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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. This isn't relevant, it's just more fear mongering.


    We already know terrorists are bad guys. You're not telling us anything new.


    You're also trying to conflate terrorists with innocent Syrian people who are actually victims of IS. They are not the same.


    Did we separate NAZI's from innocent Germans during WWII?

    You know the innocent Germans that were actually victims of the NAZI's? :rolleyes:

  2. http://conservativetribune.com/eyewitness-paris-theatre-isis/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=ConservativeTribune&utm_content=2015-11-19&utm_campaign=manualpost




    Eyewitness at Paris Theater Reveals Horrific “Slicing” Torture ISIS Used While Victims Lay Dying

    Details emerging about how the Paris terrorists carried out their sick attacks reveal just how barbaric the Islamic State group really is.

    Eyewitnesses at the Bataclan theater recounted details about how the gunmen sliced open the stomachs of their victims and watched them suffer.

    Mariesha Payne and her best friend, Christine Tudhope, survived the horrific attack by hiding in the basement of the theater for three hours. While they stayed there, they heard screams of victims.

    “We knew people were being tortured in the theater because we heard people screaming, but they were not being shot and these were singular screams,” she told the U.K. Daily Mail.

    “When we escaped, a man trapped on the level where it happened said to us the terrorists were stabbing people in the stomach. We were told they were throwing explosives at people. It was a horrendous ordeal,” she said.

    Payne said she thought she would never see her two children again while she hid, listening to the Islamic savages murder innocent people.

    While fleeing the carnage, Payne and Tudhope escaped death by turning right instead of turning left where the terrorists were. The two were actually headed for a fire escape but ran into a dead end and had nowhere to go but into the basement. It turned out to be a life-saving move.

    These terrorist animals must be stopped. How President Barack Obama can allow refugees to continue to come into America after news that one of the Paris attackers posed as a refugee is beyond comprehension. Despite Republican efforts to stop the refugee resettlement plan, Obama will do his best to make sure Muslims find their way into this country.

    It’s no wonder people are looking to arm themselves — Americans are coming too the realization that their president has done nothing to protect them and will continue to do nothing.

    Read more: http://conservativetribune.com/eyewitness-paris-theatre-isis/#ixzz3s3WEUWil


  3. You keep alluding to heads in the sand, and it tells me you're too busy formulating your "comeback" to even read what is being written.


    I haven't seen one single post in this whole thread that advocates doing nothing.


    But we should keep letting possible enemy combatants into our country because the war on terror "will never be over"?

  4. So many got caught off guard at the mine today it was hilarious!


    Me, I packed my gear and had it ready.


    Went from +15 to -15 over night with a big snow storm, 40kmp/h winds.


    Many suffered, me, not so much lol. It still sucked but it is what it is.


    For the first time in my life, on a mine site, I was sent home earlier due to poor conditions lol.


    In Northern Alberta they would laugh


    Yeah, they don't shut down here at all because of weather.

    They do close the winter road during blizzard conditions though.

  5. Who did we declare war against?


    Oh thats right terrorists, not ANY country specifically.


    Because they don't belong to a specific country does not mean we are not at war!!!


    Jihadists have attacked a hotel in Mail Indonesia.

    Currently 3 dead and up to 200 hostages.




    Earlier this week in Nairobi Boko Harem bombed an out door market.

    The terrorists were an 11 and 18 year old female suicide bombers!!!!



    Tell me again how the world should just sit back and ignore this threat.

  6. You're driving down? That must be quite an adventure


    Yep, bringing the pup with me and have a bunch of stuff to pick up from Dad's place.

    He downsized again this year and has a few hundred #'s of tools for me to bring back here.

    Plus, they don't let the dog fly during the Christmas break and renting a car for a month would not be cheap. ;)

  7. Less charts more fish!


    Wish I had time to drill holes. :(

    This weekend I have maintenance to do on my snow blower and I have to clean the inside of my truck for the drive to Ontario in 2 weeks. Next weekend I will do maintenance on my sled and trailer and maybe take a rip around on it.

    Then I have to finish cleaning the house and get gear ready for the trip.

    Doubt I will punch a hole until January 9th. :angry:

  8. Didn't know this was a thing. :dunno:






    Hamilton police are still piecing together clues after three thieves ran off with $20,000 in Lego from a Toys R Us in Stoney Creek last month.

    It happened on Oct. 25 at the Toys R Us at 540 Centennial Parkway N., police say, when three people forced their way inside the store through a door before the location was open.

    Once inside, they grabbed a "large quantity" of Lego products from the shelves before taking off. The retail value of the stolen building block toys is over $20,000, police say.

    Long a staple in toy chests the world over, Lego's popularity (and price point) has surged in recent years.

    The massively popular Lego Movie – which had a worldwide domestic gross of over $468 million – has helped bolster sales, alongside licensed play sets based on popular franchises like The Avengers and Star Wars.

    Prices have ballooned too, especially for intricate sets. A Lego Star Wars Death Star set will run you $599 before tax.

    Prices like that on top of huge demand make the toys lucrative in their original packaging for the resale market. All of the Legos stolen from the Hamilton location were still sealed and in their original packaging, police say.

    Earlier this year, San Diego police busted a major toy theft ring, which included $100,000 in stolen goods, including Legos, ABC News reported.


    Four people were also charged in Phoenix, Arizona earlier this year when police discovered $244,000 in stolen Legos.


  9. The "allies" need to figure a way to stop ISIL's funding. Estimated income from oil is 2 Billion a year. If they can't buy arms or pay their fighters, they lose their credibility and their support.

    Bombs don't stop fanatics. Just like anything else, follow the money and you find your answers.



    Like this?

    116 ISIS oil tanker trucks blown to bits yesterday or the day before by US A-10's and AC-130's.



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