We don't have that Family Day thing here in the NWT.
We do have a different day at a warmer better time of year though.
We have Aboriginal Day on June 21st instead.
Hockey is the greatest sport on the planet!
The last speeding ticket I got in Ontario I just threw away!!
It was on the way home from my vacation there in January.
They can come and get me if they want the $$$.
Ahhhhhhh, the joys of out of province living.
Not when you're working in tight spaces and need to swivel your head to see the trees you don't want to back into.
Yeah not rippin' fer sure.
Was packing down trail and rippin' shreds trail.
Wind was blowin' pretty good though.
A pair of goggles would have been handy.
Recharge after every outing.
This will extend the life of your batteries by a lot.
The quick release MK 52/62, MK 42, MK 32, MKA 16-02 all have the ability to use a lock on them.
Last summer I posted a deal from the guys @ Salt Armour for buffs to keep the sun off yer face.
We the boys @ SA now have some winter ones for us winter guys.
These are fleece lined and are wind proof as well.
Was riding my sled for 3 hours packing down trail @ the cabin and was toasty the whole time.
Seems the morons come out in force in the US midwest.
Today on Lake Geneva Wisconsin.
Seems 20 vehicles went through.
Good thing they parked them all in a 50 sq foot area so recovery is easier.
Unless you are not using it for a week at a time and using large panels you will never get a full charge.
Those little panels are good for keeping a charged battery from draining due to parasitic draw but don't expect to charge TM batteries with them.
1/ Should be good @ 15' with 6 gauge wiring.
2/ Best quick connectors for your application are: http://www.amazon.com/X-Haibei-Battery-Connector-Connect-Disconnect/dp/B00KXKW708/ref=pd_sim_263_6?ie=UTF8&dpID=51ez0bQdzeL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=0JN9Z7JPKENAHZJM48MH
3/ The Minn Kota quick release plates have a spot for a lock and if I remember correctly you can use one of these trailer locks on them.