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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Also, you guys see westjet was helping fly people outta fort mac and air canada flight went from $600 to $4300 over night to get outta fort mac???



    Yep, Westjet was flying people out for free and flew out all of the patients from the hospital too.

    Have hated AC for a long time and I refuse to fly with them.

    I'll walk before getting on one of their planes!!! :angry:

  2. I think my last one was a cheaper one. But I'm thinking custom is the way to go, it just depends on how much it actually costs. Do any of you know of somewhere reputable I could go to price one out? I'm in Burlington now but gta is fine.


    There is a good shop @ PT. Credit Marina, or at least there used to be.

    Haven't been there for a long time.

  3. My boat stays in a portable garage so the only thing I use a cover for @ this point is to keep dust and dirt out of it when it's not being used.

    Have been using a cheap ebay purchase for close to 10 years, but it never gets exposed to the elements.

    I don't trailer with it because it wouldn't last a season.

    If I needed one for trailering and or it's exposed to the elements 24/7 I would purchase a custom for it.

  4. Dave that is one of the downfalls of Yellowknife, as we have saw many had run out of gas thankfully out of imeadiate harms way, but the had at least areas of 2 lane traffic in many areas plus shoulders to pull onto.


    People would run out of gas leaving our town as well except we have no shoulders on most of our one lane north one lane south highway, the hundreds of vehicles that would run out of fuel would making getting south out of town impossible, hopefully our leaders will start thinking seriously about what needs to be done up here and learn from those down south


    Thoughts and prayers still going out to those down south


    We don't have nearly the problem here as there are a lot less trees and they are smaller.

    Lots of rock too. Out side of town is another story as it's much more forested.

    We would fare a lot better than places like Fort Smith where I used to live on the South side of the lake.

    They have many large trees and right up to and in town. It would never survive. No hope.

    Plus they would have to drive hundreds of KMS on the forest choked dirt road just to reach Hay River.

    There is no other route out of town.


    At least we could run North if needed.

  5. This fire has been burning outside of town for some time from what I have been reading. With the wind and heat it flared up and turned in a hurry. I can't help but wonder what would have happened if this occurred in a community with a lot of seniors and people that didn't own cars....


    The fires started on Sunday.

  6. I heard Ontario is sending out 100 Firefighters over there to help out. Hope everyone gets out safely and can contain the fire. The fire chief said that the worst part isn't even over yet. I hope that's not true.


    Yup, a cold front is supposed to roll through this afternoon and the wind will switch to the Northwest and will be gusting to 50K plus it will be 30+C again today.

  7. It's a terrible situation! I did work out there for 3 years. A few of the problems the residents are facing is highway 63 is the only route in or out of the city. North of the city there is absolute desolation with the exception of the oil plants & the camps that house the workers. Going south out of Fort McMurray it's a 5 hour drive to Edmonton! If the local gas stations run out of gas how are the residents going to evacuate? Evacuees are running out of gas as they attempt to drive south to Edmonton. Those residents that choose to head north to the work camps may find them filled to capacity, possibly running out of food & water. How will these camps get much needed supplies in? I just saw on the news that Beacon Hill (a subdivision of Ft. Mac) has lost 80% of their homes! Very sad. Workers are attempting to get to the airport at the south end of the city, but, being turned back due to the fires. The fire chief of the city stated there are 80 firefighters attempting to bring the wild fires under control. That sounds like a rather low number to me. I don't understand why other firefighters & equipment are not deployed to the area considering the size of these fires & the devastation they could cause. My former supervisor was able to fly home yesterday morning. Another co worker evacuated to a company shop north of the city. Unfortunately there are no stores in that area to get supplies. My thoughts & prayers to the residents/workers of Fort McMUrray.


    Heard on the news this morning that there are tanker trucks of fuel and diesel going up the highway to supply the stranded vehicles.

    The camps are full, Lac La Biche has plenty of space.

    Whitecourt and other towns have offered up free hotel rooms to all the refugees.

    I don't know if our water bombers have been dispatched to fight the fires or not.

  8. This reminds me of the 1979 CN train derailment in Mississauga.

    Tens of thousands were evacuated then.

    We were just West of the dividing line living in Erin Mills @ the time.

    I was working in the shop in the basement and felt the two largest explosions which happened at Mavis Rd.


    Still have a chunk of the train I got from my buddies back yard after the clean up.

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