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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. If Edmonton comes in 29th or 28th and they still win the lottery are they just going to toss the rest of the envelopes up in frustration?


    In all honesty, if Edmonton wins I can see an 'Oilers clause' being put in place where you can't win the #1 pick two years in a row.


    Actually I think that once you win the #1 pick the team should be pulled from the #1 drawing for 5 years.

    Heck if they were just pulled for one year they still have the chance of winning 3 out of 5 years which is really not much off what Edmonton has done with 4 wins in the last 6 years.

  2. I love the 2nd pic! Beautiful dog.



    He's my buddy.


    This pic made it into the Yellowknife SPCA calendar in 2012.

    Pic was taken @ the same spot 2 years earlier than the one you like.

    I think this one is better myself. ;)



  3. Any comments regarding 580P and 580G lens? Costas website suggests the green lens for rivers/in shore fishing, but I've also heard that brown/copper is the more ideal tint to go for fishing in rivers. And most of our bass lakes in Ontario seem to be more on the brown side too.


    And how is the weight difference like? I have a pair of polycarbonate and a pair of glass lens (same manufacturer) and there is a noticeable difference in weight. How do Costas compare?


    Glass all the way.

    I don't buy plastic lens'.

    The optical quality of glass is much, much better.

    My glass Costa's are not heavy at all.

    And they are very stylish too!!! :tease::tease::tease:



  4. I have had tons of different glasses over the years.

    The ones I liked the least were Oakley's. The one's I had were the ones with the skinny arms and the dang things broke almost instantly.

    The lens' were OK but not great.


    My favorite glasses have been Costa's (glass lens') and Ocean Waves (glass Lens').

    I also have a couple of pairs of Smith's (good mid level shades), RayBan's (also good mid level shades) lastly I have a pair of Haber Vison's that are really decent especially the rose ones with the readers in the top of the lens. Great for river fishing and tying on those small flies. With the magnifier in the top you don't get the distortion looking through them when looking where you're wading.



  5. I was a bachelor till a few months shy of 50, had a second bedroom that looked almost identical to that. 15 years later except for both our desktop computers it has been taken over with knitting , crocheting and other crafts. Just saying Dave.


    I'll be 54 this year.

    Never been married and don't plan to start now!!!

    B!0tches be Krazy YO!!! :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

  6. Sadly I don't believe a pfd would have made much difference unless they were wearing appropriate cold weather gear. Wet suit or better, a drysuit but I not everyone will have or can afford either. With the water temps in the spring, they would have succumbed to hypothermia imo unless they didn't panic. Which is what happens when people hit very cold water very suddenly.


    I hope they find them so there's closure for the families.


    You are very correct.

    Back in the early 90's my buddy and I were fishing the St. Kitts spring derby and another boat had issues with their motor in 4-6 footers.

    They took 2 waves over the stern and went down, but they got a mayday call out on the radio.

    There were quite a few boats out and help was there very quickly.

    The guys in the boat were in the water hanging on to their semi submerged boat and told the rescuers they were just about ready to let go due to the cold water. This was after less than 1 minute in the cold spring water.


    They all survived and were all sporting bran new survival suits the next week.

  7. Wormer, you need professional help for your OCD. With all that stuff why do you only use a red and white bobber and worm on a hook?


    Drift I'm not much of a betting man anymore but I'll give you 10 to 1 you are a single guy. If I told my wife that the room was after I straightened it up she would tell me to do it again. She is a 6 foot blond with an Austrian/Russian background, I do as I am told or I shall suffer badly, the pillow alone would get me a week in the "cooler". Ya vole mine Capitan.


    I think it looks just dandy.



  8. Was working on some home brew yesterday and while it was a cookin' decided it was the perfect time to clean and organize the rod and gun room (AKA bunkhouse for transient fishermen) at casa de Drifter. :D

    Took the whole day but it was worth the effort.






    Back to the lake next week. ;)

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