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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. That's unbelievable!

    Who needs TV?

    How the heck did it end up happening at a home.

    Was the moose seeking refuge near humans?

    Brutal end for the moose.

    I guess they all end that way sooner or later.


    There are moose and bear everywhere in Alaska.

    Every spring in Anchorage cow moose come down out of the hill to calve in peoples yards because it's "safe".

    A lot of the time the bears follow them to snack on the mooselets!!!

    Every year there are bear maulings in and around Anchorage.


    Moose also feed on peoples trees and flower gardens.

    In the fall they will even come up on your porch and eat your jack-o-lanterns.   :D


    This video was taken in down town Anchorage.




  2. I'm also in the market for a good ATV.

    My choice is going to be a Honda, not because it's "better" than the Yammie but because of the ability to shift gears manually unlike the Yammies clutch/belt system. Most ATV's use the same system almost exactly like snowmobiles use.

    The Honda's use a transmission that is very similar to a car.

    No belts to slip or wear out and the ability to stay in a lower gear when hauling something heavy.


    I know my Yamaha sled (RS Venture GT) is very difficult to put along @ slow speeds.


    We had a pair of older Honda quads up @ the lodge I worked at that still run great even after 30 years!!!!


    OH, and my Yamaha sled is now 8 years old and runs like a top!!!

    Have never had any issues at all. :D

  3. I am working on not letting things like this p me off. It's a work in progress.

    Those guys are not worth it. It's easy for me to say but try to ignore these types and enjoy your day on the water. We are so lucky in Canada to have the money and resources to do this.

    On the flip side, there is an American musky guide on St Clair that gets pissed and starts shooting his mouth off to his clients if anyone fishes within 100 yards of him on known Muskie casting spots. He trash talked me after I pulled in UPWIND of him by 100 yards on a drift along a Drop off. My friend, begged me to drive over there so he could jump in their boat. Lol. He would have done it too but I refused.


    Your friend was right and you should have backed him up!!!

    And filmed it to post here!!!! :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

  4. ...stuff like this and what drifter said just makes my blood boil


    Don't care!!! Sick and tired of Liberal nancy's that think us Westerners are the saviors of the world.

    During WWII we didn't allow our enemies to emigrate to our country, why should we now while we're at war with these people?

    Got a good answer?


    I thought not!!

  5. MEH!!!

    Just a couple of moose dancing. No big deal. 

    You see that kind of thing a lot in AK.


    This is much more dangerous than a pair of rutting bucks in your driveway.

    A grizzly bear killing a moose in your driveway!!!!   :w00t: 


    Imagine trying to explain that one to the boss.


    "Uh, hello boss.

    I'm going to be late to work.

    I don't know how late, a grizz just took down a moose on my driveway!!!"


  6. I can honestly say that Johnny Morris of BPS fame is one of the nicest people I have ever met. He also listened to my complaints about his companies mail order business dealings with us Canooks. And he implemented the changes I requested which I thought was awesome. I also complained that his company and Cabelas both had free shipping deals to US addresses but not for us Canooks.

    Now their free shipping deals include Canada. I'm hoping their take over of Cabelas means free shipping deals from them as well.


    Time will tell if they rebrand the Cabelas stores or keep them as a separate entity.

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