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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Link worked fine for me...


    I walked on 5" thick ice identical to that last year on December 8th. Pike fishing on a crystal clear lake and the ice was so loud it sounded like thunder cracking right next to you every 25-30 seconds. That was my excuse for not catching anything :)


    The ice in those pictures is just over 60" thick. :D

    They were taken in late March a few years ago.

  2. Yeah cool hey?


    I wonder how that happens with our modern technologies???


    Whats its called? I think its Dabiq or something like that?


    Even has pics of the bomb that brought down the russian plane


    So from what I can tell is turkey is buying Assads oil(now isis controlled)




    Yes, it's called Dabiq after the town in Syria where the Armageddon is supposed to take place according to the radical Islamic doods!!!

    At least the Yanks took out over 100 tanker trucks full of ISIS oil last week. ;)

  3. One of these days I need to start the restoration on my 80's Citation.

    Gonna talk to the guys @ JT's Snowmobile Repair near Collingwood about a sparkling new hood for the old girl.

    By the time I'm finished it should look and run like it was just pulled off the showroom floor. :)

  4. Yeah, I'm a little NIMBY. I don't know where you guys are. The GTA and Hamilton are going to see a lot of the influx.


    I don't think Rainy River will be a priority for ISIS to set up sleeper cells. :)


    Or Yellowknife. :lol:

    I think I'm pretty safe here, but I do have a safe full of guns just in case!!!! :whistling:

  5. Came across this really good paper on ice road construction, capacities, ice types etc.

    There is a great chart on capacities from 2.5 cm to 180 cm thick. :)


    There's a great chart on wind chills in the paper too.




    FYI, this pic is what 5 foot of clear ice looks like. :D








    According to the paper this ice with dry cracks should be down graded to 90% :(

    Luckily my ice fishing rigs weigh quite a bit less than 90,000 kg!!!!! :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

  6. One freedom we gave up fishing related that burns me to no end, is that when I was a kid we could walk out on the north pier at Goderich and fish for perch when a boat was in. Since 911 that is verboten, because a boat might be sabotaged....?



    The one big fishing loss I noticed after 911 was access to the warm water outlets at the nuke plants.

    Used to love fishing B chute up @ the Bruce in December.

    We could motor the boat all the way up to the wall of the plant and run the drift all the way out into the lake.

    The fishing was off the chain back in the day. :(


    Thought provoking however I'm 52 with no military training whatsoever. Having said that I'm pretty sure I would last less then 1 Minute in any kind of assault....unless I turtled and went and hid somewhere until all the serious crap subsided. Gotta hope it never comes to that. Because if it does us everyday people are going to be the 1st in body bags.


    That is very true.

    And why I'm looking at expanding the membership in my gun cabinet. :whistling:

    Could probably use a couple hundred thousand rounds of ammo too.

    Anyone know where I can get a good deal on a nice AR-15 and a dozen high capacity mags?

    Should probably get a nice pair of 45's too. B)

  8. I have had good luck using a polypro under sock with a marino wool over sock under my Simms stocking foot breathable waders.

    In really cold temps I wear fleece wader pants to help keep the warmth in.


    I never had luck staying warm using neoprene waders.

    Always sweat too much because they don't breathe.

  9. A growing number of GTA parents are conflicted about how to broach the subject of the Toronto Maple Leafs with their children. The Leafs got off to their worst start in 25 years, winning just two of their first 14 games. Now, having only lost one of their last eight games in regular time, the Leafs are giving fans that slither of hope that they will so cruely rip from your grasp later in the season.

    Toronto's long-term exposure to what experts are calling "just real bad hockey" is taking its toll. Children who watch the Leafs regularly experience an overall drop in their happiness levels, with many exhibiting symptoms of nihilism and the "all-the-time-sad". And when parents confront their kids about their poor grades, many are met with, "I'm not failing, I'm just losing the right way," a quote they attribute to coach Mike Babcock.

    A recent report out of Ryerson confirmed that watching the Leafs for an hour a week had detrimental effects on a child’s overall wellbeing. The report explains, “Research has shown that when a child is shown footage of the Toronto Maple Leafs the same areas of the child's brain light up as when we showed them a dramatization of a puppy being sucked up into a propeller engine.”

    Child psychologist Dr. Jack Storey offers these pointers to parents:

    1. Emphasize it’s not their fault

    Kids who turn on a Leafs game without supervision will often become confused when they see the puck fly so relentlessly into the Leafs’ net over and over and over again. They will internalize the negative feelings this conjures. It is important to hug them and calmly explain, “No sweetheart. This isn’t your fault. It’s Burke and Ferguson and Nonis and Shanahan’s fault. And Phaneuf’s a little bit, too.”


    2. Help build your child's self-esteem

    Watching the Leafs on a regular basis can erode your child's self-confidence and even cause depression. Try to encourage them to make healthier decisions with their free time, such as reading, playing outside, or watching the Montreal Canadiens.


    3. Look for “teachable moments”

    When the Leafs falter, take a moment to explain what went wrong and what the Leafs could’ve done to avoid the mistake. Take a moment to get down to their eye level and firmly tell them, “Phaneuf is too slow to have pinched there,” or “Jon Bernier doesn’t know who Nelson Mandela is because he’s a big dumb idiot.”


    4. Monitor their social networking

    Tell them that punctuating their tweets with #LeafsNation or #Phaneuf4Prez is something that has the potential to negatively impact future employment opportunities or their ability to run for public office one day.


    5. Talk to your child about the joys of living without the Leafs

    Emphasize how good she feels when she isn’t choosing Leafs players for her hockey pool. Point out to her how existentially nourished she feels when she’s not looking at the Leafs organizational depth chart. Help her to be responsible for her own well being.


    6. Be specific about the science

    Help your kids understand what is happening in their bodies chemically when they watch the Leafs. Explain to them that their dopamine levels are directly affected by each failed power play breakout, or each time Glenn Healey says, “See, Reimer just has to make that save”.


    7. Walk them through their hockey dysmorphia

    Being constantly inundated by bad hockey can cause hockey dysmorphia. Kids will become completely unhinged and lose their grasp of what hockey is supposed to look like. Be patient with them, but firm when explaining, “No sweetheart, these ducks couldn’t sweep the Leafs in four. They’re just eating the bread we’re feeding them.”


    8. Discourage them from spending too much time in the basement

    Studies have shown that kids who identify as part of “Leafs Nation” are 20 times more likely to be afflicted with a vitamin D deficiency and a fear of direct sunlight. Try to keep them above ground as much as possible.


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