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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Drifter, one of my wife's favorite shows is Ice Road Truckers. A cliffhanger every commercial break, no one ever goes through the ice. So I guess some do. It seems every other TV show on the specialty channels are about Alaska, the Yukon, NWT and all the ice roads where M2B2 lives or any other God forsaken cold place.


    And 2 inches of ice where you are in when June? Is the same 2" of ice that idiotos take their new Audi 8's out onto here. An inch is an inch except when measuring fish or trouser trout. One of my faves up north is where the crazy folks live on house boats on Great Slave or is it Great Bear Lake in the dead of winter. Apparently if they aren't docked laws of the land don't apply. And of course Gold Rush. The one where all the Americuns think the Yukon is part of the USA.


    Yeah, the house boaters are in Yellowknife Bay.

    I actually know Pike Mike quite well as we guided together up on Great Bear for quite a few years. :D

  2. Did they also try to sell you their costal beach house in Saskatchewan when they sold you loss through ice insurance?

    (Seriously, is the ice ever less then 4 feet thick up there?)


    You could ask this guy who went through last Saturday.






    Then there's this fella from early March up on Great Bear Lake.

    My landlord flew to Deline today to work on recovery of this truck.





  3. Thx folks for all your comments. I have not digested all the advice you have offered but I will look into mirrorless cameras. I'd never heard of them before.


    I tend to take scenery and landscape shots with some wildlife-----hence the zoom. 2 limitations of my current camera: filters will not fit and there is no long exposure setting (used to be called 'bulb' on the old SLRs)---useful for night shots, fireworks etc.


    I'm looking forward to the time I can stay out @ the cabin in the winter and spring so I can get shots like this devoid of light pollution. ;)





  4. I'm a Canon fan myself.

    A few years ago I picked up one of their entry level camera kits and have been happy with it.

    Takes great pics and didn't break the bank. I got the T3 kit with 2 lens'.

    I have since added a few other lens' to my kit.

    At some point I will upgrade to a better body but am happy for now.


    Here are a few images taken with the kit lens'.
















    That I didn't know! I assume because the stem on the helm pump is different?


    It depends on what you had for a steering system to begin with.

    Most boats tend to use the same types of helms (Tapered 3/4" with key).

    If your old system used this then the wheel should fit.

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