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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I've paddled those rivers. The easiest way to die is get caught in a sweeper, a fallen tree.


    Sad story.


    Yup, better know where you're going especially on some rivers.

    This was a back channel off the Upper Kenai River in Alaska.

    A group of 5 borrowed a 16' pontoon to float the river and went down a back channel that is known to be almost impassable.

    The raft actually stopped upright when it hit the sweeper. It wasn't until one of them got off onto the log when things went bad in a hurry. All went into the water and 2 older gentlemen (over 80) nearly drowned.


    My buddy and I rescued the raft so that the owner could retrieve it. ;)









  2. Like Dave, we always just called them Bombardiers, pronounced "Bom ba deers"


    Yup, still quite a few around here.

    Used to go out to the hunts in Simcoe back in the day in them.

    My landlord has one in the lot beside my place.

    One of these days he says he's going to restore it.

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