route The Scenery Around The Camp The Wild Life The Fish The Crew The End
  8. Dang, Marty's dead!! I've known him for 20 years. Wha' Happen? R.I.P. Marty, I'll miss ya bro.
  9. I have seen a number of very large wolves as well. The last really big one I saw was in the winter of '07 and it was the size of a Great Dane.
  10. These work just as well to keep you cool on a hot summers day. But I would replace the Mountain Dew with something a litte better.
  11. It worked the first time I tried it, then 10 minutes later when I went to show it to a friend it was like that.
  12. JEEBAS!!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!! Those things look like they're straight out of a sci-fi flick!!!!! Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!!!!!!
  13. Don't forget the bug dope!!!!! And maybe a bug suit if the black flies haven't died off yet.
  14. I used to spend the first week of August every year at Lakair and caught some very nice fish in that area. I have managed bass in the 6 1/2 pound range and my PB Musky at 53 1/2". I have even had muskies attack the prop in that area. I don't remember catching any pike though. Maybe it's just the oldtimers kicking in. Sure brings back some memories.
  15. I have a Fisher SV-18GT Aluminum that I bought new in 1991 and am still running it. It is a very well built boat. I just wish mine was riveted like yours. I don't know about yours but mine has aluminum stringers and a carpeted aluminum deck. One more thing, it will handle some nasty weather too. I have had it out on Lake Erie in some nasty weather and had it out on Lake "O" when I should have been on shore (the marine cops came out to see if I was OK because of the nasty rollers complete with white foam on the crests blowing out of the East. Here's a few pics of her, including the helm upgrade I did last year.
  16. Thanks guys!!!! This brother needs all the help he can get!!!!!
  17. He was caught and arrested last week. BUSTED!!!!!
  18. I just have to turn my 9 upside down.
  19. GEEEZ.....I thought 392 was going to be some real hottie!!!! But no!!!!!! What a hideous sight!!!!!! Just kidding Bill I tossed a vote your way bro.
  20. Don't care..........VOTE FOR ME BILL!!!!!! Actually Billy Bob I think the exchange rate is 1.15 so please vote again!!!!
  21. Ok, so I'm entered in this contest on WFN and need your votes!!!! Please help a brother out!!!! Ok, so I'm no longer in Ontario, but I did grow up there. Vote For Dave!!!!
  22. Don't ferget them katfishes!!! They growed big over thar!!!!
  23. And don't forget Ed McMahon for the really old farts!!!! I'll bet someone's doing real well in the Death Pool this week!!!!
  24. Yep, that's summer in Ontario for ya. It's even worse to the West and South West of you.
  25. Selkirk about an hour north of the peg has some decent cat fishing. Plus the Red River gets a run of giant Green Back Walleye in October. There is some very good trout fishing in the province too. Manitoba Fishing Info Another bonus is Kenora is only 2 hours away!!
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