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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. HOLY MACKINAW!!!! If Reimer can play like this through the playoffs all is good. He's made some awesome saves in the 3rd.
  2. It might do for a summer but I would bet you try to upgrade before the fall. My 18' Fisher SV18-GT weighs in @ 900#'s dry and does mid 30's with a 90hp 2 stroke. I would bet your 500-600# boat would do mid to high teens. I spent many years driving under powered boats @ a lodge in the far north and was lucky to get over 18 mph with 3 people and gear in a 17' Lund. FYI that was with a 30hp OB.
  3. If you're going to keep the 20 don't get a boat with casting decks and the like. Get yourself a 14'-16' utility boat like you were originally planning on. Plenty of other options out there.
  4. Same as always: http://ourleafs.blogspot.ca/
  5. I think we should let them install the pipeline. It should start in Northern Ontario and terminate at politicians homes. It should transport hungry, angry black bears.
  6. Well we went from -30 to +5 in a weeks time. Spring has started to, well, spring in the North country. I took to the ice roads in search of lakers for the last time this season today. The portages and approaches are going down hill in a hurry and I doubt they will be drive-able next weekend. As usual I was the first to arrive at the jump off point to my jump off point to my destination. I would find that I had quite a bit of company when I returned at the end of the day. There were another 8-10 trucks with trailers attached parked in the parking area. Lat week I picked up another power auger off the local trader site here in town. It is an 8" Strikemaster Mora bit with a Tanaka TIA-305 power head. I had heard nothing but good things about these power heads. They are comparable to the Husquvarna power heads. I will say I'm not disappointed at all. This thing is light, runs mint, idles like a dream and has gobs of power!!!! Lots of snow still so the ice was only 4 1/2 feet thick. Fishing was tough today. Well, not really that tough. I just sucked at landing fish. Had fish under the hut all day but they were very neutral and would look but not chase or commit. Ended up with a total of 7 hits with 3 fish on and only one landed. Even had a critter sighting on the lake today. Not really sure but I think it was a lynx. This hot is heavily cropped as the critter was close to 400 yards away. Another gratuitous scenery pic. A last look at the ice road on the way home. And tomorrow nights dinner. The season's not done quite yet though. I have a spot that I should be able to drive onto for another 2 or 3 weeks yet.
  7. I would be willing to wager that he is crying in his poutine!!! Actually he probably doesn't care since the Habs have clinched a playoff spot. He will only be worried if they face the Leafs at some point.
  8. Good first period. If they keep it up it'll end up 12-3!!!
  9. I used to spend the 1st week of August fishing Wolsley Bay on the West Arm of Nipissing. Stayed here: http://www.fishtale.ca/ Got my biggest musky @ 53 1/2" and my biggest large mouth bass @ just under 7#'s here at that time of the year.
  10. Need to pay UI for all of the out of work long gun registry employees. Sent mine in a few weeks ago.
  11. Don't trash the Mercs 'cause believe it or not some of them actually work. Mine is a '91 and the only issue I've had with it in all that time is a failed oil level sensor in the oil tank. Had to do a bunch of work on my old 1960's Johnson though when I owned it. Coils an gasgets mostly.
  12. If it just shuts off and doesn't sputter it sounds ignition related. Could be a CDI unit that is acting up when it gets hot thus the dying after 15 or 20 minutes. Could also be a coil or stator assembly doing the same thing.
  13. Yes exactly. If pumping the bulb keeps the engine running when it's trying to quit it tells you there is most likely a fuel pump issue. It's just one diagnostic tool to help figure out what is causing the stalling problem.
  14. My '91 Fisher has raised casting decks fore and aft which leaves a sunken mid ship section. They were smart enough to put a drain at the back edge for just such reasons. The fore deck has storage that can get wet if there is a lot of water in the bilge but the rear deck has dry storage. At the rear of the back deck is a large partialy open cover that lads to battery storage and the bilge. It is quite well designed. It's certainly not the perfect boat boat it is well thought out. It could use a conuit from from front to back for wiring and they should have had insulated livewell lids. But it does have something you don't see on many boats and that's all alluminum floors which is great as they are lighter and don't rot like wood does.
  15. Although there does need to be some US teams in the playoffs for the health of the league. But yeah, mo Canucks is never a bad thing.
  16. First of all, does the primer bulb in the hose go soft when it stalls? Does it remain running if you pump the bulb when it starts to stall? Is the vent on the tank open? Clogged?
  17. That's just short term disappointment Bill. It's at the end of the season and Sens fans forget quickly over the summer months. Leaf fans have endured a lot more heartbreak over the years, which has toughened us up. Years of disappointment followed by glimpses of greatness really give us the ability to be positive and believe we can again regain the glory of past successes. The Sens have no past successes!!! Therefore they have no hope!!!! They are soft, choke artists and their poor misguided fans know this.
  18. Used yo fish bass and muskies. Bass were too boring so I stopped fishing for them. Muskies were ok but once I got my trophy I stopped fishing for them too. Didn't really think there was much chance of beating my big one. My real love is for cool and cold water fish. Pike, lakers, whitefish and other trout and char species are my faves.
  19. http://www.lebaron.ca/pdf_files_sp13/water_gremlin.pdf Round Split Shot Sinkers, middle row, 2nd from the bottom. If you can't get into the big city they ship.
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